
  • 网络Hash Algorithm;hashing algorithm
  1. 基于哈希算法的Web入侵检测系统

    Web Intrusion Detection Systems Based on Hash Algorithm

  2. 采用哈希算法改进IP地址查找的研究

    A hash technique to improve IP address lookup

  3. 面向IP流测量的哈希算法研究

    A Hash Algorithm for IP Flow Measurement

  4. 构造一个8-8-8-8路由表的数据结构,并采用哈希算法来改进IP地址查找。

    Built a 8-8-8-8 routing table data structure and improve the IP lookup with hash technique .

  5. 结合权重分析、字符串最小汉明距离、基于感知哈希算法的图片相似度判断等技术,设计并实现了基于web系统的反网络钓鱼系统。

    The paper design and implement an web-based anti-phishing system on the basis of weight value 、 minimum hamming distance in string 、 image similarity judgment based on hash algorithm .

  6. 如果不匹配,原因可能是,您增加了cost参数,或者一个新的PHP版本在幕后更改为一种不同的哈希算法。

    The reason might be that you 've increased the cost parameter , or that a new PHP release changes behind the scenes to a different hash algorithm .

  7. MD5算法是事实上的标准摘要哈希算法。

    The MD5 algorithm is the de facto hashing standard for digests .

  8. 提出了一种基于提升小波变换和反向(BP)神经网络的图像哈希算法。

    Additionally , the chaos system obviously enhances the security . ( 2 ) An image Hashing algorithm based on lifting wavelet transform and BP neural network is presented .

  9. 源代码编译到程序集中,且放置在bin目录中,其名称派生于哈希算法。

    Source code is compiled into assemblies and placed in the bin directory , with names that are derived from a hashing algorithm .

  10. 分片Bloomfilter哈希算法采用了由多个位向量构成的哈希表,增加了哈希函数的个数但对位向量的填充率没有影响,所以减少了查询的假通过率。

    Division Bloom Filter increases the number of the hash functions with no impact on the fill rate of the bit vectors , and thus it can reduce the false positive rate .

  11. Bloomfilter哈希算法采用位向量来存储数据集合,能有效支持元素的哈希查找,是一种能够简洁地表示数据集合并支持集合查询的索引结构,广泛应用于数据库、网络和分布式系统中。

    Bloom Filter is an excellent data structure , which can succinctly represent a data set in order to support membership queries . It is widely used in databases , networks and distributed system .

  12. 对哈希算法SHA-1的分析和改进

    Analysis and Improvement to Algorithm of SHA-1

  13. 虚拟文件管理采用LRU算法淘汰文件句柄、哈希算法查找文件。

    Virtual file manager uses LRU algorithm to evict file handles and hash algorithm to find files .

  14. 然后分析IP报文的4个字段:源IP、宿IP、源端口和宿端口的特性,由此提出相关的哈希算法;

    Thirdly , this paper analyzes the four fields of IP packet , such as source IP , destination IP , source port , and destination port , and a hash algorithm named XOR_SHIFT is provided based on the analysis .

  15. 例如有这样一个假设:哈希算法与字典的实现算法是一样的,因为我们使用Java的哈希表(ConcurrentHashMap),所以这个假设是不成立的。

    An example of such an assumption that the hash algorithm is the same for dictionary implementations ; because we use Java 's ( ConcurrentHashMap ), this is not the case .

  16. 针对BGP-4的AS路径和NEXTHOP两个基本路由属性的特点逐步提出了一系列哈希算法,并采用真实的网络数据对其效果进行了检验。

    This paper starts from the features of BGP-4s ' two basic attributes , AS_PATH and NEXT_HOP . Next , the paper submits a series of hash algorithms step by step and evaluates them with actual data .

  17. 在密钥生成方面,本文提出的方法综合使用了C++标准库中的随机数生成算法、混沌理论中的一维Logistic映射和MD5哈希算法,最终得到一个相关性较低的密钥群。

    Our scheme makes use of the random number generation algorithms in C + + standard library , one-dimensional logistic mapping in chaos theory and MD5 hash algorithm to generate a group of keys with low correlation coefficient .

  18. Mhash是一个免费的(在GNULGPL授权)库,它提供了一个统一的接口了大量的哈希算法。

    Mhash is a free ( under GNU Lesser GPL ) library which provides a uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms .

  19. 尽管那只是测试过程中的一个极端情况,实际上Django并不关心哈希算法,我们仍然计划通过执行所有的测试来证明没有问题(按需修复问题)。

    However , that 's an artifact of the testing process , Django doesn 't really care about that . Still , we plan to certify this by passing all the tests ( fixed as necessary ) .

  20. 根据CGA协议中CGA生成算法生成的IPv6地址可以很好的解决IPv6网络环境中的地址伪造问题,但是CGA生成算法在对哈希算法、签名算法、地址认证方式等支持上还存在一些局限性。

    In CGA protocol , using CGA generation algorithm generates the IPv6 address which can solve address spoofing problem , but there still exist some limitations in the CGA generation algorithm of the hash algorithm , signature algorithm , address support authentication methods .

  21. 填充字节以“00”结束,后面跟的是“3021300906052B0E03021A05000414”,PKCS1v2.就是这样来指定SHA-1哈希算法。

    The padding is terminated by a " 00 " byte . It 's followed by " 3021300906052B0E03021A05000414 " which is the PKCS # 1 v2.1 way of specifying the SHA-1 hash algorithm .

  22. 通过与精度最好的顺序扫描法和经典的一些LSH算法进行比较,验证本文提出的两种哈希算法在时间、空间、查全率、维度适应性、性能稳定性等方面均具有良好的性能。

    By comparing sequential scan which has the highest accuracy and two classic LSH algorithms , both algorithms presented in this paper have achieved better performances in time , space , recall , dimensions adaptability and stability .

  23. M+树:一种新型、高效的动态哈希算法

    M + Tree : A Novel and Effective Dynamic Hash Algorithm

  24. 基于关联规则的二维哈希算法的改进

    Improvement of two dimension Hash algorithm based on association rules

  25. 异或哈希算法查找中文词组性能评价

    Performance Evalution of Exclusive-OR Hashing Algorithms for search Chinese Words

  26. 证书的完整性是使用哈希算法校验的。

    The integrity of the certificate is checked using the hash algorithm .

  27. 系统存储扩展方面,提出了使用一致性哈希算法和冗余方式改进存储扩展。

    Consistent hash algorithm and redundancy policy are presented in system storage expansion .

  28. 数据签名和哈希算法是用于提供数据完整性的机制。

    Digital signatures and hash algorithms are mechanisms used to provide data integrity .

  29. 提出一种基于学习的自适应哈希算法以及对该算法的改进。

    The paper presents an enumeration-based adaptive hash algorithm and its improved edition .

  30. 所以,使用在计算上更复杂的哈希算法很重要。

    So , it 's important to use more computationally complex hashing algorithms .