
zì yóu cái chǎn
  • exempt property
  1. 另一方面则是认定自由财产的程序事项。

    For another thing , the procedure of identification of exempt property .

  2. 自由财产制度并非和破产制度同时产生,它是伴随着人类社会逐步的文明而出现的。

    Exempt property system and the property system is not the same generation , it is accompanied by the progressive civilization of human society arising .

  3. 关于自由财产制度的问题。

    Whether the free using right of land from the country is bankruptcy property .

  4. 此外,还应建立自由财产制度,设定自由财产为自然人债务人自由支配,以应生活之需,并为其以后获得重生提供可能。

    In addition , it is necessary to build the system of free property .

  5. 合伙人破产程序终结后,合伙人作为法律主体资格不因此而消灭,还需要继续生存下去,自由财产制度对合伙人至关重要。

    After the end of bankruptcy proceedings , the partners have to live , so free property system is vital to partners .

  6. 文章中简要介绍了美国破产法在确定自由财产方面的相关程序,为我国确定自由财产相关程序提出了立法展望。

    This part briefly states the procedures of exempt property based on legislations and cases in America , and put forward legislative proposals for our country .

  7. 首先,界定出自由财产的含义;其次,概括出自由财产的特征。自由财产的特征表现在其具体构成具有不确定性以及自由财产对破产债务人的保障具有有限性和暂时性。

    Secondly , summarizes the characteristics of exempt property , The specific composition of exempt property is uncertainly and the protection of insolvent debtor has a limited and temporary .

  8. 我国个人破产中自由财产的立法,依据我国破产立法的现状,障碍在于破产主体范畴的局限性。

    As for our country , according to the present situation of the bankruptcy law , the problem of the exempt property legislation in the individual bankruptcy law is the range of bankruptcy subject is limited .

  9. 建立个人破产制度必须完善相应的个人财产登记制度、许可免责制度、自由财产制度以及小破产程序制度等内容。

    To establish the everyman-bankruptcy system , what we should do is to perfect the personal property register system , the obligation exempt permission system , the free property system , and the small bankruptcy procedure system .

  10. 在对自由财产制度的具体设计所涉及的问题进行分门别类的阐述之后将落脚于我国个人破产中自由财产的立法思考。

    The article will focus on thinking about the legislation of exempt property in the individual bankruptcy of our country behind elaborating the various questions that are included in the system of appropriate layout for exempt property .

  11. 接着又介绍了个人破产的实体规定,如:自由财产制度、人格破产与复权制度、破产无效行为和撤消权制度。

    Then they introduced the personal bankruptcy of the entity provisions , such as : freedom of property regime , the right personality and the complex system of bankruptcy , insolvency ineffective behavior and withdrawal rights system .

  12. 第二部分为实体性制度,分别涉及自由财产制度、人格破产与复权制度、破产免责制度、破产无效行为和撤销权制度,第三节为个人破产犯罪。

    The second section is about the design of the substantive system . It includes the free capital system , personal bankruptcy , compound right system , debt relief system , the void action of bankruptcy and the right of rescission .

  13. 而后又对自由财产制度、破产免责制度、破产失权与复权制度等实体制度以及简易程序制度、破产和解制度等程序制度的构建提出了一些立法建议。

    In the body part , the author proposes several suggestions on the construction of substantive systems like Free Property System , Bankruptcy Disclaimer System , Bankruptcy Losing Right and Rehabilitation System , and procedural systems like Summary Procedure System and Bankruptcy Reconciliation System .

  14. 实体制度则分析了与企业法人破产制度不同的制度设计,包括破产财产和自由财产制度、破产免责、破产失权与复权、破产犯罪。

    The entity institutions put forward the system project different from the corporate bankruptcy system , which concludes the bankrupt property and free property institution , the escape from bankrupt duty , the lost and regain right of bankruptcy , and the crime of bankruptcy .

  15. 在自由财产制度中,笔者认为自由财产的内容可以比照关于不可执行财产的规定并加以修正;对自由财产的确认应以债权人的认可为主,法院裁定为辅。

    In the property system , author think that the exempt property content can be compared with unenforceable property in implementation system and make some correction , Confirmation of exempt property should give priority to be agreed by creditors , and be ruled by court as auxiliary .

  16. 小常识:在1849年,女继承人AdeliciaAcklen和他的第二任丈夫Joseph,签署了美国第一份婚前协议,协议赋予Adelicia自由处理财产的权利。

    Fact : In 1849 , heiress Adelicia Acklen and her second husband , Joseph , signed the first American prenup , entitling Adelicia to complete control of her property and assets .

  17. 生命,自由和财产的自然权利没有保障。

    The natural rights of life , liberty , and property were uncertain .

  18. 这些权利就是自由、财产、安全和反抗压迫。

    These rights are liberty , property , security , and resistance to oppression .

  19. 每个人都有权保卫他的生命、自由和财产。

    Each individual has the right to defend his life , liberty , and property .

  20. 持有自由保有财产的人。

    Person who holds a freehold property .

  21. 生命、自由和财产不是因为人类创造了法律才得以存在。

    Life , liberty , and property do not exist because men have made laws .

  22. 外交保护的适用范围一般包括外国人的人身自由、财产权利和诉讼权利遭到非法侵害。

    The nations perform the diplomatic protection right because they have personal supremacy over their citizens .

  23. 司法制度是对我们在宪法下取得自由和财产的保障。

    The judiciary is the safeguard of our liberty and of our property under the constitution .

  24. 但是在第二种情况中,法律因为侵犯了自由和财产而变成了合法抢劫。

    But in this second case , the law commits legal plunder by violating liberty and property .

  25. 生命、天赋、产品,换名话说个性、自由、财产&这才是人的本质。

    Life , faculties , production in other words , individuality , liberty , property this is man .

  26. 她们可以自由买卖财产,参与陪审,订立遗嘱,甚至签订合同。

    They could buy and sell property , serve on juries , make wills and even enter into legal contracts .

  27. 亦不得于未经正当法律程序前,使任何人丧失其生命、自由或财产。

    Nor shall any state deprive any person of life , liberty , or property , without due process of law .

  28. 因此,未经听证取消受益会剥夺合格受益人的自由和财产。

    Thus , termination of benefits without a hearing may deprive an eligible recipient of his " liberty " and " property " .

  29. 刑事制裁措施,直接剥夺人之生命、自由、财产及荣誉等诸多人生基本要素,实为各类法律制裁措施中最为严酷之一种。

    Punishment is the cruelest mandatory sanctions because it forfeits the elements of life , for example lives , freedom , property and honor .

  30. 教育刑事法律关系的客体是校园刑事案件中作为犯罪人的学生、教师等的生命、自由、财产和资格。

    The education criminal activity legal relationship object is in the campus criminal case which takes the crime person the student , the teacher and so on .