
  • 网络Internet car
  1. 李书福:在互联网汽车制造方面,互联网公司和汽车公司没有本质上的区别

    Li Shufu : There is no essential distinction between internet companies and automakers in internet automobile manufacturing

  2. 李书福提到,从传统汽车到互联网汽车,无法简单跨越发展,必须按规律发展。

    Li noted that from the traditional car to the internet-enabled car , a leapfrog development is unachievable and it must follow the law of development .

  3. 阿里巴巴控股集团有限公司正在启动10亿元人民币(1.6亿美元)的资金,与中国最大的汽车制造公司上海汽车集团股份有限公司合作开发互联网汽车,并计划在明年推向市场。

    Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. is starting a 1 billion yuan ( $ 160 million ) fund with SAIC Motor Corp. , Chinas largest automaker , to develop a connected car that may go on sale next year .

  4. 互联网正在汽车零售中扮演日益重要的角色。

    The Internet is playing a bigger and bigger role in automotive retailing .

  5. 互联网的汽车营销中日零部件贸易发展态势分析

    Automobiles Marketing Online An Analysis of Parts and Components Trade Between China and Japan

  6. 具有IT互联网、汽车、金融及快速消费品等行业的公关经验优先;

    PR experience in IT , auto , finance and fast moving consumer goods will be a plus ;

  7. 现代维修企业采用电脑管理的方式不仅势在必行,而且时机也已经成熟,利用互联网对汽车故障进行快速诊断,查阅相关技术资料,可减少车辆维修时间,显著提高生产效率。

    By use of Internet , people can diagnosis car faults fast , so the maintenance efficiency will be high .

  8. 更有甚者,如果被迫在使用互联网和使用汽车之间做出选择,全球大部分大学生都会选择网络。

    In fact , if forced to make a choice between access to the Internet or a car , the majority of college students globally would choose an Internet connection .

  9. 研究机构ABI预计,到2016年,拥有互联网接入能力的汽车数量将超过2亿台&它意味着大量的传感器、应用程序和处理器。

    Researcher ABI estimates that by 2016 , over 200 million cars will have Internet access & and that means loads of sensors , apps , and processors .

  10. 李书福在第三届世界互联网大会记者招待会上表示:“在互联网汽车制造这件事情上,互联网公司和汽车公司没有本质上的区别,汽车公司内部都有互联网部门。”

    Speaking at the sideline of third World Internet Conference , Li said : " There is no essential distinction between internet companies and automakers in internet automobile manufacturing , and internet technologies are being already used by car companies . "

  11. FaradayFuture的大部分初始资金来自中国互联网集团乐视(Letv)的创始人贾跃亭,他曾表示希望在互联网电动汽车新兴市场打败特斯拉(Tesla)。

    Much of Faraday 's initial funding came from Jia Yueting , the founder of Chinese internet group Letv , who has said he hopes to beat Tesla in the nascent market for connected , electric cars .

  12. 上汽集团位于上海的公司在电子邮件声明中提到,阿里巴巴是亚洲最大的互联网公司,上汽集团正与其合作投资,以建设一个用于发展和操作互联网汽车的平台。

    Alibaba , Asias largest Internet company , and SAIC Motor are setting up a joint venture to create a platform for development and operation of the Web-enabled car , the Shanghai-based carmaker said in an e-mailed statement .