
  1. 本文采用了新的风光互补思想,即将整流后的风电和光电首先通过一个PWM双输入DC/DC变换器功率合成,然后供给负载。

    This thesis used a new idea of wind-solar hybrid system , first combine the rectified wind power and solar power with a double input DC / DC converter , then provide for the load .

  2. 浅谈儒道互补思想在成化斗彩中的体现结果是酿成了不带意识形态色彩的规模巨大而激烈的阶级斗争。

    Representation of Mutual Supplement of Confucianism and Taoism in Chenghua Over-glaze Colors The result was class warfare without ideological overtones on a grand and violent scale .

  3. 最后,我们用玻尔的互补性思想分析了生物学哲学中的其他几对相互竞争的研究纲领。

    The authors , with N Bohr 's complementarity principle , analysed some other pairs of research programme of mutual competition .

  4. 第四,整顿与提高并重,切实提升教师队伍整体素质,建立一支政治坚定、业务精湛、专兼结合、功能互补的思想政治工作队伍;

    Fourthly , concentrate on both reorganization and reinforce , improve the general quality of teaching force , establishing a force with firm political position and exquisite professional work .

  5. 该方法基于融合互补的思想,将可拓理论、物元模型和神经网络理论有机结合起来,克服了神经网络中学习功能不完善等缺陷。

    The method is based on the integration of complementary through , the extension theory of matter-element model and neural network theory combine to overcome a neural network to learn shelters , and other defects .

  6. 文中基于智能互补融合的思想,将粗糙集理论与模糊Petri网络有机结合在一起进行油浸电力变压器故障诊断。

    Based on complementary strategy , rough sets theory ( RST ) and fuzzy Petri nets ( FPN ) are integrated for synthetic fault diagnosis of oil-immersed power transformer .

  7. 根据对偶互补的基本思想,系统地建立了非线性弹性薄壳静力学的各类变分原理。

    According to the dual-complementarity , a few variational principles for nonlinear statics of elastic thin shells have been established systematically .

  8. 基于智能互补融合的思想将粗糙集理论与贝叶斯网络有机结合在一起,提出了一种汽轮发电机组故障诊断的新方法。

    Based on complementary intelligent blending thought we combine rough set theory and Bayesian network organically , propose a new turbo-generator fault diagnosis method .

  9. 为获取最佳属性约简,基于方法互补融合的思想,提出了基于主元模型的粗糙集理论启发式属性约简算法。

    On the one hand , heuristic attribute reduction algorithm based on the main meta-mode is proposed in order to obtain the best attribute reduction with the idea of methods integration .

  10. 文章提出了三者互补融合的思想和具体方法,为加强和改善我国石油企业经营和管理水平,提高其经济效益与社会效益,增强其整体国际竞争力提供新思路。

    The article proposes the concrete idea and method to combine the 3 aspects together , which provides the new thought to enhance and improve the operation and management level of Chinese petroleum enterprises , raise their economic and social benefits , and strengthen their integral power of international competition .

  11. 要消除重视公办、轻视民办的旧观念,树立公办学校与民办学校结构互补共同发展的思想。

    To eliminate the importance of public and private neglect of the old ideas and establish public schools and private schools structure of the thinking of each other and common development .

  12. 根据古典阴阳互补和现代对偶互补的基本思想,首次建立了线性阻尼情形下弹性梁动力学的相空间(挠度、动量)非传统Hamilton型变分原理。

    According to the basic idea of classical yin_yang complementarity and modern dual_complementarity , the unconventional Hamilton_type variational principle in phase space for dynamics of elastic beam with linear damping is established , which can fully characterize the initial_boundary_value problem of this dynamics .