
  • 网络Steel industry;iron and steel industry
  1. 基于层次灰关联的钢铁行业CO2排放影响因素

    Factors affecting CO_2 emission in iron and steel industry based on layered grey relation

  2. 基于DEA的我国钢铁行业上市公司绩效动态评价

    Dynamic Evaluation on Performance of Listed Company in Iron and Steel Industry in China Based on DEA

  3. 加入WTO以后,总的来说,钢铁行业基本平稳。

    Generally speaking , the steel industry will be steady after China joins WTO .

  4. 基于CRM的面向钢铁行业的企业管理信息系统研究

    Study on the CRM-based Enterprise Management Information System Oriented to the Steel Industry

  5. PROFIBUS在钢铁行业制氧厂的应用

    PROFIBUS used in oxygen manufactory of steel walk

  6. 人民币升值对中国钢铁行业影响的CGE研究

    A CGE Analysis of RMB Appreciation Effects on China Steel Industry

  7. 其结果是,据瑞信(CreditSuisse)表示,整个钢铁行业的净负债在过去十年飙升10倍,到今年约达500亿美元。

    Industry-wide net debt soared 10-fold over the last decade as a result , hitting roughly $ 50bn this year , according to Credit Suisse .

  8. 最后对于钢铁行业的信息化建设以及MES系统的未来发展和规划进行了介绍。

    Finally , this paper gives an overview about the informatization construction and MES system development in iron and steel industry .

  9. 根据钢铁行业对物料管理的需求,本文提出了面向ERP和MES的集成化物料管理系统。

    ERP & MES oriented integrated material management system is put forward in this paper according to the requirement of material management for steel industry .

  10. 本文旨在研究CIPS在钢铁行业中的应用。

    This paper aims at studying the application of CIPS in the steel trade .

  11. 钢铁行业咨询公司SteelBusinessBriefing的格雷姆•特雷恩(GraemeTrain)表示:经济低迷通常是大型企业迫使边缘企业出局的大好时机。

    Normally a downturn is a great time for larger players to squeeze margin players out of business , says Graeme Train of Steel Business Briefing , the steel consultancy .

  12. COREX是唯一实现工业化的熔融还原流程,为中国钢铁行业的可持续性发展带来了机遇。

    It is the only one of smelting and reduction processes which has been industrialized .

  13. 本文采用先进的建模工具和J2EE四层体系结构,开发了支持ERP/MES集成的钢铁行业集成化物料管理系统。

    Material management system of steel industry supporting the integration of ERP and MES is developed in the paper , adopting advanced modeling tools and J2EE 4 tiers architecture .

  14. 麦格理(Macquarie)驻上海的大宗商品分析师格雷姆•特雷恩(GraemeTrain)指出,中国钢铁行业产能过剩,库存很大。

    Graeme Train , commodities analyst at Macquarie in Shanghai , pointed out that inventories were high in China 's overbuilt steel sector .

  15. 钢铁行业在目前的产业结构调整中,将着重发展高附加值、高性能的产品,这就使得H公司的冷轧薄板项目在当前具有极其重要的意义。

    Adjustment is being carried out in the iron and steel industry and focus has been put on those products with high value and high quality . All this has attached great importance to the project of cold rolling plate in H Company .

  16. 酸雨中绝大部分是硫酸和硝酸,我国主要是硫酸型酸雨。在SO2排放中,钢铁行业占据相当重要的部分。

    The inorganic acids in acid rain are mainly composed of sulfuric acid and nitric acid . The main type of acid rain in China is sulfuric acid rain and large amounts of the SO2 emissions are from steel industry .

  17. 在此基础上,鉴于我国钢铁行业整体自动化和管理水平较低的现状,从功能和控制两个方面提出了一种CIPS的4层体系结构,并提出了如何具体实施CIPS。

    Considering the actuality of our country 's steel trade , A CIPS 4 layers systematic structure is presented . The implement of CIPS in the steel trade is also studied .

  18. 合并后的公司将与钢铁行业的阿塞洛-米塔尔(arcelormittal)一样成为行业霸主,其规模将比紧随其后的竞争对手高出数倍。

    It would have the same dominance in the mining industry as Arcelor Mittal does in the steel industry , and would be several times bigger than its nearest rival .

  19. 米塔尔拥有阿塞洛-米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)45%的股权,他表示,在未来的3至4年内,钢铁行业的地位将是牢固且可持续的。

    Mr Mittal , the main shareholder of ArcelorMittal with a 45 per cent stake , said the steel industry was in a strong and sustainable position over the next three to four years .

  20. 欧洲钢铁行业协会欧洲钢铁联盟(eurofer)辩称,此次合资实际上是两拓三年前拟议合并计划的翻版。

    Eurofer , the European steel industry body , argues the joint venture is in effect a reconstitution of the attempted merger of Rio and BHP three years ago .

  21. 在钢铁行业中,滚动导卫装置为轧制生产线上一关键装置。Φ16mm带肋钢筋二线切分轧制孔型与导卫设计

    In the Iron and Steel industry , roll guide equipment is a part in rolling product line . Pass and guide unit design of two-strands slitting rolling for Φ 16mm ribbed bar

  22. 本文结合安钢动力厂2×30th反渗透水处理系统的生产实际,从反渗透的设计和运行效果两方面对反渗透技术在钢铁行业中的应用进行了介绍。

    Combined with the practical production situation of 2 × 30 t / h anti - infiltration water treatment system in Angang Power Plant , anti-infiltration technology applied in Iron and Steel industry is introduced from the design and running effect in this article .

  23. 钢铁行业贸易协会Industriall的政策顾问伊莎贝尔•巴尔泰斯(IsabelleBarthes)表示,她对安塞乐米塔尔进一步大幅关停在欧工厂的可能性感到“忧虑”。Industriall的总部位于布鲁塞尔。

    Isabelle Barthes , policy adviser at Industriall , a Brussels-based trade union covering the metals industry , said she was " concerned " about the possibility of ArcelorMittal making further large cuts in its European plant network .

  24. 钢铁行业观察人士警告称,阿塞洛-米塔尔(arcelormittal)可能将被迫永久性削减高达10%的炼钢能力,此际,该行业正因几十年来最严重的全球衰退的影响而步履蹒跚。

    ArcelorMittal is likely to have to make permanent cuts of up to 10 per cent in its steelmaking capacity as the industry reels from the impact of the worst global recession in decades , industry observers have warned .

  25. 在实证研究部分,依照知识的密集程度选取医药行业、钢铁行业和纺织行业的上市公司作为计量的样本公司,并采用改进后的CIV法对样本公司的智力资本进行了计量。

    In the part of empirical study , I choose listed companies of Pharmaceutical , Steel and Textile industries as the sample companies according to the grade of knowledge intensity and applied improved CIV method to measure them .

  26. 中国钢铁行业重组并购大事记

    Regrouping and Mergers Acquisitions of China 's Iron and Steel Industry

  27. 上市公司现金股利政策影响因素研究&来自钢铁行业的经验数据分析

    Positive Research on the Influential Factors of the Cash Dividend Policy

  28. 激光气体分析仪在钢铁行业的应用

    The Application of Laser Gas Analyzers in the Steel Industry

  29. 今天的钢铁行业正被经济腾飞中的中国主宰着。

    Steel today is dominated by the economic explosion that is China .

  30. 我国钢铁行业科技创新能力的研究

    Study on the Sci-tech Innovation Ability of Chinese Steel Industry