
  • 网络the halo effect
  1. 别克君越(LaCrosse),富于灵感创意的设计,加之其在中国所获成功的光环效应,令市场为之一振。

    Inspired new designs lacrosse , Regal combined with the halo effect of success in China have supercharged results .

  2. RBD往往是城市的标志性地段和光环效应区,是外地人了解一个城市的窗口。

    RBD is often a symbol of urban lots and a halo effect area , is a window for the outsiders to understand the city .

  3. 苹果(Apple)在旧金山举办的年度开发者大会上,发布了升级后的Mac系列电脑。这家公司正加大力度,利用iPhone和iPad带来的“光环效应”,吸引PC用户转而使用它更昂贵的电脑硬件产品。

    Appleintroduced an updated suite of Mac computers at a conference for developers in San Francisco , as it made a renewed push to use the iPhone and iPad " halo effect " to convert more PC users to its higher-priced hardware .

  4. 瑞士IMD商学院的PhilRosenzweig就认为,管理作家倾向于“光环效应”:他们把企业短暂的成功用来证明其发现了优良管理的永恒法宝。

    Rich because green , or green because rich ? One could quibble with BCG 's analysis . Phil Rosenzweig of Switzerland 's IMD business school has argued that management writers are prone to " the halo effect " : they treat the temporary success of a company as proof that it has discovered some eternal principle of good management .

  5. 消费者满意度测量中的光环效应

    The Halo Effect in Customer Satisfaction Measurement

  6. 谈教员授课中的光环效应

    On Halo Effect in Teaching Activities

  7. 第二身份是指人的文明身份。第二身份具有直观性、不确定性、光环效应和易感性等特征。

    The second identity has the feature of being perceptive , uncertain and luminous and easy to feel .

  8. 自相矛盾的是,早先利率趋同的光环效应,反而使得欧元区各国财政政策的差异加大。

    Paradoxically , the halo effect of early interest rate convergence allowed a greater divergence in fiscal policies .

  9. 影响人际知觉的主要因素,包括第一印象、刻板印象、光环效应、投射作用等。

    The main influential factors include : The first impression , aperture effection , preconceptional impression , the projecting effection etc.

  10. 不过一旦违法行为被证实,光环效应就会变成光环负担。

    However , when a company is proven guilty of a transgression , the halo effect turns into a halo tax .

  11. 教员在教学中要特别注意运用好首次:光环效应,并不断深入实际,注意选择诱发积极光环效应的方式。

    A teacher should pay extra attention to the application of the first time halo effect , keep on practicing and choose methods of inducing positive halo effect .

  12. 进一步研究发现,无论上述哪种类型光环效应,其影响都是通过对满意度直接影响较大的维度进行传递;

    As the results presented , the halo effect be transformed through those dimensions that influence the customer satisfaction stronger directly whatever what type of halo effect happened .

  13. 新的消费电子产品的初期销售量在光环效应的影响下取得了增长。一家著名的制造厂商的名头给该产品的推广带来了这一效应。

    EXAMPLE : Initial sales of unusual new consumer electronic products are increased by the halo effect that the name of a well-known manufacturer can bring to the marketing effort .

  14. 作者认为原产地形象既可以通过光环效应、概括效应的形式,也可以通过首因效应或品牌效应的形式影响消费者的产品评价。

    The author suggests that country-of-origin image can not only serves as a halo effect or a summary effect in product evaluation , but also functions as a primacy effect or a brand effect .

  15. 这种现象在心理学上被称作“光环效应”,即,人们更容易亲近对外形姣好的人,并认为后者具有良好的品德——这种最初的判断进而会深刻影响他们对此人行为举止的判断评价。

    In what psychologists call the ' halo effect ' , people warm up to others with positive characteristics such as attractiveness - and that judgement significantly effects how they view their future behaviour .

  16. 在最近的研究中,我和同事麦克唐奈指出,声誉良好的公司可以从“光环效应”中受益,即使它们被指控做了坏事。

    In recent research that I 've conducted , my colleague , Mae McDonnell , and I show that companies with positive reputations benefit from a " halo effect , " even when they have been accused of wrongdoing .

  17. 不过一旦违法行为被证实,“光环效应”就会变成“光环负担”。换句话说,面对不利证据,声誉好的公司受到的打击将超过声誉不那么好的公司。

    However , when a company is proven guilty of a transgression , the halo effect turns into a " halo tax . " " In other words , companies with good reputations are punished more severely than companies with weaker reputations when the evidence of their wrong doing is stacked against them .