
  • 网络advance wave upon wave
  1. 所有的进步都是波浪式前进,螺旋式上升。

    All rising to great places is by a winding stair .

  2. 可能我们经济发展规律还是波浪式前进。

    It seems that our economy tends to develop in waves .

  3. 这预示着中国的发展,房地产法是波浪式前进。

    This augurs well for the development of Chinese real estate law is a wave-like forward .

  4. 螺旋式上升或波浪式前进都是对否定之否定规律的正确的形象的表述。

    The wave-like progress is , therefore , an unmistakable expression of the law of negation of negation .

  5. 经济法部门的形成亦符合法和法学螺旋式上升、波浪式前进的自身发展规律。

    The formation of the economic law branch accords with the development logic of law and the law science too .

  6. 总体而言,中学生创造性思维呈现持续发展趋势,但不是直线上升,而是波浪式前进。

    As a whole , creative thinking of middle school students shows a sustainable developing tendency which is , however , not linear but wavy .

  7. 宪法变革与民营经济共同经历了一个波浪式的前进过程,以新制度经济学为理论视角,探索我国宪法变迁与经济转型、民营经济发展之间的关系,是法学和经济学的重大课题。

    Constitutional changing undergo a wave-like course of development , together with private economy . In the view of new institutional economics , a common important task of theory of law and economics is exploring the relation between constitutional changing and transition of economy .