
  • 网络currency convertiblity;currency convertible;currency convertibility
  1. 第二章较全面地对货币可兑换的一般概念及理论进行论述;

    In the second chapter , we make a comprehensive review of general conception and theory of currency convertibility .

  2. 近年来,由于世界各国进一步推进货币可兑换,跨境资本流动开始日趋频繁,规模越来越大,复杂程度进一步提高。

    In recent years , due to further advance the world currency convertibility , cross-border capital flows is becoming more frequent and increasing scale , complexity further enhanced .

  3. 货币的可兑换性就是一个巨大的障碍。

    Convertibility of the currency is a gargantuan barrier .

  4. 即使是美国人,也并未要求中国在一夜之间就实现货币完全可兑换。

    Even the Americans are not asking China to move to a fully-convertible currency overnight .

  5. 由于人民币升值将使得货币完全可兑换变成一个更为现实的目标,因此人民币升值将有助于中国让自己处于国际货币改革的核心位置。

    And since a stronger yuan would make full currency convertibility a more realistic objective , Chinese exchange rate appreciation would bring China closer to putting itself at the heart of international monetary reform .

  6. 论货币体系的可兑换性和信用依赖性准则

    Convertibility and Credit-Dependency in Monetary System

  7. 事实上,一般只有在某种货币具备高度可兑换和实现了国际化的情况下,离岸外汇市场才会形成。

    In fact , offshore currency markets generally emerge only after a currency is highly convertible and internationalised .

  8. 如果不实现货币的完全可兑换,中国企业在香港上市的股票,与他们在上海交易的、以人民币计价的股票就不可能相互替换。

    Without full currency convertibility , Chinese companies ' Hong Kong-listed stock and renminbi-denominated shares traded Shanghai cannot be fungible .

  9. 货币体系中的可兑换性与信用依赖性&解读金融业历史论争的现代意义

    Convertibility and Credit-Dependency in Monetary System & An Interpretation about the Historical Debates of Financial Industry in Modern Sense

  10. 货币自由兑换即货币可兑换性,是指一种货币兑换成别种货币或支付手段的能力。

    The convertibility of currency is a main topic of the international monetary system .

  11. 本文从外汇管理的进程及相关立法出发,结合国际货币基金组织关于货币可兑换应满足的条件,指出人民币可自由兑换的要求,并对人民币可自由兑换的逐步实现提出相应的立法完善措施。

    This article introduces the course of FX administration and correlative law , analyzes the conditions to satisfy the convertibility issued by IMF and finally proposes the legislative measures to perfect the FX Law .

  12. 货币替代是指在开放经济与货币可兑换条件下,本币的货币职能部分或全部被外国货币所替代的一种经济现象。

    Currency substitution refers to that , under the open economic and convertible currencies conditions , the some or all function of currency of the currency is taken place by foreign currency .