
  1. 第三,武汉钢铁产业链群的主要产品的竞争地位分析;

    Competition status of main products in Wuhan steel industry chain are analyzed accordingly .

  2. 基于交易成本的我国钢铁产业链分析

    Analysis on China 's Iron and Steel Industrial Chain Based on Transaction Costs Theory

  3. 第二部分中,我们首先从宏观的角度界定了武汉钢铁产业链群,并对发展现状进行了分析。

    In the second part , Wuhan steel industry chain in the view of macroscopic economy is defined , then , Wuhan steel industry chain is distinguished from the local economic system .

  4. 在最后这一部分,我们首先根据前面的分析,得出优化武汉钢铁产业链的必要性和可行性,在此基础上,提出了优化武汉钢铁产业链群的基本构想。

    According to the analysis above , we conclude the necessity and feasibility of optimizing Wuhan steel industry chain . Some suggestions and policies are pointed out to optimize Wuhan steel industry chain .

  5. 钢铁产业链产业安全指标体系包含四个部分&产业国内生存环境、产业国际竞争力、对外依存度和产业控制力。

    In more detail , the industrial safety index system was divided into four parts : the domestic survival environment , the international competitiveness , the industrial degree of external dependence and the controlling force .

  6. 钢铁产业链涉及面非常广泛,钢铁企业在生产经营中常会受到原材料及成品的价格波动带来的不可预测的价格风险。

    Steel chain covers a very wide range of iron and steel enterprises in the production and operation of the Central Standing Committee by the prices of raw materials and finished products brought about by unpredictable fluctuations in the price of risk .

  7. 同时建立了生态钢铁工业产业链和社会功能链。

    The main process chain , by-process chain and social-link chain are also designed .

  8. 本文先从行业分析入手,然后结合分析企业现状,提供了要素分析、结构分析、乘数效应分析等这些分析的工具,得出钢铁企业能够实施产业链群的可行性和必要性。

    This thesis sets about analysis of industry and then bases on the current situation analysis enterprise , providing these analysis tools such as the factor analysis , structure analysis , multiply effect analysis , and comes to the feasibility and necessity of industry chain and industrial cluster Steel enterprises .

  9. 河北省的钢铁产业及由此而形成的钢铁产业链是本省的支柱产业及产业群。

    The iron steel industry and its industrial chain , which is formed by the industry , are important industry and industrial group of Hebei province .

  10. 本章提出了钢铁产业的前后向整合,构筑协调发展的钢铁产业链的思路,对基于循环经济的产业链整合进行了系统分析和整体设计。

    In this part I put forward the viewpoint of constructing harmoniously-developing industry chain through forward and backward integration of steel industry , systemically analyse and totally design the industry integration that is based on cycle economy .

  11. 摘要:当前,钢铁行业已经进入了高成本、低利润的经营状态,钢铁企业销售物流产业链普遍较短。

    ABSTRACT : The steel industry has been in a state of high-cost and low-margin business , while distribution logistics chains of iron and steel enterprises are generally short .

  12. 这三部分中,我们通过对武汉市钢铁产品以及其主要关联产品在全国竞争地位的比较,得出了武汉钢铁工业的子产业链的发展也不相协调,有待于进一步发展和完善。

    In the third part , through comparing steel products and related ones in Wuhan , we conclude incongruity development also exists in sub industry chain of Wuhan steel product , so the further developing and perfecting are needed .

  13. 钢铁是一个国家生存和发展的物资保障,钢铁贸易行业处于钢铁工业与下游消费行业之间,是钢铁流通的中转站,也是整条钢铁产业链中不可或缺的一环。

    Steel is a national survival and development of material support , the steel trading business in the steel industry and downstream consumer industries , and is the steel distribution of transfer station , the whole steel industry is an integral part of the chain .