
  1. 国内互联网金融平台融360的子公司简普科技最近递交了IPO申请,计划募资2.72亿美元。

    Jianpu Technology Inc , a subsidiary of China 's online finance platform Rong360 , applied recently in the hope of raising $ 272 million .

  2. 百度(BaiduInc.)首席执行长李彦宏加入了中国政府顾问和银行业管理人士的行列,呼吁加强对国内快速增长的互联网金融行业的监管。

    Baidu Inc. Chief Executive Robin Li has joined the chorus of Chinese government advisers and banking executives calling for more regulation of the country 's quickly growing Internet finance industry .

  3. 随着互联网金融的深入及大数据时代的到来,CRM有着容易与公司的营销战略结合在一起的性质,所以引进CRM等于营销的等式自然而然成立。

    With the fast development of internet finance and the arrival of big data era , CRM has the special attributes to easily combine with corporate marketing strategy , so it is natural to introduce CRM into marketing field .

  4. 互联网金融营销的风险是什么?

    What is the risk of the on line financial marketing ?

  5. 互联网金融信息量与收益率波动关联研究

    Research on Relationship Between Internet Financial Information and Fluctuation of Price-Earnings

  6. 不断发展的互联网金融业有助于降低贸易成本,使投资变得更方便。

    Growing Internet finance industry has helped reduce trade costs and made investment easier .

  7. 互联网金融信息搜索

    A Financial Search Engine in Cyberworld

  8. 然而,中国互联网金融的不确定性并不意味着该行业内的所有企业都有问题。

    Nevertheless , the uncertainty hovering over internet finance in China does not mean all operations are suspect .

  9. 互联网金融信息服务行业的盈利模式主要有:财经软件、在线广告和无线财经。

    Internet financial information services industry profit model are : financial software , online advertising and wireless financial .

  10. 龙沛智表示,互联网金融的宗旨在于提供高效的替代品,而不是甄别新需求。

    Internet finance is about providing efficient alternatives , rather than identifying new needs , says Mr Loong .

  11. 她说,大学生十分依赖网络,因此他们更易接受互联网金融产品。

    She says college students rely heavily on the Internet , therefore they can easily accept online financing products .

  12. 该白皮书显示,计算机、金融和管理专业的人才大量进入互联网金融行业。

    It has discovered a net inflow of computer , finance and management professionals into the Internet finance industry .

  13. 但专家学者提醒,互联网金融有风险,学生群体需要对这些金融产品全面了解。

    But scholars warn that online financing has its risks and students need to have a more comprehensive understanding of financial products .

  14. 过不了多久,新近组建但尚未正式命名的互联网金融协会就将得到中央政府的正式批准。

    Sometime soon , the newly formed though not yet formally named association of internet finance companies will receive official approval from Beijing .

  15. 其次介绍了盈利模式的相关理论,以及互联网金融信息服务行业的主要盈利模式。

    Then , we introduce the theory of profit model , and the Internet financial information services industry to be the major mode .

  16. 互联网金融指的是那些通过网络渠道进行的贷款、投资和其它一些金融业务,而不是通过银行等其它的传统金融机构。

    Internet finance refers to loans , investments and other financial services through online channels rather than banks and other traditional financial institutions .

  17. 中国政府部门将开展一项互联网金融领域专项整治活动。互联网金融正快速发展,但一些非法活动威胁到了社会稳定。

    Chinese authorities will launch a campaign to regulate Internet finance , which is growing rapidly but threatens social stability due to illegal activity .

  18. 一系列时髦的词汇冒了出来:云计算、大数据、电子商务和互联网金融都被列作2015年的重点关注领域。

    Out came the buzzwords : cloud computing , big data , ecommerce and internet banking were all cited as areas of focus for 2015 .

  19. 根据中国青年报报道,我国六成以上的大学生通过互联网金融服务平台贷款,大部分的贷款用于购物。

    Over 60 percent of Chinese university students borrow money from online financial services , and most of it is spent on shopping , China Youth Daily reported .

  20. 总的来说,互联网金融给金融机构提了个醒,让它们意识到自己不能再像以前那样坐等业务上门,同时盼着利润能滚滚而来。

    Internet finance in general is a wake-up call to financial institutions that they can no longer sit back doing business as usual and expect profits keep rolling in .

  21. 知情人士称,该合资公司背后的三家公司计划推出一系列产品,包括旅行险、健康险和互联网金融险。

    The trio behind the joint venture intend to offer a range of products including travel , health and internet finance insurance , according to people familiar with the situation .

  22. 支付宝披露此项计划之际,中国内地和香港都在就影子银行以及互联网金融对正规银行业的影响展开激烈辩论。

    The Alipay plan comes at a time of big debate on both sides of the border about shadow banks and the impact of internet finance on the formal sector .

  23. 中国监管机构叫停了手机移动支付和虚拟信用卡业务。这一举措可能给迅速发展的互联网金融踩下了刹车。

    China has ordered a halt to mobile phone payment systems and virtual credit cards , in a move that will slow the rapid development of online finance in the country .

  24. 本文通过对互联网金融的研究发现,这一金融模式给传统的银行经营带来了很大冲击,与此同时,也为我国商业银行的发展带来了机遇,对银行的管理及业务转型有很大的促进作用。

    To the banking business philosophy has brought a great impact , but also provides a rare opportunity for commercial banks , promote the transformation of banking management and business transformation .

  25. 蚂蚁金服为支付宝增添了一系列互联网金融服务,如低风险货币市场基金和一款钱包应用。该应用使中国各地的用户能够通过智能手机轻松付款。

    Ant Financial has added to Alipay a whole range of Internet financial services , like low-risk money market funds and a wallet app that enables easy payment from smartphones around China .

  26. 中国移动支付的流行,得益于在线购物以及网贷、在线货币市场基金等互联网金融服务的爆炸性增长。

    The rise of Chinese mobile payments has been driven by the explosive growth of online shopping as well as internet financial services such as peer-to-peer lending and online money market funds .

  27. 随着互联网金融大数据时代的到来,传统的风险管理水平已经无法满足日益增加的企业融资需求,尤其中小企业的迅猛发展使得融资需求更加的迫切。

    With the coming Internet finance and big data era , traditional risk management has been unable to meet the increasing demand for corporate finance ; especially the rapid development of SMEs makes more urgent financing needs .

  28. 分析了互联网金融在国外主要发达国家的最流行的金融模式,以及现阶段的发展状况。分析了我国互联网金融发展成长的因素及现阶段的表现形式。

    This part not only illustrates the latest mode of internet finance in some key developed countries and its present development trend but also analyzes the factors related to internet financial growth in China and its present forms .

  29. 就中低收入顾客群而言,互联网金融是银行面临的最大威胁。这名分析师要求在本次报道中保持匿名,因为他尚未获得就此对媒体发表意见的授权。

    It is the biggest threat to the low - and middle-income customer base of banks , says an analyst with an international bank who asked to remain anonymous as he was not authorised to speak to media .

  30. 分析人士表示,中国正采取措施,监管互联网金融,这是这个基本上在真空环境下运营的行业走向法制化的一项积极举措,但这些规定也反映出政府对现有银行的支持。

    China 's move to regulate internet finance is a positive step towards legitimising a sector that has largely operated in a vacuum , analysts say , but the rules also reflect the government 's support for incumbent banks .