
  • 网络Aviation Finance;Air Finance Journal
  1. 三菱将首先把旗下航空金融部门MCAP(MCAviationPartners)拥有的79架飞机中的15架售予该合资公司。

    Mitsubishi Corp will get the venture started by selling it 15 of the 79 planes owned by its aviation finance unit , MC Aviation Partners .

  2. 近年来,越来越多的分布式系统被各行各业使用,如军事、航空、金融系统等行业。

    In recent years , more and more distributed systems are used in many industries , such as military , aviation and financial systems .

  3. 航空企业的金融风险管理

    Financial Risk Management of Aviation Enterprises

  4. 中国最近在重型设备、航空航天和金融服务等领域的动作,在美国政坛左右两翼人士中均引起了关注。

    Recent Chinese moves in areas like heavy equipment , aerospace and financial services are also drawing attention from both ends of the American political spectrum .

  5. 国泰航空称,由于金融危机对客运及货运形成了制约,2009年仍将“极具挑战性”。

    The airline said 2009 would remain " extremely challenging " as the financial crisis curbed passenger and cargo traffic .

  6. 呼叫中心系统在全球的应用领域十分广泛,包括航空、电信、金融、保险、制造以及服务业等。

    Call Center System is widely used in the world , including aviation , telecom , finance , insurance , manufacture and service etc.