
hù huàn jiāo yì
  • swap;swap dealing
  1. 合成etf会与投行达成互换交易:投行承诺用指数的回报,交换etf决定持有的标的资产的回报。

    Synthetic ETFs enter into a swap with an investment bank that promises to deliver precisely the return of the index in exchange for the return on whatever underlying assets the ETF decides to hold .

  2. 金融互换交易在我国的运用研究

    A Study on the Applications of Financial Swap in Our Country

  3. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)一位资深银行家昨日表示,该行2001年为希腊政府安排的一项货币互换交易的透明度本可以、也应该更高一些。这项交易当时引发了外界争议。

    One of Goldman Sachs ' senior bankers claimed yesterday that the transparency standards surrounding controversial currency swaps the bank structured for the Greek government in 2001 could have and should have been higher .

  4. 该结构涉及一定程度的交易对手风险,因为如果互换交易另一方的投行破产,etf可能将难以收回自己的资金。

    This structure involves a degree of counterparty risk because if the investment bank on the other side of the swap transaction was to go bust , the ETF might have trouble getting its money back .

  5. 2006年,花旗曾向美国国税局(IRS)主动缴付2400万美元,涉及2003年至2005年期间一批数量有限的互换交易本应预扣的股息税。

    Citi voluntarily paid $ 24m to the Internal Revenue Service , the US tax authority , in 2006 in relation to the withholding of dividend taxes on a limited set of swap transactions from 2003 to 2005 .

  6. 他目前工作于LexiFi,一个富有创新的ISV,特别专注于软件分析和处理复杂金融相关系统&如互换交易系统和期权交易系统。

    He currently works for LexiFi , which is an innovative ISV that specializes in software for analyzing and processing complex financial derivatives-products such as swaps and options .

  7. dtcc采取了不同寻常的举措,发表声明明确表示,信用违约互换交易有一个中央登记机构在其交易信息库记录了绝大多数的信用违约交易。

    DTCC took the unusual step of issuing a statement making clear there was a central registry for CDs trades at its trade information warehouse where the vast majority of CDs trades are recorded .

  8. 利率互换交易的几点分析

    Some Analyses of Interest Rate Exchange transaction Interest Rate Swap

  9. 利率互换交易:任重道远

    Mutual Interest Rate Exchange Has a Long Way to Go

  10. 互换交易在电力价格风险管理中的应用研究

    Study on Electricity Price Risk Management Using Swaps Contract

  11. 我国商业银行互换交易的会计信息披露研究

    Research on Disclosure of Accounting Information of Swap in China 's Commercial Banks

  12. 大多数情况下,互换交易都是在场外完成,即未上市。

    In most cases the swaps are traded over the counter , or are unlisted .

  13. 为提高透明度,美国将建立一个针对互换交易的完善的报告与记录保存制度。

    To promote transparency , a comprehensive reporting and recordkeeping regime should be established for swaps .

  14. 第2章是基于几何布朗运动的利率互换交易双方违约概率测算模型。

    Chapter 2 introduces the calculation model of default probability based on the geometric Brownian motion .

  15. 该公司还就大陆公司约28%的股份进行了互换交易。

    It has also entered into swap transactions for about 28 per cent of the shares .

  16. 因此,应坚定地稳健地推进我国银行间市场的信用违约互换交易。

    Therefore , we should implement the inter-bank trade of credit default swaps firmly and steadily .

  17. 延迟互换交易权责日

    Deferred swap accrual date

  18. 列述我国企业互换交易市场及企业现状、现存问题、互换交易风险的宏观成因及微观成因分析。

    It analyses status and existing problems of swap market and participants , macro cause and micro cause of risk .

  19. 互换交易已经成为国际金融市场上融资和风险管理的不可缺少的工具之一。

    Swap dealing is regarded as one of the necessary tools to finance and manage the risks in the international financial market .

  20. 之所以造成国内人民币利率互换交易市场现状,笔者认为其中主要原因就在于人民币利率互换定价机制的不合理。

    For reasons resulting in such situation , we believe that the major reason lies in irrational RMB interest rate swap price-making system .

  21. 他们还在调查,交易员是否利用互换交易(一种不在交易所交易的衍生品)来规避监管。

    They are also looking into whether traders are using swaps , or derivatives that trade off exchanges , to stay off the radar .

  22. 此前,自中国2005年取消了盯住美元的长期汇率制度之后,外汇互换交易额迅速增加。

    Until then , trading volumes in foreign exchange swaps had grown rapidly after China removed its long-standing currency peg to the dollar in 2005 .

  23. 作为场外衍生金融交易的互换交易具有较大的信用风险,信用违约互换在此次美国次贷危机中颇具争议。

    With financial derivatives out-of-counter transaction , financial swap bears superior credit risk and it leads to a debate on the current subprime mortgage crisis in USA. .

  24. 商品互换交易作为新兴的风险管理工具在能源类商品领域正在获得广泛的应用。

    As a relatively new derivative financial tool , swap has been widely used in the risk management for sev-eral kinds of commodities in the energy field .

  25. 在金融市场快速发展的今天,金融衍生产品层出不穷,互换交易在国际金融市场上获得了很快的发展。

    Nowadays , the financial markets have developed rapidly and many financial derivative products have emerged endlessly , swaps option has developed quickly in the international financial markets .

  26. 高盛在声明中表示:在2000年12月和2001年6月,希腊以历史隐含汇率,分别与高盛进行了新的货币互换交易和重组后的货币互换安排。

    In December 2000 and in June 2001 , Greece entered into new cross-currency swaps and restructured its cross-currency swap portfolio with Goldman Sachs at a historical implied foreign exchange rate , the statement says .

  27. 1994年墨西哥的货币贬值危机之所以会发生,主要因为墨西哥的许多家银行一直采用货币互换交易,从而导致自己在比索币值方面的风险敞口远远超出政府意识到的水平。

    The Mexican devaluation crisis of 1994 happened in large part because many Mexican banks had used swaps to give themselves a far greater exposure to the value of the peso than the government realised .

  28. 利率互换交易之所以能获得如此迅猛的发展,主要原因在于它具有降低筹资成本,减少融资风险,简便灵活,易于操作等特点。研究这一创新工具,对我国银行业具有重要意义。

    Mutual Interest Rate Exchange Has a Long Way to Go The main reason for so quick development in IRS transaction is the characteristics of lowering financing risk , that is flexible and easy to operate .

  29. 在监管范围上,多数国家是以场内交易产品为主,对于场外的远期和互换交易是否涉嫌为受监管的期货交易,各国都有不同的判断标准。

    In the scope of regulation , the majority of countries base on the exchange products , as to the forwards and swap transactions are suspected to be regulated or not , different countries have different criteria for judging .

  30. 为了降低经营成本,规避资产风险,确保银行的盈利性和安全性,出现了各种创新金融工具,其中最重要、发展最快的是互换交易。

    All of above impacted the safety and liquidity of bank assets . In order to lower management cost , to avoid assets risk , and to ensure the profit and security , some kinds of innovative financial instruments emerged .