
  • 网络Harvard School
  1. 推测变量法是哈佛学派SCP范式的理论基础。

    Conjectural variation is the theory base of Harvard school 's SCP paradigm .

  2. 根据哈佛学派SCP范式,市场结构决定市场行为,继而决定市场绩效。

    According to the SCP paradigm of the harvard school , market structure decides market behavior , and then the latter decides market performance .

  3. 因此,对于建立在哈佛学派SCP模型基础上的传统反垄断法必须进行创新。

    So , must carry on innovation to the traditional antimonopoly law based oa school SCP model of Harvard .

  4. 本文以产业组织理论哈佛学派的SCP(结构,行为,绩效)为研究范式,对我国轿车工业的产业组织状况进行分析。

    We analyze the industrial organization of China 's car industry by means of SCP ( structure , conduct , performance ) model .

  5. 自哈佛学派的SCP理论体系形成以来,产业组织理论即进入了以正统理论为主干或参照系的多元化发展阶段。

    Since the establishment of Harvard School 's S-C-P paradigm , the theories of industrial organization have reached the diverse and developing stages under the " Harvard Traditional Theory " .

  6. 总之,本文依据哈佛学派传统的SCP范式分析脉络,吸取模块化理论并以其为工具,对欧洲航天产业的市场结构、企业行为以及市场绩效进行分析。

    This paper makes a detailed analysis of industry market structure , enterprise behavior and market performance of the European aerospace with the modular theory according to the traditional paradigm SCP of the Harvard School .

  7. 在理论依据方面,先介绍了不同学派对市场结构与绩效的关系观点,其中重点介绍了哈佛学派的SCP观点。

    In the theoretical basis part , it first introduces the different schools of thought on the relationship between market structure and performance point of view , which highlights the Harvard School of SCP view .

  8. 鉴于哈佛学派创立的SCP(Structure-Conduct-Performance)范式在分析产业组织问题上所取得的成功,本文尝试将其应用于中国保险产业组织的分析,借以探究我国保险业产业组织的演化规律。

    Considering the great success of application of SCP created by Harvard school in analyzing industry organization issues , the auther tries to apply it to Chinese insurance organization .

  9. 此后,芝加哥学派等很多学派向哈佛学派高集中度&高利润率观点发出挑战,但都没有动摇SCP理论的基础地位。

    Hereafter , the Chicago school and many other schools send out the challenge to the viewpoint of the Harvard school that high concentration leads to high profits , but all that has not vacillated the foundation status of the SCP theory .

  10. 本文运用哈佛学派的SCP范式对重庆摩托车产业进行全面分析,详细探讨重庆市摩托车产业的产业特点,并给出相应的对策与建议,以进一步促进重庆摩托车产业更快更好地发展。

    This paper utilizes the SCP model , the thought of Harvard school , to analyze the motorcycle industry in Chongqing comprehensively . It also discusses its industrial characteristics in detail and puts forward the corresponding suggestions to further promote its development as well .

  11. 产业组织理论的哈佛学派

    Harvard school of the property structure theory

  12. 哈佛学派、芝加哥学派、新奥地利学派等现代竞争理论则是在动态环境下研究竞争。

    Harvard school , Chicago school , Neo-Austrian school , etc. employed dynamic methods to study competition .

  13. 哈佛学派和芝加哥学派有关商标权保护正当性的理论各有得失。

    The theories of Harvard School and Chicago School concerning the justification of trademark protection both have their merits .

  14. 哈佛学派和芝加哥学派从不同的角度对其利弊进行了经济学分析。

    The Harvard school and the Chicago school give economic analysis to its advantages and disadvantages from different points .

  15. 第二章,介绍了规模经济问题的理论观点。综述了马克思的有关理论观点,介绍了哈佛学派、芝加哥学派、新奥地利学派有关钢铁产业规模经济的观点。

    The second chapter introduces theoretic views of steel industry scale economy including Marxism 、 Harvard School 、 Chicago School and Neo-Austrian school .

  16. 就前者而言,哈佛学派认为,由于存在进入壁垒,支配地位企业完全有可能通过掠夺性定价行为实现垄断,因而必须对掠夺性定价行为进行规制;

    As the former , Harvard-School holds that predatory should be prohibited because dominant firm is able to monopoly because or entry barriers .

  17. 本章对哈佛学派与芝加哥学派观点的异同进行了比较,并分析了经济学在反垄断法的案情分析与实施中的作用。

    In this article , the differences between views of Harvard school and Chicago school are compared and the role of economics in case analysis of antitrust law is discussed .

  18. 介绍了产业组织的发展历程,分别对哈佛学派、芝加哥学派的产业组织理论进行了回顾并作出了较为细致的区分。

    This chapter describes the development process of industrial organization , respectively , of the Harvard School , Chicago School of industrial organization theory is reviewed and makes a more detailed distinction .

  19. 哈佛学派通过实证研究得出的这一结论对产业组织理论的发展具有重大的意义,成为产业组织理论的主流。

    This conclusion that the Harvard school obtains through the real diagnosis research has the significant sense to the development of the industrial organization theory , and it becomes the mainstream of the industrial organization theory .

  20. 反垄断政策的经济理论经过哈佛学派到芝加哥学派再到新产业组织理论的发展历程,每一次发展变化无不与社会经济、科学技术的发展息息相关。

    Anti-monopoly policy economic theory after Harvard school to the Chicago school to new industrial organization theory development course , every development and change of social and economic , all of the development of science and technology is closely linked .

  21. 笔者从企业合并的概念和类型入手,分析企业合并的利与弊,对哈佛学派结构主义理论与芝加哥学派行为主义理论进行了介绍和评价,选择行为主义理论指导我国反垄断立法。

    The text begins with the concept and type of the merger between undertakings , and analyses the benefit and harm of the merger , then evaluates structuralism and behaviorism , at last chooses behaviorism as our country 's antimonopoly legislation 's theory .

  22. 哈佛学派在美国反垄断法制定初期影响较大,认为结构是衡量并购的重要标准,后来的芝加哥学派的研究对美国反垄断法也产生了很重要的影响,使美国的法律对于合并的控制放宽。

    Harvard School influenced the structure of antitrust laws in the United States in early development which is an important standard to measure , Later Chicago school also had a significant impact on antitrust laws of the United States , to relax controls for the merger .

  23. 费正清领导下的哈佛学派的明清史研究经历了几代学者,实现了从以西方视角出发的冲击反应模式和传统近代模式向中国中心观的转变。

    American scholar emphasize research paradigms , under the leadership of John King Fairbank of Harvard , the research experience generations to achieve a conversion from paradigm which the perspective of the western " Impact and Response " and " Tradition and the modern " to " China-Centered Approach " .