
ɡānɡ tiě chǎn pǐn
  • iron and steel products
  1. WTO后时代河北省钢铁产品出口态势与应对措施

    Export situation of iron and steel products of Hebei Province at post-WTO times and Its Counter-measures

  2. 应用LCA方法分析钢铁产品的环境负荷

    Analysis of enrironmental load of iron and steel products by life cycle assessment method

  3. WTO框架下保障措施经济学:以钢铁产品案为例

    The Economics of Safeguards under the WTO : A Case Study of the Steel Industry

  4. 第二、分析中韩FTA成立后对两国钢铁产品贸易结构和竞争关系的影响。

    Second , analyze the impact of the China-Korea FTA on various steel products division of competition .

  5. 上个月,美国就中国向主要产自俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州的某些高科技钢铁产品征收反倾销税和反补贴税向wto提起诉讼,wto裁定美国胜诉。

    Last month , the WTO ruled in favour of the US in its challenge to antidumping and countervailing duties imposed by China on a certain kind of high-tech steel product manufactured mostly in Ohio and Pennsylvania .

  6. 据麦格理证券(macquarieequities)的一份报告,最近两个月来,中国是所有钢铁产品的净出口国。

    China has been a net exporter of all steel products for the past two months , according to a report by Macquarie equities .

  7. 所以,对于中韩FTA的预测会强化目前两国钢铁产品的分工结构与竞争关系,但这研究办法没有将中国钢铁产业与中韩钢铁交易的迅速发展等限制因素考虑在内。

    So , the forecast of the China-Korea FTA will strengthen the division of labor structure and competition of the iron and steel products between the two countries .

  8. 基于遗传算法的钢铁产品生产计划模型研究

    Research on production planning modeling of steel enterprise based on genetic algorithm

  9. 钢铁产品在腐蚀介质中的断裂失效与防治途径

    Failures of Fracture of Steel Products in Corrosive Mediums and Their Solutions

  10. GB/T221-2000钢铁产品牌号表示方法标准综述

    Standards for indicating GB / T 221-2000 steel product grade

  11. 美国201钢铁产品保障措施调查中的产品排除实践

    The Product Remove Practice of 201 American Steel Product Ensure Measure Investigation

  12. 中国钢铁产品价格形成机理研究

    Research on the Price Forming Mechanism of Iron Steel Mechanism of China

  13. 钢铁产品生命周期影响评价方法

    Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method for Iron and Steel Products

  14. 一种基于实例推理的钢铁产品成本估算方法

    An Approach to Cost Estimation of Steel Products by Using Case-Based Reasoning

  15. 能源费用对钢铁产品成本的影响

    Influence of energy cost on iron and steel product cost

  16. 钢铁产品分析的质量控制

    Quality control in analysis of iron and steel products

  17. 始终保持特种钢铁产品国内市场领先地位;

    Keep all along lead position of special steel production in domestic market ;

  18. 简述了我国钢铁产品牌号表示方法标准的修订内容。

    The revised contents about the standards for indicating our steel product grades .

  19. 关于上钢钢铁产品结构优化与对策探讨

    The structure optimization and the strategy about Iron & steel products in Shanghai

  20. 1996年某些钢铁产品质量国家监督抽查结果简述

    Summarization of spot test on the quality of some steel products in 1996

  21. 武钢钢铁产品创新的战略思考

    Strategic Thoughts on iron and steel product at WISCO

  22. 国有企业的私有化与反补贴税美国对欧共体钢铁产品征收反补贴税案评析

    Privatization and Countervailing Duties : The Examination of the European Steel Case ·

  23. 从钢铁产品监督抽查结果看国产钢材质量状况

    Quality situation of domestic iron & steel products surveyed from the inspection results

  24. 东盟钢铁产品标准化问题委员会

    ASEAN Technical Committee on Iron and Steel Products Standardization

  25. 通过实例的表达、检索策略的设计、相似实例的评价等步骤,最终确定钢铁产品标准成本。

    It mainly includes Case description , Retrieval strategy design and similar case evaluation .

  26. 国际钢铁产品反倾销问题研究

    The Study of International Steel and Iron Anti-dumping

  27. 甚至对一些出口产品(例如某些钢铁产品)开始征税。

    Some exports , such as some steel products , are even being taxed .

  28. 在钢铁产品的结构组成中,各种异型钢材占很重要部分。

    In the steel products , there are some kinds of special section steel .

  29. 钢铁产品包装技术的现状及发展趋势

    The present status and developing trend of packing tech. for iron & steel products

  30. GB/T1839-1993钢铁产品镀锌层质量试验方法

    Steel product & Zinc coating mass testing method