
  • 网络The Internet Bubble;Dot-com bubble
  1. 笔者最早认识里斯•拜尔是在第一轮互联网泡沫时的90年代末,当时她是瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)炙手可热的科技分析师。

    I knew Lise buyer when she was a hotshot technology analyst at Credit Suisse ( CS ) in the late 1990s , during the first Internet bubble .

  2. 与互联网泡沫不同,这个危机的根源不是非理性行为,而是复杂化和非中介化(disintermediation)。

    Unlike the internet bubble , this is not a crisis based on irrational behaviour but one of sophistication and disintermediation .

  3. 在互联网泡沫的顶峰时期,实体零售是互联网即将迅速扼杀的行业之一。

    In the peak of the dot.com bubble , brick and mortar retail was one of those industries the internet was going to kill-and quickly .

  4. 互联网泡沫的破灭使大多数这类预测不再可信,往后几年里,传统零售商增强了对未来的信心,因为官方统计仍显示在线销售处于疲软状态。

    The dot.corn bust discredited most predictions of that sort and in the years that followed , on ventional retailers ' confidence in the future increased as Census continued to report weak online sales .

  5. 在互联网泡沫的2001年,那么艰难的时候,大家都留下来了

    In Internet foamy 2001 , so hard when , everybody stayed .

  6. 保证金负债量(margindebt,股票买家向经纪人借入的资金)超过了此前互联网泡沫时创下的纪录。

    Margin debt the money sharebuyers borrow from brokers had just passed its previous peak , recorded during the dotcom bubble .

  7. 约翰•汉尼斯在2000年成为斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)第十任校长,这时的硅谷正处于互联网泡沫的鼎盛时期。

    When John Hennessy became the tenth president of Stanford University in 2000 , silicon valley was at the height of the dot-com bubble .

  8. 互联网泡沫破裂之后12年的大部分时间里,思科公司(Cisco)一直是科技行业的领头羊。

    For most of the 12 years since the dot-com bubble burst , Cisco was a true tech bellwether .

  9. IDS称,2002年,在互联网泡沫破裂之后,薪酬委员会重新设计了激励政策,以保障高管的收入。

    In 2002 , following the bursting of the dotcom bubble , remuneration committees redesigned incentive schemes to protect executive incomes , it says .

  10. 三个泡沫分别是:20世纪90年代初的亚洲泡沫,90年代晚期的互联网泡沫,以及在2008年引起华尔街崩盘的那次泡沫,朱克斯称之为“信贷大泡沫”(GreatBigCreditBubble)。

    The three bubbles : The Asian Bubble in the early ' 90s , Dot-com Bubble of the late ' 90s and what Juckes calls the Great Big Credit Bubble that triggered the 2008 Wall Street meltdown .

  11. 对于眼下即将从商学院毕业的MBA学生而言,目前的市场状况与互联网泡沫破裂时有着惊人的相似之处。

    For today 's MBA students about to graduate from business school , the market conditions bear a striking similarity to the bursting of the dotcom bubble .

  12. B2B电子商务初创公司Chemdex在上世纪90年代的互联网泡沫破灭之后破产,人们指责其是导致当时整个行业崩盘的罪魁祸首。

    B2B e-commerce startup Chemdex flamed out spectacularly in the fallout of the dot-com bubble , and was blamed for taking the entire sector down with it .

  13. 该公司计划中的首次公开发行(IPO)可能使其市值达到1000亿美元,而它打算筹资50亿美元&这比互联网泡沫时期规模最大的IPO还要高。

    Its planned initial public offering could value the company at up to $ 100bn , and it wants to raise $ 5bn – more than the biggest listings of the dotcom bubble .

  14. 令人震惊的是此次涉及的事件发生在2010年,距互联网泡沫破灭后整顿IPO市场的法规通过才7年。

    The shock is that the event in question occurred in 2010 , a mere seven years after rules were passed to clean up the IPO market in the wake of the dotcom crash .

  15. 自8年前互联网泡沫破裂以来,伦敦金融城和金丝雀码头(canarywharf)的投资银行家还没有感到过如此难以把握未来。

    Not since the bursting of the dotcom bubble eight years ago have investment bankers in the square mile and Canary Wharf faced such uncertainty about their future .

