
diào gōu
  • fishhook;hook
钓钩 [diào gōu]
  • [hook;fishhook] 钓鱼钩,比喻引诱人的圈套

钓钩[diào gōu]
  1. 他感觉到有条鱼在扯钓钩。

    He felt a fish pull at his hook .

  2. 把一粒葡萄干装在钓钩上做诱饵。

    Bait the hook with a raisin .

  3. 我们把那盆植物吊在天花板的钓钩上吧。

    Let 's hang that plant from a hook in the ceiling .

  4. 装饵于钓钩上[陷阱中]

    Put bait on a hook [ in a trap ]

  5. 金枪鱼延绳钓不同位置钓钩渔获效率的研究

    Study on the Catching Efficiency of Hooks of Tuna Long-Line Fishing Gear

  6. 她知道如何把饵装在钓钩上来为女儿们吸引丈夫。

    She knows how to bait the hook to attract husbands for her daughters .

  7. 依鱼的种类不同使用各种各样的钓钩。

    A variety of hooks are used , each for a different kind of fish .

  8. 但是,您还得为我的钓钩上好鱼饵。

    But , you 'll still have to put the worm on my hook for me .

  9. 姜子牙的钓钩是直的,而且没有鱼饵,并且置于水面上三尺处。

    He hung a straight hook , with on bait , three feet above the water .

  10. 一种钓钩上带诱饵的放在水中夜晚捕鱼的钓鱼线。

    A fishing line with baited hooks left in the water to catch fish over night .

  11. 利用微型温深仪(DSTmilli)技术对延绳钓钓钩在水中的实际深度进行测定,了解主要鲨鱼的实际栖息深度。

    The depth of hook position was measured with DST Milli and shark habitat depth was determined .

  12. 我将丢掉两百英寻出色的卡塔卢尼亚钓索,还有钓钩和导线。

    I will have lost two hundred fathoms of good Catalan cardel and the hooks and leaders .

  13. 每条沙丁鱼都用钓钩穿过双眼,这样鱼的身子在突出的钢钩上构成了半个环形。

    Each sardine was hooked through both eyes so that they made a half-garland on the projecting steel .

  14. 改良型手钓钩可以降低原脱钩率42%。

    Improved handed jigger has been proved to be able to reduce the hooked-off rate by 42 % .

  15. 钓丝上系着一段铁丝导线和一只中号钓钩,他拿一条沙丁鱼挂在上面。

    It had a wire leader and a medium-sized hook and he baited it with one of the sardines .

  16. 每猛拉一次,会把钓钩划出的口子弄得更宽些,等它当真跳跃起来,它也许会把钓钩甩掉。

    Each jerk widens the cut the hook makes and then when he does jump he might throw it .

  17. 一种逮鱼的运动用一个杆子和绳子和一个带诱饵的钓钩(或其它的引诱)。

    The sport of catching fish with a rod and line and a baited hook ( or other lure ) .

  18. 人家给我们的钓竿上装有三个分叉的钓钩,有一回,我一次就钓上来三尾鱼。

    We were given rods with three separate hooks , and once I caught three fish at the same time .

  19. 比如,在瑞典,那里的乌鸦会趁渔人往冰隙里放钓钩的时候守在一边。

    For example , in Sweden , crows will wait for fishermen to drop lines through holes in the ice .

  20. 吃了吧,这样可以让钓钩的尖端扎进你的心脏,把你弄死,他想。

    Eat it so that the point of the hook goes into your heart and kills you , he thought .

  21. 惊讶的经理问道:“你把所有这些东西卖给了一个来买钓钩的人?”

    The amazed manager asked , " You sold all that to a guy who came in for a fishhook ? "

  22. 不管一条大鱼接触到钓钩的哪一部分,都是喷香而美味的。

    There was no part of the hook that a great fish could feel which was not sweet smelling and good tasting .

  23. 当渔人走了,它们就飞过去拉起钓钩,吃掉钩上的鱼或钓饵。

    And when the fishermen move off , the crows fly down , reel up the lines , and eat the fish or the bait .

  24. 这鱼依旧很厉害。我看见过钓钩挂在它的嘴角,它把嘴闭得紧紧的。

    He is much fish still and I saw that the hook was in the corner of his mouth and he has kept his mouth tight shut .

  25. 他感到微弱而轻巧地一拉,跟着较猛烈地一拉,这时准是有条沙丁鱼的头很难从钓钩上扯下来。

    He felt the light delicate pulling and then a harder pull when a sardine 's head must have been more difficult to break from the hook .

  26. 吃了吧,这样可以让钓钩的尖端扎进你的心脏,把你弄死,他想。轻松愉快地浮上来吧,让我把鱼叉刺进你的身子。

    Eat it so that the point of the hook goes into your heart and kills you , he thought , come up easy and let me put the harpoon into you .

  27. 在一百英寻的深处有条大马林鱼正在吃包住钓钩尖端和钩身的沙丁鱼,这个手工制的钓钩是从一条小金枪鱼的头部穿出来的。

    One hundred fathoms down a marlin was eating the sardines that covered the point and the shank of the hook where the hand-forged hook projected from the head of the small tuna .

  28. 成功的初创公司员工花很少的时间去钓大鱼,而花更多时间去准备钓钩去钓到更多的小鱼。

    Great start-up employees spend a little time trying to land that big fish and a lot of time casting their lines where they have a reasonable chance of landing lots of smaller fish .

  29. 展会里还有很多的展位,充满了各种新品,如钓线,钓钩,服装,操网,定制竿,杂志等等,但是我无法一一报导。

    There are a lot more booths with new products , like line , hooks , wears , nets , custom built rods , magazines and etc , but I have to wrap this report .

  30. 本文通过对2000年海上生产调查试验的总结分析,初步研究了西南大西洋鱿钓作业中有关钓钩和钓线使用的生产技术问题。

    Based on the analysis on the surveys and experiment on squid jigging operation in the Southwest Atlantic waters in 2000 , preliminary studies on the use of hooks and lines in jigging are reported in the paper .