- covariation;covariant

X ~ 2-test and r formula were available to reflect interspecific covariation relationship of main populations in Alsophila spinulosa community in condition of different disturbance intensity . They also could be used to show pattern of association pairs on space structure .
Study on Effect of Human Disturbance on Interspecific Covariation of Alsophila spinulosa Community
The quantities ba β are the covariant components of a plane tensor , called the curvature tensor of the surface .
Prediction of RNA secondary structure based on stacking energy and covariance
In order to match Java and support J # , . NET arrays have always been co-variant .
The covariance of maxwell 's equations relative to the generalized Lorentz transformation
We propose a scheme for1 → 2 phase-covariant quantum cloning machine ( PCCM ) with the interaction between N two-level atoms and a vacuum cavity field .
Based on the increment of diversity and covariant discriminant function , the protein subnuclear location was predicted by using of the amino acid compositions and N-terminal dipeptide compositions .
Weak covariant differentiation and Sobolev space on Riemannian manifolds
On the other hand , generics are not covariant ; List is not a subtype of List , and attempting to supply a List where a List is demanded is a type error .
We calculated the one - loop correction of W - N theory with unitary approach and H - N theory with covariant approach , then discussed the difference between the two approaches .
In this part , method of partial waves and phase-shift analysis are brought into the theory .
The Casimir effect in a gauge covariant field theory
It 's deduce the general covariance expression of classical mechanics through giving Lorentz tensor equation in a locally inertial frame without gravity first , and then transforming it to a general frame of reference .
On a historical note , C # and VB both support array covariance ( out / IEnumerable scenario ) even though it can lead to runtime errors in contravariant situations ( in / IWriter scenario ) .
Covariant Anomalies and General Tortoise Coordinate of Vaidya Black Hole
NET4 will support safe co-and contra-variance on interfaces and delgates .
The utility of wildcards in the type system comes partially from the fact that generic types are not covariant .
It is well known that , Newton 's gravitational theory has some intrinsic difficulties , such as the non-Lorentz covariant of the gravitational field , the orbital precession of Mercury etc. .
The covariance of the state equation about ideal gas , Planck_law about black body radiation and thermodynamic Matsubara_function gives new proof of motion_temperature contraction .
Once released into the wild , the only change that can be made to it is adding the covariant and / or contravariant markers ( expressed as " in " and " out " in VB and C # ) .
But if ln were aliased with li , then it would break the type-safety promise implicit in the definition of li & that it is a list of integers , which is why generic types cannot be covariant .
Kaluza-Klein theory with five-dimensionally complete covariance
The thesis mainly includes two sections of following contents and conclusions . ( 1 ) Based on stacking covariance and minimum free energy , the thesis presents an iteration algorithm to predict the consensus structure with pseudoknots of homology RNA sequences .
The covariant form of the Langevin equation and the Fokker-Planck equation describing the nuclear fission process is studied . The transformations of dynamical parameters are given .
By discussing the volume form of a Finsler manifold , this paper gives the lower boundary of the volume growth provided that the mean covariance vanishes .
This paper , taking lorentz covariant equation and retarded potential as starting point , is to discuss the motion and radiation of electron under circumstance of strong magnetic field in magnetic lager of pulsar surface .
A general weak conservative form of Navier-Stokes equations expressed with respect to non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinates and with primitive variables was obtained by using tensor analysis technique , where the contravariant and covariant velocity components were employed .
General conversation laws in Einstein-Cartan theory
Use of Conversation to College Students Personalization in Ideological and Political Education GENERAL CONVERSATION LAWS IN EINSTEIN-CARTAN THEORY