
  • 网络phishing email
  1. 尽管互联网安全隐患重重,比如最近发生的多起网络钓鱼邮件和垃圾邮件,但76%的受访者都认为,只要自己心里有数,网络还是安全的。

    Despite high-profile examples of internet security breaches , such as the recent incident of phishing email scams , 76 % of the survey group thought the internet was a safe place " as long as you know what you 're doing . "

  2. 尽管互联网安全隐患重重,比如最近发生的多起网络钓鱼邮件和垃圾邮件。

    Despite high-profile examples of internet security breaches , such as the recent incident of phishing email scams .

  3. 而固定不变的模型,无法应对所有的钓鱼邮件检测,很有可能在检测新邮件时出现分类错误的情况。

    However , the fixed models can not meet the needs of multiple emails . They could possibly return errors while new mails came out .

  4. 本文的主要工作和意义在于:1.针对钓鱼邮件的发展趋势,提出几种新的特征用于检测。

    In this paper , the main work is : 1 . According to the development trends of phishing emails , several new features are proposed for detection .

  5. 由于钓鱼邮件检测技术的范围有限且黑白名单检测技术又具有时间滞后性,利用启发式特征进行检测成为研究的重点,其中如何提高准确率成为研究的难点。

    Due to the phishing e-mail detection technology is limited in scope and black-and-white lists technology has time lag , researchers gradually focus on heuristic detection to increase the accuracy .

  6. 实验证明,新的特征能有效地提高钓鱼邮件的检测精度。2.采用在线学习的策略,对分类器模型进行必要更新。

    And the experiment results show that it has better performance with the new features . 2 . Taking the online-learning strategy , the classification model will update when errors come out .

  7. 该公司承认,它的客户成为了黑客钓鱼邮件(通过诱使用户点击貌似正当的邮件来窃取信息)的目标。

    The company acknowledged that its clients had been targeted by hackers using phishing emails that encourage a user to click on what appears to be a legitimate message in an attempt to steal information .

  8. 网络钓鱼攻击者一直在发展其攻击策略,改变钓鱼邮件的特征,从而使邮件能绕过邮件过滤器的检测。

    The attackers are developing the strategies , so that the mails can pass the mail filters .

  9. 反钓鱼攻击防御方法可分为三大类:对钓鱼邮件进行过滤、对网站域名进行过滤及利用启发式特征检测网页。

    There are many angles to prevent phishing attack which can be divided into three categories : filtering phishing e-mail , filtering domain and using heuristic feature to detect visited pages .