
  1. 这个开发组织主要面对新的市场项目如LED和太阳能光伏产品等,成立这个新部门的原因主要是台积电传统的芯片制造业务增长较为缓慢。

    The group will focus on new growth markets , such as LED and solar , as its traditional foundry business is slowing .

  2. 当今,硅是光伏产品最重要的材料。

    Silicon is the most important material for PV today .

  3. 太阳能发电等工程的规模逐渐扩大,并且开发了一系列的光伏产品。

    The scale of the Solar power project is gradually expanding , and have been developed a series of photovoltaic products .

  4. 由于欧洲对可再生能源的重视,对光伏产品进行了持续性的补贴,所以欧洲的消费市场十分庞大。

    Europe takes renewable energy seriously , puts the continuous subsidies of PV products , so the European consumer market is very large .

  5. 为了能使光伏产品得到普及,进一步提高效率、降低成本是光电池的发展趋势。

    In order to gain ground the photovoltaic products , the trend for the development of solar cell is to further improve the efficiency and lower the cost .

  6. 目前,从事太阳能光伏产品开发的中国企业越来越多,市场竞争也非常激烈。

    At present , the Chinese Enterprise is engaged in the solar energy PV product developing to be getting more and more , the market competition is also intense .

  7. 针对美国再次对中国光伏产品启动反倾销和反补贴调查,中国商务部周日向美方发出公函,双方的矛盾由此加深。

    Hostilities rose with a missive issued by the China 's Ministry of Commerce to the United States on Sunday over its anti-dumping measures and counter investigations on Chinese solar products .

  8. 分析了光伏产品的国际国内市场的现状与走势,对产品分类、市场结构、发展的主要制约因素进行了深入的剖析。

    It analyses the PV market status abroad and in China and its tendency and analyses deeply from product categorization , market status to main limiting factors of the market development .

  9. 希望欧盟妥善处理光伏产品和无线通信设备两案,维护中欧经贸大局,维护贸易自由化原则。

    We hope the EU will properly deal with the cases of PV products and wireless telecommunication equipments , uphold the larger interests of China-EU economic relations and the principle of trade liberalization .

  10. 但传统的光伏产品不容易在建筑中安装,况且零散的太阳能电池板会影响建筑本身的美观,有时还会留下一定的安全隐患。

    But traditional photovoltaic products is not easy to install on the building . Moreover , solar panels scattered on the buildings itself will affect the beauty , sometimes leaving potential security risks .

  11. 随着能源危机的加深、建筑能耗的日益增长及光伏产品在市场应用中的不断推广,预计我国光伏发电的规模化建设即将进入快速的发展期。

    With a worse energy crisis , increasing building energy consumption and PV power generation market domestic demands open in China , photovoltaic power generation is about to enter a rapid development period .

  12. 我想指出的是,最近欧盟发起针对中国光伏产品和无线通信设备的反倾销反补贴调查,中方对此高度关注。

    I want to point out that the Chinese side is highly concerned about the anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigation recently launched by the EU against Chinese PV products and wireless telecommunication equipments .

  13. 欧盟发起针对中国光伏产品和无线通信设备产品的反倾销反补贴调查,会对中国产业、企业和就业造成严重影响,也会伤及欧盟消费者、相关企业的切身利益和就业。

    The AD & CVD investigations launched by the European Union against Chinese photovoltaic products and wireless telecommunication equipment will cause severe adverse impact on Chinese industries , businesses and employment and hurt European consumers , companies and employment .

  14. 公司产品有两大系列,即:LED背光源及LED彩屏产品,太阳能光伏LED产品等。

    There are two series of products : one is LED backlight and LED colourful screen , the other is solar PV LED products .

  15. 开发和拓展薄膜光伏电池产品战略。

    Develop and drive the product strategy on thin film PV panel production ;

  16. 光伏电池产品主要分为晶体硅电池、薄膜电池两类。

    PV products are divided into crystalline silicon solar cells and thin film solar cells .

  17. 同时,本项目的水冷却技术应用成果可以推广到其他电源行业,诸如大功率光伏并网电源产品等等。

    And the water cooling research result can be utilized in many other power supply fields , such as high power PV grid inverter , and so on .

  18. 在国家政策的引导下,全国范围内出现了光伏产业的投资热潮,光伏产品的生产规模迅速扩张,出现了重复建设和产能过剩的风险。

    Under the guidance of national policy , there appeared a nationwide PV industry investment boom , which led to rapid PV production expansion and the risk of overcapacity .

  19. 2010年中国的光伏组件产能达13GW,占据全球份额的一半以上,中国光伏产品90%出口海外。

    China produced solar modules with an output of 13 GW which represents about half of the global production and which more than 90 % is exported in 2010 .

  20. 美国商务部正在调查来自台湾的光伏电池是否构成在美国倾销(以低于成本的价格销售),以及来自中国的其他光伏产品是否构成倾销或受益于政府补贴。

    The commerce department is now investigating whether photovoltaic cells from Taiwan are being dumped - sold at a below-cost price - in the US , and whether other solar products from China are being dumped or benefiting from government subsidies .