
  1. 钢铁价格暴跌是什么原因

    What caused the price of irons to slump ?

  2. 中国沙钢集团(shagangsteel)董事长沈文荣表示,与中国国内钢铁价格相比,铁矿石价格显得过高,现在生产钢铁就是亏本生产。

    Shen Wenrong , head of Shagang steel , said iron ore prices were so high compared to steel prices in China that it was not now profitable to produce .

  3. 随之而来的问题,是这对它们的利润率将产生何种影响:据花旗集团(citigroup)计算,钢铁价格可能需要高达7%的涨幅,才能维持目前的利润率。

    The question then is what impact this will have on margins : Citigroup calculates that steel prices may have to rise as much as 7 per cent to maintain margins .

  4. 本月印度钢铁价格指数走软。

    The Indian steel price index has softened this month .

  5. 由于三月份钢铁价格上涨,我们几乎没有盈利。

    We barely made any profit in March with soaring steel prices .

  6. 钢铁价格便宜对许多厂商来说意味着降低成本。

    Cheaper steel means reduced costs for many manufacturers .

  7. 由于需求继续上升,钢铁价格变得坚挺。

    Steel prices strengthen as demand continues moving up .

  8. 钢铁价格走势预测研究

    The Study of the Steel 's Price Forecast

  9. 昆士兰洪灾给钢铁价格打了一针强心剂。

    The Queensland floods are giving a shot in the arm to steel prices .

  10. 当纽约大陪审团传遍行政官员们作证时,对钢铁价格的调查也在加紧进行。

    Steel price probe heats up as New York grand jury calls executives to testify .

  11. 价格下跌将压低钢铁价格,或提高钢铁生产商的利润率。

    The falls will either push down steel prices or widen steelmakers ' profit margins .

  12. 宝钢称,公司生产的钢铁价格肯定会因此上涨,但没有透露预期涨幅。

    Baosteel said its steel prices will certainly rise as a result but gave no estimates .

  13. 钢铁价格的下跌和铁矿石价格的上涨已挤压了许多中国钢铁制造商的利润空间。

    Falling steel prices and rising iron ore prices had squeezed margins for many Chinese steelmakers .

  14. 钢铁价格的高涨也在影响从造船到能源开发等各个行业。

    The impact of high steel prices is rippling through industries from shipbuilding to energy exploration .

  15. 钢铁价格持续下降,出口税的取消无助于刺激全球需求。

    Steel prices keep falling , and the removal of export taxes does nothing to stimulate global demand .

  16. 去年下半年,钢铁价格和企业利润双双下滑,显示出产能过剩带来沉重打击。

    Prices and profits slid in the second half of last year , suggesting that overcapacity was hitting hard .

  17. 自2001年底以来,全球钢铁价格已上涨2倍,提升了该行业的盈利水平。

    Since the end of 2001 , world steel prices have risen threefold , boosting the sector 's profitability .

  18. 他认为,中国劳动力成本上升和国际钢铁价格走高,将对中国造船企业造成沉重打击。

    He believes they will be hard hit by rising labour costs in China and by higher global steel prices .

  19. 去年,钢铁价格下滑和生产成本高企,对钢铁生产商的利润率构成沉重压力。

    During the past year , producer margins have come under severe strain from falls in prices and high input costs .

  20. 2011年,紧缩的货币政策和对房地产建设的严格限制,继续令钢铁价格面临下行压力。

    In 2011 , tight money policies and harsh restrictions on property construction continued to put downward pressure on steel prices .

  21. 过去一年,全球钢铁价格下跌了一半,欧洲钢铁制造商正一同加大抗议的声音。

    Having seen global steel prices halve over the past year , European steel-makers are ratcheting up their choruses of complaint .

  22. 该公司去年的收入增幅超过30%,而处于创纪录低位的钢铁价格可能会让2009年成为该公司营利最丰厚的一年。

    Revenues jumped more than 30 per cent last year , and record-low steel prices could make 2009 its most profitable year yet .

  23. 由于全球有太多低效运转的工厂,钢铁价格和利润出现下降。

    With so many of the world 's factories running at low , inefficient rates of production , prices and profits have dropped .

  24. 不对称的碳税收制度只在欧洲征税而不在其它地区征税将使生产转移至没有这些政策的地区,并推高钢铁价格。

    Asymmetrical carbon tax regimes taxing in Europe but not elsewhere will shift production to regions without these policies , and put up prices .

  25. 过去三个月中,全球绝大部分地区的钢铁价格出现下跌,钢铁行业的盈利能力承受着压力。

    Over the past three months , steel prices have fallen in most parts of the world , putting steel industry profitability under strain .

  26. 这一纠纷对全球经济具有影响,因为铁矿石价格影响钢铁价格,进而对日常商品的价格产生影响。

    The dispute has ramifications for the global economy as iron ore prices feed through to steel prices , impacting the price of everyday goods .

  27. 如果增加的速度,钢铁价格可控制在20%的房地产公司的毛利率影响很小。

    If the rate of increase in steel prices can be controlled in20 % of the real estate company 's gross margin has little influence .

  28. 对于全球经济而言,铁矿石和炼焦煤成本十分关键,因为这影响到钢铁价格和日常商品的成本。

    The cost of iron ore and coking coal is key to the global economy as it affects steel prices and the cost of everyday goods .

  29. 然而,高虎城驳斥了钢铁价格下滑应归咎中国的说法,称许多大宗商品行业都出现了价格下滑,而不仅仅是钢铁行业。

    However , Mr Gao rejected the charge China was to blame , saying the price falls have occurred in many commodity industries , not just steel .

  30. 此谈判会影响全球经济,因为铁矿石价格会影响钢铁价格,进而影响诸如汽车和洗衣机等产品的价格。

    The talks influence the global economy , as the price of iron ore filters into steel prices and then goods such as cars and washing machines .