
  • 网络shipping alliance
  1. 而航运联盟正是在这种客观要求与主管愿望的基础上形成的。

    Then , the shipping alliance is formed on the basis of such objective requirement and the subjective aspirations .

  2. 在这一部分,首先分别从规模经济、范围经济、速度经济和共生经济四个方面对干散货船航运联盟行为进行分析。

    In this part , the thesis analyzes dry bulk shipping alliance from four aspects , which are scale economics , scope economics , speed economics and accrete economics .

  3. 在此基础上,引入结构化的风险矩阵和Borda值方法,设计并建立航运联盟风险评估体系,并结合问卷发放的实证调研数据,对航运企业物流战略联盟风险进行了评估。

    Thirdly , risk assessment system is established based on Risk Matrix and Borda Methods , and the shipping alliance risks are evaluated combined by data from launching investigation questionnaire .

  4. 班轮公会的衰落及航运联盟的发展

    The Comedown of the Liner Conference and the Development of the Shipping Combination

  5. 近代北京报界公会述评班轮公会的衰落及航运联盟的发展

    The Treatise of Beijing Press League The Comedown of the Liner Conference and the Development of the Shipping Combination

  6. 所有的港口都在争取以低价吸引拥有大型船只的航运联盟,并努力建造深泊位发展腹地运输系统。

    All of ports are racing to attract shipping alliances with huge vessels by reducing price , constructing deep berths and developing hinterland transportation .

  7. 最后得出结论,航运联盟将进一步发展,并购将成为集装箱班轮运输企业联合的主流。

    In a conclusion , shipping alliance will have further development , while annexation of shipping enterprise will become the mainstream in the transportation enterprise of container liner 's combination .

  8. 另外,在航运联盟的巨大压力下,各港口为争夺货源,而不断降低价格,更进一步导致了港口企业的效益下滑。

    Moreover facing the pressure of the shipping alliance , each port is fighting for the source , but lower price continuously further caused the lower performance of the port enterprise .

  9. 本文第四章首先利用近年来各班轮公司实际收益率情况,进行横向与纵向比较,详细分析了航运联盟的财务绩效。

    In chapter four , with some liner companies ' actual rates of return on capital recently the author firstly consider the financial performance of shipping alliances by horizontal and vertical comparison across them .

  10. 本文第二章将合作博弈论应用于班轮运输市场,从组建联盟的潜在动机和原因以及联盟企业的最优化经济行为两个方面分析班轮运输航运联盟。

    In chapter two the author applies the cooperative game theory to analyze the shipping alliance , the conduct of liner shipping company , in the potential motive of it and its members ' optimization economic behavior .

  11. 其次,本文从航运联盟的含义入手,结合国际集装箱班轮战略联盟的形成、发展过程,概括总结出国际干散货船航运联盟的动因、特点及现状。

    Secondly , the thesis gives the connotation of shipping alliance , and basing on the emergence and development of the international container strategic alliance , summarizes the cause , characteristic and actuality of the international dry bulk shipping alliance .

  12. 多人合作博弈理论在沿海干散货航运企业联盟中的应用

    The Application of Multi-person Cooperative Game Theory in China Coastal Dry Bulk Shipping Enterprise Coalition

  13. 虚拟航运物流联盟是多个企业进行利益共享、风险分担,但这并不意味着整个虚拟航运物流联盟的风险总体上减少了。

    Several companies shared benefit and risks in alliance , but it did not mean that risk is reduced .

  14. 通过对集装箱航运企业联盟的博弈分析,进一步明确影响联盟建立及长久的关键因素。

    Through analyzing the container shipping alliance with Game theory , the key factors which will be impact to establish a long-term alliance will be further clarified .

  15. 并通过建立利益分配模型,合理化集装箱航运企业联盟的利益分配,从根本上解决联盟不稳定性问题。

    And through the establishment of the benefits distribution model , the distribution benefits of the container shipping alliance will be more rationalization , and the problem of the alliance instability will be settled fundamentally .

  16. 航运企业战略联盟伙伴选择及利益分配问题研究

    Research on Comrades ' Choice and Benefits'Share of the Shipping Corporations ' Strategic Alliances

  17. 笔者认为船舶大型化的趋势以及航运企业的联盟与兼并,其根本动力在于集装箱班轮运输业的规模经济性。

    I think the trend of shipping maximization , alliance and annexation of shipping enterprises , deeply lies in the scale economical efficiency of the container liner transport service .

  18. 如果缺乏对联盟风险的预测和管理,将使航运物流战略联盟不能达到预期目的,可能会给联盟各方带来较大的损失,甚至导致联盟的失败。

    If logistics forecasting and strategic alliance management is lack , enterprise shipping alliances will not achieve the intended purpose , this could have caused greater loss to the Union parties .

  19. 提出了国际航运物流虚拟联盟的概念,介绍了国际航运物流虚拟联盟合作伙伴的选择程序。

    The concept of international shipping logistics virtual alliance is put forward and the procedures of selection for the cooperative partners of international shipping logistics virtual alliance is introduced in the paper .

  20. 航运企业选择战略联盟伙伴的决策方法

    The Decision Making Method of Choosing Strategic Alliance Partners for Shipping Enterprises

  21. 我国航运企业物流战略联盟研究

    Study on Logistics Strategy Alliance of Shipping Enterprises

  22. 集装箱航运企业通过建立联盟实现了船舶舱位和码头共享,提高了设备设施的利用率。

    Container shipping enterprises realized the sharing of the shipping accommodation and port facilities through the establishment of alliance , and improved the utilization rate of the equipment and facilities .

  23. 经济效益是航运企业所追求的最终目标,也是航运联盟产生和发展的根本动力。

    Economic outcomes are the final objectives of a shipping company , and fundamentally force the shipping alliances to come out and develop .

  24. 本文首先介绍了虚拟企业的产生和发展,对航运虚拟企业的基本理论进行了论述,包括其定义、构成主体以及同航运联盟的区别等;

    Firstly , the formation and development of the virtual enterprise is introduced , while the basic theory of the shipping virtual enterprise is explained , including the definition , the members , the difference between the shipping alliance and the shipping virtual enterprise , etc.

  25. 但由于我国航运企业普遍起步较晚,实力较弱,面对国外航运巨头的挑战,众多的中小航运物流企业选择建立虚拟航运物流联盟进行优势互补、风险共担,参与市场竞争。

    However , facing the challenge of foreign shipping giant , many small and medium shipping companies who was generally weak and lack of experience has to choose to create a virtual shipping logistics alliance in order to share the advantages and risks .

  26. 随着中国加入WTO以及我国航运市场的供求不平衡的状况日益显著,我国航运企业面临着愈来愈严峻的挑战,尤其是来自国际大的航运集团及航运联盟的竞争。

    Considering the join to WTO of China and the fact that the imbalance of supply and demand in shipping market became obviously day by day , Chinese shipping enterprises will face more and more flinty challenges , especially competition from those magnate international shipping companies and alliance .