
huò bì jiè dài
  • money loan
  1. 集资诈骗罪侵犯的客体是复杂客体,次要客体是投资者的财产所有权,主要客体是有关货币借贷的直接融资制度。

    Its main object is the direct financing system about money loan .

  2. 江南农村高利贷主要有货币借贷、实物借贷及二者衍生的其他借贷形式,是江南农村农民最主要的借款来源。

    Usury in JiangNan rural area had mainly forms of Money Loan , Credit-in-kind and the ramification of both . It is the uppermost origin of loan for peasants in JiangNan rural area .

  3. 商业银行以信用为基础、以货币借贷和结算为主营业务的一个高负债、高风险行业。

    Commercial banks are based on credit , currency lending and settlement of high risk liability .

  4. 狭义上的国际借贷指国际贷款,即处于不同国家的债权人和债务人之间的货币借贷活动。

    Narrowly speaking , international loans only refer to money borrowing and lending between debit and credit sides from different countries .

  5. 我们突出强调了消费信贷是一种个人及家庭的生活消费的行为,这种消费行为是依靠货币借贷支持而完成的,这种信贷是由特定机构办理的三个特点。

    In this article , the definition of consumption credit is that the loan to personal and family consumption offered by credit institutes .

  6. 分期付款买卖契约说、租赁契约说、货币借贷契约说、动产担保交易说仅从传统契约类型的角度阐释了融资租赁交易的局部特征。

    Contract of payment by instalments , leasing contract , money lending contract and movable estate guarantee contract only respectively deal with partial characteristics of financial leasing from the perspectives of traditional contracts .

  7. 论文的基本结论是:农户借贷行为的基本特征是短期化、小额化、高利率、以生活性(生存)借贷为目的、实物借贷与货币借贷并存以及高度依赖于私人借贷市场。

    The main conclusion would be that ( 1 ) the main character of rural households borrowing behavior is short period , little scale , high rate , low level debt , needing debt for life , and deeply rely on private debt market .

  8. 事实上国际金融体系拥有双层结构:能用本国货币进行借贷的国家构成了该体系的中心,而只能通过硬通货进行借贷的国家则构成了这个体系的外围。

    Effectively the international ( financial ) system has a tow-tier structure : Countries that can borrow in their own currency constitute the center , and those , whose borrowings are denominated in one of the hard currencies , constitute the periphery .

  9. 未观测货币是民间借贷、非正规金融与未观测经济活动吸收或释放的货币量,对中央银行货币政策调控具有一定的影响。

    Non-observed Money is the result of activities of private lending and enterprises ' informal financing , and nonobserved economy affects the efficiency of macro-regulation to some extent .

  10. 这可以帮助银行和其他货币机构决定是否借贷给企业。

    This helps banks and other monetary institutions to decide whether to make a loan to the business .

  11. 然而,欧美货币市场的资金借贷成本仍维持在7年来最高水平附近。

    However , the cost of borrowing funds in the European and us money markets remained close to seven-year highs .

  12. 民间借贷是指发生在公民之间、公民和法人之间、公民和其他组织之间的,区别于正规金融机构之贷款业务的,以货币为对象的借贷关系。

    Folk loan refers to the lending relationship which is different from the loan business of formal financial institutions , which occurs between or among citizens and companies or other organizations , and whose object is currency .

  13. 客户与银行之间的活期存款合约在本质上属于货币存管合约,而非货币借贷合约。

    Current deposit contract between clients and banks are fundamentally monetary depository contract instead of monetary loan contract .