
fēi fǎ yí mín
  • illegal immigration;illegal
  1. 北方联盟高级官员罗伯托科塔(robertocota)表示,该党“首先要努力阻止非法移民和土耳其加入欧盟”。

    Roberto COTA , a senior Northern League official , said the party would be working " above all to block illegal immigration and the entry of Turkey into the union " .

  2. 这里是VOA特别英语教育报道。美国人经常说到非法移民,但是却不那么经常讨论合法移民。

    For Some , Free Citizenship Classes ; For Others , a Dream Delayed Again This is the VOA Special English Education Report . Americans talk a lot about illegal immigration but not as much about legal immigration .

  3. 非法移民得到了使其身份合法化的机会。

    Illegal immigrants were given the opportunity to regularize their position .

  4. 奥地利已派出3个营的兵力去本国和匈牙利交界的边境地区阻止非法移民的流入。

    Austria has sent three army battalions to its border with Hungary to stem the flow of illegal immigrants

  5. 然后我突然意识到他们是非法移民。

    Then I twigged that they were illegal immigrants .

  6. 切特夫称,中国不愿接受非法移民只会鼓励更多的人寻求政治庇护

    Mr. Chertoff argues that China 's reluctance to take back deportable immigrants only encourages asylum seekers .

  7. “移动提款机”指经常被抢劫的非法移民或农民工,他们没有银行账户,所以只能把钱都带在身上。

    Walking ATM refers to an illegal immigrant or migrant worker who is frequently robbed because they have no bank account and so must carry all their cash .

  8. 例句:aninfluxofimports进口货大量输入为了防止非法移民大量涌入,该国封闭了边境。

    The country sealed its borders to prevent the influx of illegal immigrants .

  9. 但在移民方面,无论是合法移民还是非法移民,这颗美联储内的孤星并没有与茶党(TeaParty)中坚派站在同一立场上。

    But when it comes to immigration - of the legal and illegal kind - the Lone Star Fed is not sitting with the Tea Party core .

  10. 美洲开发银行(inter-americandevelopmentbank)上月进行的一项调查发现,佐治亚州、路易斯安那州和其它很多州的非法移民所面临的法律限制,导致许多移民减少了汇回本国的金额。

    A survey by the Inter-American Development Bank this month found that legal restrictions faced by illegal immigrants in Georgia , Louisiana and a number of other states were leading many migrants to cut the amount they were sending back .

  11. 据NPR新闻的詹妮弗·卢登报道,白宫将投入更多资源来解决非法移民大量涌入的问题,并开始阻止他们进入美国。

    NPR 's Jennifer Ludden says the administration is devoting more resources to process the influx of people and try to keep them from coming in the first place .

  12. 他说,越来越多非法移民选择地中海海陆,在欧洲南部登陆,UNHCR越来越担忧。

    He says the UNHCR is increasingly concerned by what it sees as growing animosity toward the large number of irregular migrants taking the Mediterranean sea route and landing in southern Europe .

  13. 在大西洋彼岸,言论都是关于隔离墙和大规模驱逐——唐纳德礠朗普(DonaldTrump)声称要驱逐多达1100万非法移民,而德国人则作出种种安排,准备安置80万名绝望的难民。

    Across the Atlantic , the talk is all of walls and mass deportations ( in Donald Trump 's case of fully 11m souls ) in Germany it is of making arrangements so that 800000 desperate people might find asylum .

  14. 欧盟司法委员佛朗科佛拉蒂尼(francofrattini)认为,每年有数千名非法移民希望踏上进入欧盟的危险旅程,“影子经济”是“吸引”他们的一个重要因素。

    Franco Frattini , EU justice commissioner , views the shadow economy as a big " pull " factor for thousands of would-be illegal immigrants who each year embark on perilous journeys to reach the EU .

  15. 青少年非法移民暂缓遣返项目(简称为DACA)允许特定的年轻非法移民避免被驱逐,并获得在美国工作两年的权利。

    The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program , also known as a DACA , allows certain young unauthorized immigrants to avoid deportation and gain the right to work for two years .

  16. 意大利内政部长罗伯托-马罗尼(RobertoMaroni)告诉议会上院,最近非洲农业移民与卡拉布里亚区南部地区当地居民之间的暴力冲突就是非法移民不利影响的证据。

    Italy to Step Up Fight Against Illegal Immigration Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni told the upper house of parliament that recent violence between African agricultural migrants and local residents in the southern region of Calabria is evidence of the s of illegal immigration .

  17. 对1986年以来美国外来非法移民情况的若干辨析

    Analysis of the Undocumented Immigrants into the United States Since 1986

  18. 确定这里没有进行非法移民大清理。

    Make sure it 's not part of some big sweep .

  19. 非法移民奋力争取梦想法案。

    Illegal Immigrants in US Push for Passage of Dream Act .

  20. 美国大约拥有1100万非法移民。

    The United States has an estimated eleven million illegal immigrants .

  21. 我国非法移民刑事追究制度之我见

    My View - point on Our CountryS Illegal Immigrate Punishment System

  22. 现在在一个戏剧性的反向非法移民浪潮中…

    And now , in a dramatic reversal of illegal immigration ...

  23. 你是否注意到她是非法移民?

    Are you aware that she was in this country illegally .

  24. 犹他州正在调查一份所谓的非法移民的名单。

    A list of alleged illegal immigrants is under investigation in Utah .

  25. 立法不但影响非法移民也影响合法移民。

    The legislation affects legal as well as illegal immigrants .

  26. 居住在美国的非法移民数量停止下降。

    Number of unauthorized immigrants living in the US has stopped declining .

  27. 联邦法律规定,非法移民美国是民事违法行为。

    Federal law makes being in United States illegally a civil offense .

  28. 非法移民的法律控制问题研究

    Studies on the Issue of Legal Control of Illegal Migration

  29. 美国非法移民潮与布什的临时工计划

    The Flow of Illegal Immigrants and Bush 's Guest - Worker Plan

  30. 而非法移民不能参加。

    Illegal immigrants will not be able to take part .