
  • 网络Steel Logistics
  1. 基于SLP方法的钢铁物流园区平面布置规划

    Application of SLP Method in Layout Planning of Steel Logistics Parks

  2. 钢铁物流园区信息平台规划及设计研究

    Research on the Planning and Designing of Steel Logistics Park Information Platform

  3. 文中采用了敏捷开发的设计思想,结合J2EE相关组件技术,为一个大型钢铁物流中心设计了网上交易的平台。

    Used an agile development design ways , along with the module technology related to J2EE , developed an exchange platform on Internet for a large-scaled steel center .

  4. 长江中下游地区钢铁物流多式联运研究

    Research on Multimodal Transport of Steel Logistic in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Area

  5. 论中国钢铁物流的发展

    Research on Development of Chinese Steel Logistics

  6. 基于实物量和价值量的钢铁物流需求预测方法研究

    Research of the Iron and Steel Logistics Demand Forecasting Methods Dased on the Value and the Actual Volume of Goods

  7. 第4章主要是对华中钢铁物流基地盈利模式的设计及分析。

    Chapter 4 mainly deals with the design and analysis of the iron and steel Logistics Park profit model in central China .

  8. 概述了钢铁物流行业现状和现存问题,介绍了钢铁物流企业提供的各类服务。

    The problem and bottleneck in the Steel Logistics Industry is summarized , also the service of its offering is being introduced .

  9. 然后,在搜集了大量的资料和数据的基础上,分析了钢铁物流信息平台的信息需求和功能。

    Then the paper analyzes the information needs and functions of the steel logistics information platform on the basis of a lot of information and data collected .

  10. 中国物流行业的不断发展和成熟,使钢铁物流面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战,传统的钢铁贸易流通模式也在不断地发生变换。

    Logistics has a well-developed in China , so that the steel industry faces unprecedented opportunities and challenges and the traditional steel trade flows model has also transformed quickly .

  11. 但目前钢铁物流总体水平仍然偏低,难以满足日益增长的需求。

    Though made rapid progress in the past , the level of operations of Steel Logistics is still fairly low , which cannot meet the increasing demands from customers .

  12. 通过跨案例分析与比较,结合扎根理论研究方法与内容分析法等分析工具,研究得出钢铁物流渠道运营商模式及其关键成功要素,这对钢铁物流企业的发展具有很大的启发意义。

    Using cross-case analysis and comparison , combining the method of grounded theory and content analysis , the paper studies the operation model of steel logistics channel operators and the key factors to success .

  13. 这种生产周期长、物流成本较高、市场风险不定的特点,使得追求钢铁物流管理虽然空间大,但难度也大。接着总结了钢铁物流的特点;

    In addition the long production cycle , the costly material resource stream cost , the instable market risk , that make the management scope of iron & steel industry extended but hard to manage .

  14. 主要是回顾了论文的主要内容,强调了华中钢铁物流基地盈利模式的可行性,最后指出研究中存在的局限性和今后的研究方向。

    The main thesis is a review of the main content , emphasizing the feasibility of Iron and Steel Logistics Park profit model in central China , and finally concludes the limitations and future research direction .

  15. 最后,从政策法制、产业集中度、铁矿石、高级要素和钢铁物流五个方面就如何提升我国钢铁产业竞争力提出了相应的对策建议。

    At last , relevant suggestions are advised to strengthen the international competitiveness of SII in China , which list as follows : policy , industry concentration ratio , iron ore , advanced factor , steel logistics .

  16. 最终形成一套科学合理的绩效管理考核系统,以实现有效改善和提高钢铁物流企业的生产作业效率、提升物流服务质量、降低物流成本的目的。

    Finally , the scientific and reasonable system of Performance Management is well-established , its own aim is to improve the efficiency of production and operation , and enhance the logistics service level , reducing the cost of logistics activities .

  17. 在众多影响钢铁物流企业经营的因素中,管理者普遍认识到钢铁物流人才(不仅包括中高级管理人才,还包括从事基层工作的作业人员)对企业的运营起着首当其冲的作用。

    In a number of business factors , Steel logistics enterprises ' managers generally recognized that the steel logistics personnel ( including not only senior management personnel , but also workers engaged in grassroots work ) plays the first role on the enterprise operations .

  18. 针对钢铁物流企业绩效管理的研究,其核心是如何提高物流服务质量和降低物流成本,并有效提升企业在市场中整体竞争力和效益。

    As to the study of Performance Management in Steel Logistics Industry , its main core is how to improve the logistics service level and how to reduce the cost of logistics activities , ultimately , to enhance the competency of company in the market effectively .

  19. 现代GPS/GIS空间信息技术、移动通信技术和计算机网络技术的快速发展,为建立现代化的基于GPS/GIS的车船管控系统创造了条件,该类系统的开发和应用,可以降低物流风险,提高钢铁物流效率。

    The establishment of an advanced logistics management and control system is made possible by the rapid development of modern GPS / GIS spatial information , mobile communication and the computer network technology . The application of such systems can reduce the logistics risk and improve its efficiency .

  20. 我国钢铁企业物流管理信息化探讨

    Discussion on the informatization of logistics management in iron & steel enterprises

  21. 汽车制造企业废钢铁逆向物流管理研究

    The Research of Reverse Logistics Management of Scraped Steel in Auto Manufacturer

  22. 现代钢铁企业物流技术的理论研究

    Theoretical study on the material flux technology in modern iron and steel works

  23. 钢铁企业物流研究概述

    Survey on Logistics Research in Iron and Steel Industry

  24. 基于供应链的钢铁企业物流管理信息化研究与应用浅析物流企业的信息化管理

    Study and Application on Logisticss Management Informatization in Steel Enterprises Based on Supply Chain

  25. 嵌入式流媒体视频在钢铁业物流系统解决方案

    Solution on Material Circulation in the Steel Industry Applying Embedded Flow-medium Video Frequency System

  26. 促进河北省钢铁企业物流发展的战略选择

    The Strategic Choice to Promote the Logistics Development of Iron and Steel Enterprises in Hebei Province

  27. 钢铁企业物流能流分析及对能耗的影响

    Analysis of Material and Energy Flows in Iron and Steel Corporation and Their Influence on Energy Intensity

  28. 基于企业集群的钢铁企业物流中心构建研究

    Research on the Establishment of Logistics Centre about Iron & Steel Enterprise Based on Clusters of Enterprise

  29. 基于供应链理论的S钢铁企业物流管理优化研究

    Research on Optimization of Logistics Management of S Iron and Steal Enterprise Based on the Supply Chain Theory

  30. 生产物流是钢铁企业物流的主体,它与钢铁生产工艺过程密切融合。

    Production logistics is the principal part of iron steel enterprise logistics . It is close with steel production process .