
  • 网络multi-object programming;multi-objective programming;multiple objective program;multi objective programming approach
  1. 针对区域公路网等级结构的优化过程,分析了确定公路网合理规模的国土系数法、类比法、公路网生长曲线模型拟合、公路网等级结构优化的多目标规划法。

    The paper expound the optimization procedure of regional highway network structure , and applied territory coefficient method and analogy method to calculate its reasonable development scope and applied growth curve model to fit its development course and applied multi-objective programming to optimize its grade structure .

  2. 用多目标规划法优化企业资本结构

    Optimizing Capital Structure of Enterprises by Multiobjective Programming Model

  3. 多目标规划法确定公路网的等级结构

    Determining Grade Structures of Network of Highway with Program Method of Multiple Objectives

  4. 同时,多目标规划法也降低了关节驱动力矩和系统位置误差的平均值。

    The multi-object planning method can reduce driving torques and system errors at the same time .

  5. 带时间约束的运输问题的传统解法通常是用多目标规划法。

    The traditional method for solving transportation problem with time restraint is a nonlinear multi-objective ( program ) method .

  6. 简便解法利用简单的数学方法把多目标规划法简化为单一目标,简化为传统运输问题模型。

    The new method is changing a nonlinear multi-objective program to single problem with simple mathematics ( method . )

  7. 最后利用多目标规划法建立求养护维修最佳维修周期的模型,并利用实例进行验证。

    Finally , establish a model to calculate the best maintenance cycle with the method of multi-objective planning , and use examples to verify .

  8. 最后提出减少不确定性问题的途径,即多目标规划法、非参数回归法、回归分析法和专家意见法。

    At last , the approaches for lessening uncertainty , i.e. multiple objective programming , nonparametric approach , regression analysis and expert opinion approach are put forward .

  9. 根据教育经济学理论,运用多目标规划法,建立了高等教育经济效益评价方法体系和计算机辅助系统,为科学地制订我国高等教育的长远发展规划提供了科学的方法和手段。

    From the theory of education economics , are established an economic benefit evaluation system of higher education and its computeraided system it is with multiobjective linear weighting sum method , which will offer scientific method and tools for drawing up the development program of our higher education .

  10. 0&1多目标规划优化法在矿业投资方向决策中的应用

    Application of optimization method with 0-1 multi-goal programming to making investment direction decisions in mining industry

  11. 多目标线性规划法对茂名市海洋机动渔船结构调整的研究

    Study on Structure Regulation of Marine Fishing Motor Vessels by Structure Adjustment to Powerboats by Multi-Goal Attainment Linear Programming in Maoming Marine Fishery

  12. 采用灰色多目标线性规划法,基于经济效益和生态功能绿当量对兰州市土地利用结构优化进行了研究。

    The optimizing of land-use structure in Lanzhou was studied based on the economic benefit and ecological green equivalent with linear programming method .

  13. 利用多目标模糊动态规划法进行抽水蓄能电站的运行优化

    Short-term scheduling of pumped-storage plant using multiobjective fuzzy dynamic programming

  14. 多目标跟踪动态规划法的算法实现

    An algorithm for multiple target tracking on dynamic programming

  15. 此外,本文还举例论述了多目标动态规划立项决策法的基本过程。

    Besides , it illustrates the basic decision making process .

  16. 多目标规划的惩罚函数法

    Penalty function method for multiobjective programming problems

  17. 极小极大分式规划是继多目标规划的评价函数法发展起来的规划,极小极大法是在对策论中经常用到的思想,即在最不利的情况下找出一个最有利的策略。

    A minimax fractional programming problem is developed by evaluation function method of multi-objective programming , whose idea is often used in countermeasure theory , i.e. the adverse circumstances to find the best strategy .

  18. 为了配置合理的公路网等级结构,需要达到多个预期目标的要求,采用多目标规划法来解决公路网等级结构的优化问题。

    The requirement of many desired objectives must be achieved for disposing the reasonable grade structures of highway network . This paper solves the optimization problems of the grade structures of highway network with program of multiple objectives .

  19. 求解多目标优化综合问题的方法主要有多目标数学规划法和多目标进化算法,以遗传算法为代表的进化算法是建立在生物进化基础上借鉴自然选择和群体遗传激励的随机搜索算法。

    Solution strategies of multi-objective optimization synthesis mainly have mathematic programming method and multi-objective evolution algorithms .

  20. 本文主要研究多目标规划的理论和方法,包括多目标规划的罚函数法和非光滑多目标分式规划的最优性条件以及对偶性。

    This dissertation studies mainly theory and methods of multiobjective programming , including penalty function method , optimality conditions and duality of nonsmooth multi-objective fractional programming problems .