
gāng tiě
  • steel;iron;iron and steel;unbreakable
钢铁 [gāng tiě]
  • (1) [iron and steel]∶钢和铁的统称,有时专指钢

  • 粮食和钢铁对一个国家来说是非常重要的

  • (2) [iron]∶比喻坚强

  • 钢铁意志

  • 中国人民解放军是保卫祖国的钢铁长城

钢铁[gāng tiě]
  1. 基于层次灰关联的钢铁行业CO2排放影响因素

    Factors affecting CO_2 emission in iron and steel industry based on layered grey relation

  2. WTO后时代河北省钢铁产品出口态势与应对措施

    Export situation of iron and steel products of Hebei Province at post-WTO times and Its Counter-measures

  3. 这一决定对于钢铁业是一个沉重的打击。

    The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry .

  4. 钢铁工业的问题没有即时解决的办法。

    There is no quick fix for the steel industry .

  5. 这一带的所有钢铁厂都在20世纪80年代倒闭了。

    All the steelworks around here were closed down in the 1980s .

  6. 这座城市的特点是钢铁和玻璃建造的现代化高楼大厦林立。

    The city is characterized by tall modern buildings in steel and glass .

  7. 以前钢铁工业在南威尔士很重要。

    Steel used to be important in South Wales .

  8. 他们讨论了困扰钢铁工业的问题。

    They discussed the problems ailing the steel industry .

  9. 这个城市19世纪的繁荣是建立在钢铁工业基础上的。

    The town 's nineteenth-century prosperity was built on steel .

  10. 在20世纪30年代,英国的钢铁产量几乎翻了一番。

    In the course of the 1930s steel production in Britain approximately doubled

  11. 他们的优柔寡断已经被自信和钢铁般的决心所取代。

    Their indecision has been replaced by confidence and steely determination

  12. 公司在钢铁和其他产品领域都有投资。

    The company has interests in steel and other products .

  13. 上周该国钢铁厂的原钢产量下降了2.1%。

    Raw-steel production by the nation 's mills decreased 2.1 % last week

  14. 煤炭和钢铁曾是这个地区的生命线。

    Coal and steel were the region 's lifeblood .

  15. 克劳克纳公司计划出售其亏损的钢铁业务。

    Klockner plans to hive off its loss-making steel businesses

  16. 美国认定进口钢铁相对于国产钢铁具有不公平的优势。

    America decided that imported steel had an unfair advantage over steel made at home

  17. 那将会抑制美国钢铁出口未来的增长。

    That would put a damper on the future growth of U.S. steel exports .

  18. 这家钢铁厂的年产量达500000吨。

    The annual output of the steel plant amounts to 500000 tons .

  19. 鸭绿江上有一座钢铁大桥。

    A steel railway bridge spans the Yalu River .

  20. 你们白手起家,修建了这么多钢铁厂,这简直是个奇迹。

    Starting bare-handed , you have built up so many steel plants . This is nothing short of miracles .

  21. 把革命意志锻炼得钢铁般坚强。

    Harden one 's revolutionary will into steel .

  22. 发展工业离不了钢铁。

    Industry cannot develop without steel .

  23. 钢铁公司回收一些旧集装箱。

    Steel companies recycle some of the old containers .

  24. BlackWidow《黑寡妇》在《钢铁侠2》中首次亮相后,斯嘉丽·约翰逊饰演的俄罗斯特工娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫终于有了自己的单人电影。

    Scarlett Johansson 's Natasha Romanoff finally gets her own solo film , a decade after the Russian spy was introduced in Iron Man 2 .

  25. 他是一家大型钢铁公司的代理人。

    He is a representative for a large steel company .

  26. 冲破钢铁障碍很难。

    It is difficult to break through a steel barricade .

  27. 钢铁价格暴跌是什么原因

    What caused the price of irons to slump ?

  28. 那是座钢铁结构的桥梁。

    It 's a bridge of steel framework .

  29. 以前,橡树经常用于造船,但现在绝大部分船只都是由钢铁制成。

    Oak was formerly5 much used for building ships , but most ships are now built of iron or steel .

  30. 洋流和盐蚀对沉船造成了损害,微生物也在侵蚀着钢铁,形成钟乳石般的锈石,从船上垂下来。

    Ocean currents and salt erosion are causing the damage as are microbes , which are eating away at the metal , creating stalactites of rust from the ship .