
zhuān yònɡ jī jīn
  • Dedicated fund;special purpose fund
  1. 对医院专用基金管理及使用的探讨

    Probe into the management and use of special fund of hospital

  2. 政府亦建议就与赌博有关问题设立专用基金。

    The government also proposes to set up a dedicated fund to address gambling-related problems .

  3. (为战争或某些活动筹集的)专用基金。

    War chest ( fund of money collected to pay for a war or some other campaign )

  4. 其次,通过盘整现有的各种资源,建立学院学习指导专用基金的方法,得到经费上的保障。

    Secondly , through the consolidation of existing resources and establishing a dedicated fund to protect the funding .

  5. 第四条市建设行政主管部门负责对专用基金的划拨和使用进行监督。

    Four of the city building department is responsible for the allocation and use of funds earmarked for supervision .

  6. 专用基金是《事业单位新会计制度》中规定的一个崭新的核算内容。

    The special fund is a new accounting content stimulated in the New Accountancy System of the Facility Units .

  7. 阐述了高校专用基金的财务管理特点及其加强学校专用基金管理的重要性。

    Features of financial management of special-used fund of colleges and universities and importance of its expenditure for the schools special item are expounded ;

  8. 联运集装箱,运送鲜活动物用(为战争或某些活动筹集的)专用基金。

    Container , intermodal , for transport of live animals war chest ( fund of money collected to pay for a war or some other campaign )

  9. 确定基金专用席位后,基金托管人应当向资金交收部办理开立资金清算帐户手续。

    After confirming the exclusive funds seats , the finds custodian shall handle the procedures for establishing the capital clearing account at the capital delivery and receiving department .