
pào mò jīnɡ jì
  • bubble economy
  1. 美国和欧洲正疲于应对泡沫经济、公共债务不断上升和婴儿潮(baby-boom)一代退休带来的后果,他们应该怀着尊敬的心情向日本取经。

    As the US and Europe struggle to come to terms with the aftermath of a bubble economy , rising public debt and the retirement of the baby-boom generation , they should look to Japan with respect .

  2. 泡沫经济与当代金融危机关系及其启示

    The Relationship between Bubble Economy and Financial Crisis and its Implications

  3. 如今,走投无路的美联储(fed)正试图再次扩大美国后泡沫经济中的需求。

    Today , the hapless Federal Reserve is trying to re-expand demand in a post-bubble US economy .

  4. 泡沫经济指标测度有金融相关率、马歇尔K值系数、市盈率比率和Q值等。

    The estimating indexes of bubbling economy include financial interrelations ratio , Marshall 's " K ", P / E ratio , Tobin 's Q , etc.

  5. 泡沫经济非均衡性诱致的经济模式转型

    On Economic Pattern Transition induced by Non-Equilibrium of the Bubble Economy

  6. 虚拟经济模式下的泡沫经济

    A Study on Bubble Economy in the Mode of Virtual Economy

  7. 日本泡沫经济分析及其对中国的启示

    Analysis on Japan 's Bubble Economy and Its Enlightenment on China

  8. 第六部分:中国预防泡沫经济的对策建议。

    Part VI : the policy to prevent the bubble economy .

  9. 台湾泡沫经济的形成与崩溃

    The formation and failure of " bubble economy " in Taiwan

  10. 泡沫经济与我国房地产业研究

    Economic Bubbles and It 's Study about the Real-Estate in China

  11. 应对金融泡沫经济拓展东亚金融合作

    Extending East Asian Financial Cooperation to Tackle the Global Financial Bubble

  12. 遏制我国房地产业泡沫经济的法律研究

    Study of the Law of Prevention of the Foamy Real Estate

  13. 我国股市的泡沫经济及其危害

    Bubble Economy in China 's Stock Market and Its Harmfulness

  14. 阿尔特曼提出,泡沫经济在一定程度上是幻觉。

    Dr Altmann argues that the bubble economy was partly an illusion .

  15. 对虚拟经济与泡沫经济的划分不够清楚;

    Not well defined between virtual economy and bubble economy ;

  16. 教科书对后泡沫经济言之甚少。

    The textbooks have little to say about post-bubble economies .

  17. 在泡沫经济研究中,股市泡沫是重要的问题之一。

    Stock Market bubbles are one of important questions in studying bubble economy .

  18. 虚拟经济和泡沫经济浅议

    A brief look on virtual economy and foam economy

  19. 关于泡沫经济及其测度的几个理论问题

    Several Theoretical Problems about Bubble Economy and its Measurement

  20. 总有一天这场泡沫经济会破裂

    One day , this bubble is gonna burst .

  21. 日本的泡沫经济与土地利用变化(英文)

    The Bubble Economy and Land-use Change in Japan ;

  22. 然而,随着泡沫经济的崩溃,日本经济出现长期萧条。

    However Japan economy has slipped into long stagnation when the Bubble breaks .

  23. 奥运经济:概念经济与泡沫经济

    Olympic Economy : Concept Economy and Foam Economy

  24. 日本泡沫经济文献述评与研究新视角

    The Review of the Study on the Japanese Bubble Economy and the New Perspective

  25. 全球经济失衡下的金融泡沫经济

    Financial Bubble Economy in the Imbalanced World Economy

  26. 论中国足球产业的泡沫经济现象与经营机制的软着陆

    Foam economics phenomenon and soft landing of management mechanism of Soccer Industry in China

  27. 泡沫经济理论与模型研究

    Studies on Theory and Model of Bubble Economy

  28. 这种必要的资本重新定价,将有利于防止泡沫经济重现。

    This necessary repricing of capital will prevent the recurrence of a bubble economy .

  29. 泡沫经济与金融危机

    The Bubble Economy and the Financial Crisis

  30. 当前的股市泡沫经济越繁荣,将来的陷阱也就越大。

    The more prosperous the bubble economy is , the more risks there will be .