
  • 网络Shipping finance
  1. 文章从金融工具和航运金融的相关理论理论研究出发,以相关的理论为基础,对国内外航运业的发展进行了分析。

    This article began with the theories of financial tools and shipping finance .

  2. 该文对上海发展航运金融服务方面存在的突出问题进行了分析,作了一些探索研究,提出了可行对策与建议。

    This article has analyzed major problems on the development of shipping finance services in Shanghai , made exploratory investigations and proposed feasible solutions and policy suggestions .

  3. 最后从政府,银行、保险等金融机构,企业和中介机构方面,分别提出针对天津构建航运金融服务体系的对策建议。

    Finally , put forward suggestions to build shipping financial services system for Tianjin from the government , financial institutions , enterprises and intermediary organizations .

  4. 但由于中国航运金融发展与国际公认的航运金融中心还有很大差距,中国航运金融尚处于起步阶段。

    But China shipping financial development is just in its beginning stage for it has very a big disparity with shipping financial centers , which were internationally recognized .

  5. 航运金融服务作为建设国际航运中心和国际金融中心的纽带,其发展具有极其重要的意义。

    The development of shipping finance services is of great importance because it acts as a link between building a city into an international shipping center and an international financial center .

  6. 航运金融服务体系的建设是国际航运中心软环境建设的一个重要内容,同时也是国际航运中心建设的关键环节,一个成熟的国际航运中心必然要有发达的航运金融服务业做支撑。

    The construction of shipping finance is an important element of construction of soft environment about the international shipping center . And it is the key aspects of international shipping center too .

  7. 航运金融在近几年发展迅速,出于降低风险或寻求高额风险利润的目的,越来越多的金融衍生工具被引入到航运市场中来。

    There is a rapid development in Shipping Finance . For the purpose of reducing risk or seeking high profit , more and more financial derivate tools have been introduced to shipping market .

  8. 指出青岛港航业有明显的优势,又可充分利用山东半岛蓝色经济区建设的历史机遇,应该首选SO战略组合,但青岛航运金融服务的差距也是明显的,因而应该大力加强航运金融服务的建设。

    It is pointed out that the Qingdao port and shipping industry has obvious advantages , and encounters opportunity of the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone , and SO strategy of combinations should be the preferred strategy .

  9. 在亚洲,上海作为航运和金融贸易中心而制胜。

    Shanghai reigned supreme as a center of shipping , bank and trade in Asia .

  10. 全球经济已进入金融化的阶段,航运业金融化的趋势非常明显。

    The global economy has entered a stage of financialization ; the trend of the financial shipping industry is obvious .

  11. 挪威首都是主要的贸易、航运及金融中心,也是奥斯陆证交所的所在地。

    Norway 's capital is a major hub for trade , shipping , and finance and is home to the Oslo Stock Exchange .

  12. 灰色关联度法研究国际航运中心与金融中心关系

    Grey Relational Analysis on the Relationship between International Financial Center & Shipping Center

  13. 但许多企业(比如在航运业和金融业)可能发现继续使用欧元更为方便。

    But many organisations , for instance in shipping and finance , might find it convenient to continue using euros .

  14. 上海的航运服务和金融服务占据国内优势地位,但与国际知名的航运金融中心相比,仍有较大差距。

    Shipping services and financial services in Shanghai are playing a leading role in China , while there is still a long distance from world famous shipping financial centers .

  15. 航运企业利用衍生金融工具进行油价套期保值也有多种策略可供选择,具体主要可以分为期货和场外交易(OTC)两大类。

    Shipping companies thus have the advantage to choose suitable strategies for hedging , which can roughly be divided into using futures and using Over-The-Counter transactions ( OTC ) .

  16. 关于国际航运中心以及航运金融的理论探讨和实践,国内外学者己广泛地开展了研究,并取得了丰硕的成果。

    A series of studies on the theories and practices of the international shipping center and shipping finance have been widely conducted both at home and abroad .

  17. 自2001年上海提出建设四个中心的目标以来,国际航运中心和国际金融中心建设就受到了广泛关注。

    Since 2001 , it has been first time to propose the goal of the construction of the " Four Centers ", which is focused on greatly and widely .

  18. 指出:航运国际化以及航运金融化的发展趋势越来越显著;在国际航运中心形成过程中,政府的强力支持和航运金融的相辅相成,起了不可替代的催化作用。

    The next points were pointed out : the development of international shipping and shipping finance was more and more significant ; on the formation process of international shipping center , the strong support of government and help of shipping finance has played a catalytic role irreplaceable .

  19. 在建设国际航运中心的过程中,航运金融是强化国际航运中心地位的重要动力。

    In the process of building an international shipping center , shipping finance is an important driving force to strengthen the status of the international shipping center .

  20. 包括加快完善港口集疏运体系,协调上海港同周边港口的建设,加强航运法律法规体系建设,加快高端航运人才培养与引进,加强信息体系建设,完善航运金融市场体系建设。

    Including improve transportation system , coordination of Shanghai port and the peripheral port construction , strengthening the shipping laws and regulations system construction , speeding up and introduce the high-end shipping talents , strengthening information system construction , improve the construction of the shipping financial market system .

  21. 国际海事欺诈一般涉案金额巨大,牵涉面广,目前已经成为国际贸易和国际航运发展的一大障碍,对国际、尤其是广大第三世界国家的商业、航运、保险、金融行业构成严重威胁。

    Generally , cases of maritime fraud involve large sums of money and a variety of organizations , and have become an obstacle for the development of international trade and shipping , imposing severe threats to the industries of business , shipping , insurance and finance .