
  • 网络Harvard;harvard business school;hbs;MBA;HBR
  1. 哈佛商学院教授莱斯利·佩洛解释说,当人们感受到总是需要“在线”的压力时,就会找到办法来适应这种压力,例如,改变日程表、工作习惯和减少与家人和朋友的互动。

    Harvard Business School professor Leslie Perlow explains that when people feel the pressure to be always " on , " they find ways to accommodate that pressure , including altering their schedules , work habits and interactions with family and friends .

  2. 哈佛商学院的教授丽贝卡·亨德森说,柯达公司并非无视未来,而是它没有实施策略来应对未来。

    It wasn 't that Kodak was blind to the future , said Rebecca Henderson , a professor at Harvard Business School , but rather that it failed to execute on a strategy to confront it .

  3. 该书的另两位合著者为杨百翰大学的教授杰夫·代尔和哈佛商学院的教授克莱顿·克里斯坦森,后者1997年出版的书《创新者的困境》普及了“颠覆性创新″的概念。

    His two collaborators and co -- authors are Jeff Dyer , a professor at Brigham Young University , and Clayton Christensen , a professor at the Harvard Business School , whose 1997 book The Innovators Dilemma popularized the concept of innovation . "

  4. 尼廷·诺里亚:哈佛商学院院长

    Nitin Nohria : Harvard B-School Dean3

  5. 哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)已经增设有关金融危机的新课程。

    Harvard Business School has added new courses about the financial crisis .

  6. 哥伦比亚商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)与哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)则推出了社交媒体营销课程。

    Columbia Business School and Harvard Business School offer social media marketing courses .

  7. 风险投资人对于曾就读哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)的未来企业家有偏见。

    Venture capitalists are biased against would-be entrepreneurs who went to Harvard Business School .

  8. 你是否曾经思考过,成功申请哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)需要满足哪些条件?

    Have you thought about what it takes to get into Harvard Business School these days ?

  9. 达顿是仅次于哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)的全球第二大案例研究开发学院。

    Darden is the second-largest producer of case studies in the world after Harvard Business School .

  10. 哈佛商学院课程表中新添入的这门实践课名称是“领导力培养的实地浸入体验”。简称FIELD。

    The new practical addition to HBS 's curriculum is known as " FIELD " that stands for Field Immersion Experiences for Leadership Development .

  11. 哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)的电子学习平台HBX就是一例。

    An example is Harvard Business School 's digital learning platform HBX .

  12. 领头的是哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool),而该院总是引领着商学院发展的方向。

    At the front of the pack is Harvard Business School and where Harvard leads , others inevitably follow .

  13. 连行业翘楚哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool),如今也在中国和印度开设了项目。

    Even Harvard Business School , the doyen of the industry , now teaches programmes in China and India .

  14. 而哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)的类似课程则将这种通过小组学习实现自我认知的理念推向了新的层次。

    And a class at Harvard Business School takes this idea of self-knowledge through group learning a step further .

  15. 然而,就在上周,哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)和斯坦福大学商学院(StanfordGraduateSchoolofBusiness)双双拒绝了他的入学申请。

    Yet he was rejected last week by both Harvard Business School and Stanford Graduate School of business .

  16. 哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)副教授诺阿姆•瓦瑟曼认为,公司创始人可分为两类。

    Company founders fall into two categories , according to Noam Wasserman , an associate professor at Harvard Business School .

  17. 哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)的一位教授称顾客95%的消费行为都是受潜意识驱使。

    One professor from Harvard Business School says 95 % of a buyer 's purchasing decision comes from the subconscious .

  18. 哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)的官员们表示,要求约谈职业咨询专家的学生人数显著增加。

    Officials at Harvard Business school report a marked increase in the number of students requesting appointments with career coaches .

  19. 哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)的诺姆•沃瑟曼花了十年时间,研究创始人对一家公司的影响。

    Harvard Business School professor Noam Wasserman has spent the past decade studying the impact a founder has on a company .

  20. 4年后的今天,她参加的哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)为期2年的MBA项目已经念完了一半。

    Today , four years later , she is halfway through her two-year MBA programme at Harvard Business School .

  21. 在整个金融危机期间,哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)进入咨询业的MBA学员比例稳定在四分之一。

    Throughout the financial crisis , Harvard Business School has placed a steady quarter of its MBAs in consulting .

  22. 哈佛商学院实际新增课程称为“FIELD”(FieldImmersionExperiencesforLeadershipDevelopment)(实地浸入式体验的领导力开发)。

    The new practical addition to HBS 's curriculum is known as " FIELD " ( Field Immersion Experiences for Leadership Development ) .

  23. 最稳定的一家仍然是连续第四年拔得头筹的哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)。

    The steadiest institution is still Harvard Business School , which took the top spot for the fourth year in a row .

  24. 雷诺毕生热情地投身于教育,上世纪70年代便开始将哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)引入发展中经济体。

    A passionate life-long educator , Prof Nueno has been introducing the Harvard Business School model to developing economies since the 1970s .

  25. 2011年,曾在麦肯锡(McKinsey)担任分析师的奥文斯刚刚从哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)毕业,就被彼得招至麾下。

    Peter recruited the former McKinsey analyst in 2011 , just after he graduated from Harvard Business School .

  26. 2004年,哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)将古德奈特评为20世纪美国最伟大的商业领袖之一。

    In 2004 , Harvard Business School named Mr Goodnight one of the " great American business leaders of the 20th century " .

  27. 哈佛商学院会计学和管理学首席教授V•G•纳拉亚南将讲授财务会计课。

    V.G. Narayanan , who chairs the accounting and management faculty unit at HBS , is teaching financial accounting .

  28. 平衡计分卡是由哈佛商学院教授罗伯特·S·卡普兰和复兴全球战略集团总裁大卫·P·诺顿于1992年提出的。

    BSC was invented in 1992 by Prof. Robert · S · Kaplan of Harvard Business School and Mr. David Norton , CEO of Renaissance Solutions .

  29. 去年,哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)的迈克尔??波特(MichaelPorter)在对本校校友进行了大规模的问卷调查后发布了一份报告。

    Last year Michael Porter of Harvard Business School published a report based on a large-scale survey of HBS alumni .

  30. 我有一个哈佛商学院和伦敦经济学院的MBA学位……

    I have an MBA from Harvard Business School and London School of Economics ...