
  • 网络Mutual information;MI Mutual Information
  1. 基于粗配准和互信息的脑部MR图像配准算法

    An Algorithm for Brain MR Image Registration Based on Rough Registration and Mutual Information

  2. 这个方法用到了互信息和LogLikelihoodRatio两个参数的改进形式。

    It uses two improved parameters : mutual information and log likelihood ratio .

  3. 基于互信息的Web文档聚类方法

    Method of Web Document Clustering Based on Mutual Information

  4. 基于最大互信息量熵差分割的CT金属伪影消除

    Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Based on Maximized the Difference of Mutual Information Segmentation

  5. 提出了一种新的基于互信息(mutualinformation,MI)的多步骤优化的配准方法。

    This paper proposes an optimized multi-stage registration approach based on mutual information ( MI ) .

  6. 本文描述了一种基于互信息的人脑MRPET图像配准方法。

    In this paper is described an automated mutual information based method for human brain MR PET image registration .

  7. 结构VAR模型辨识的条件互信息图模型

    Identification of Structure VAR Models Using Conditional Mutual Information Graphs

  8. 本文研究了基于最大互信息和图象梯度组合的人脑CT与MRI多模医学图象配准算法。

    This paper aims to research registration of CT and MRI images of caput based on gradient and normalized maximization mutual information method .

  9. 基于互信息理论的Anytime分类算法的研究

    Research of anytime classification algorithm based on mutual information

  10. 基于二阶互信息特征选取的TE过程故障诊断

    Fault diagnosis in TE process based on feature selection via second order mutual information

  11. 为了实现多模态医学图像的配准融合,提出一种加快寻优的医学图像互信息配准算法实现CT和MR图像的配准。

    A new medical image mutual information registration method , which can speedup the optimized process is proposed for CT and MR medical image auto rigid Registration .

  12. 实时的改进互信息匹配及其GPU实现

    Improved real-time mutual information matching and its implemented on GPU

  13. 互信息根据特征与类的相关性,通过前向贪心搜索机制为子分类器选取相应的特征子集,属于Filter类的特征子集划分算法,该算法具有时间复杂度小的优点。

    Mutual information selects the salient feature subset according to the relevance between feature and class by a forward greedy search strategy , which belongs to filter method .

  14. Powell和SA混合优化的互信息图像配准

    Medical Image Registration of Mutual Information based on Powell and SA Hybrid Algorithm

  15. 配准过程中使用归一化互信息度量法作为相似性准则,插值算法采用三次B样条插值。

    During the registration , the normalized mutual information is used as an image similarity measure in the registration and B-spline interpolation is used to compute the spatial derivative of images .

  16. 将二次互信息(mutualinformation)用作模式分类问题中特征选择的准则,分析了该准则在再生核希尔伯特空间中的几何意义。

    Quadratic mutual information was used as the criterion for feature variable selection in pattern recognition problems , and the geometric meaning of QMI criterion in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space was analyzed .

  17. 本文基于互信息极小提出了ICA的梯度算法。

    In this paper , a simple gradient algorithm of ICA is developed using minimum mutual information .

  18. 在3D多模医学图像的配准方法中,最大互信息法精度高、鲁棒性强、使用范围广。

    Maximization of mutual information is a powerful criterion for 3D medical image registration , allowing robust and fully accurate automated rigid registration of multi-modal images in a various applications .

  19. 基于Shannon熵互信息的冠心病证候相关理化指标文献研究

    Literature research of coronary heart disease syndromes associated physical and chemical indexes based on Shannon entropy mutual information

  20. 对文档向量化中常用的TF-IDF公式,互信息量公式以及信息增益公式进行了分析。

    The most common used formulas : TF-IDF , MI , and IG were analyzed .

  21. 在CMOS成像模型的基础上加入空间光调制器LCoS的影响,建立了基于互信息量的离散成像系统数学模型。

    Introducing the influence of LCoS as a spatial light modulator to CMOS imaging model , mathematical model of the discrete system based on mutual information is established .

  22. 依据互信息理论提出的互信息匹配识别模型MIM(MutualInformationMatching),能够有效地综合处理语音信号的统计分布特征与时变分布特征,并具有较强的鲁棒性。

    The Mutual Information Matching model ( MIM ) was proposed for speaker recognition based on the mutual information theory . Both of statistical and time-variant features of speech signal can be processed effectively , robustly and synchronously in MIM .

  23. 为此,本文提出一种基于1范数ELM的估计方法,以简化互信息的实现过程。

    Hence , based on 11-norm ELM , this paper proposes a new density estimator in order to relax the computational complexity of mutual information .

  24. 基于归一化互信息的CT-MRI脑图像配准

    CT-MR Brain Image Registration Based on Normalized Mutual Information

  25. Popper科学进化模型类似的广义通信模型,推导出了广义Kullback公式和广义互信息公式。新公式体现了:信息来自预测。

    Popper 's model of evolution of science , deduces a generalized Kullback equation and a generalized cross-information equation .

  26. 基于互信息域的L2S接口方法研究

    Study of L2S interface methodology based on mutual information domain

  27. 此外我们还介绍了TF-IDF特征词选择方法和互信息特征词选择方法的改进。(3)分类算法。

    In addition , we also introduced the modified of TF-IDF and mutual information . ( 3 ) Classification algorithm .

  28. 比较了最近邻插值法、双线性插值法和PV(PartialVolume)插值法这三种插值方法,实验结果表明PV插值法对于互信息函数曲线的光滑性和配准的精确性都具有最好的效果。

    Compared the three interpolation algorithms of nearest neighbor , linear and PV ( Partial Volume ), experiment results indicated that PV interpolation gave the best performance in terms of the smoothness of mutual information function and the precision of registration .

  29. 提出一种改进的最大互信息(MMI)准则函数并把它应用于隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的参数估计,重新推导了HMM的迭代公式。

    A new approach for hidden Markov model ( HMM ) training based on an improved maximum mutual information ( MMI ) criterion was presented and HMM parameter adjustment rules were induced .

  30. 利用概率密度函数(PDF)法、相空间图法和互信息函数法分析了正常窦性心律(NSR)及房颤(AF)R-R间期。

    Probability density function ( PDF ), phase space diagram , and mutual information function are utilized to analyze normal sinus rhythm ( NSR ) and atrial fibrillation ( AF ) R-R intervals .