  16. 纽约恐怖主义袭击、互联网泡沫破裂和经济全面低迷过后,2002年以来,mba毕业生似乎从未经历过如此艰难的时期。

    Not since 2002 , following the terrorist attacks in New York , the bursting of the dotcom bubble and general economic gloom , have times seemed so difficult for those graduating from MBA programmes .

  17. 杰里米·格兰瑟姆(JeremyGrantham)拥有不容小觑的从业纪录—他成功地预言了互联网泡沫,接着又成功地预言了房地产泡沫。

    JEREMY GRANTHAM 'S GOT A TRACK RECORD that 's impossible to ignore -- he called the Internet bubble , then the housing bubble .

  18. 在互联网泡沫时期就出现了这样的情况,当时一些银行为不同参与方提供不同的服务:并购咨询、为某些收购提供资金、主持首次公开上市活动(ipo)或管理投资组合。

    It happened during the Internet bubble , when some banks played different roles for different parties : advising on M & A , lending to fund some acquisitions , leading initial public offerings or managing portfolios .

  19. 新兴市场股市,尤其是中国股市,对近期的首次公开发行(IPO)都需求旺盛,许多IPO首日交易涨幅之高,足可媲美互联网泡沫繁荣时期,令人担心又一个泡沫正在形成。

    Emerging markets , particularly China , have seen strong demand for recent initial public offerings , many of which have raced higher in the style of the dotcom boom and raising fears another bubble could be forming .

  20. 当时,布伦特(Brent)原油价格仅为每桶28美元,美国联邦政府的预算还处于盈余状态,而经历了互联网泡沫危机的美国经济刚开始复苏(尽管迹象不那么明显)。

    The price of Brent crude oil was $ 28 a barrel , the Federal government was running a budget surplus , the US economy was turning ( albeit imperceptibly ) after the dotcom crash .

  21. 但是随着互联网泡沫的破灭和“9/11事件”,很多用户放弃了出门度假,Priceline的好日子也到头了。

    But the good times ended when the dot-com bust and the 9 / 11 attacks caused consumers to forego vacations .

  22. 一些分析人士指出,中国创业板上市公司目前的市盈率,远高于2000年互联网泡沫破灭时,纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市公司的水平。

    Some analysts have noted that the price-to-earnings ratio of companies listed on China 's start-up index , called ChiNext , were far higher than those listed on the Nasdaq stock market in 2000 , when the Internet bubble burst .

  23. 自从2000年互联网泡沫崩溃后,只有极少数互联网公司被市场捧为科技巨星:eBay和雅虎(Yahoo)红极一时的日子已经是十年前了,随后渐渐风光不再。

    For years after the dot-com crash of 2000 , only a handful of companies at a time were received as tech stars : eBay ( eBay ) and Yahoo ( yhoo ) were hot a decade ago , then lost their mojo .

  24. 为了说明我们提出的检验统计量的使用效果,我们用SD检验统计量,对不同类型的投资者就传统股票、科技股票和中国股票市场在互联网泡沫及次贷危机前后进行了相应投资偏好的研究。

    To illustrate the use-fulness of our proposed statistics , we use the SD test statistics to study the preferences of investors with the corresponding S-shaped and reverse S-shaped utility functions vis-a-vis returns of traditional stocks and Internet stocks before and after the Internet bubble and subprime crisis .

  25. Flipboard创始人兼首席执行官迈克•麦克库伊分享他与其之前创建的初创公司、致力于语音识别的TellMe如何在互联网泡沫破灭之后生存下来的故事。

    Flipboard founder and CEO Mike McCue on how he and his last startup , the voice recognition-focused tellme , survived the dotcom bust .

  26. 诞生于互联网泡沫时期的初创公司当中,最丢脸的或许莫过于Webvan。这家在线食品杂货零售商在短短三年之内就挥霍了8亿美元,最后却在2001年破产倒闭。

    There are few dot-com era startups more ignominious than Webvan , the online grocery business that spent over $ 800 million in three years before collapsing in 2001 .

  27. 首先是互联网泡沫,然后是房地产泡沫。

    First came the dotcom bubble , then the housing bubble .

  28. 互联网泡沫的例子,也说明我们亟需新的工具。

    Another example of needing new tools involves the Internet boom .

  29. 蓬勃发展的数据中心是在互联网泡沫。

    The boom of data centers came during the dot-com bubble .

  30. 宽松的流动性助长了互联网泡沫的膨胀。

    The easy money from that helped spark the dot-com boom .