
  • 网络refocusing strategy;outsourcing strategy
  1. 企业归核化战略及其对我国企业的启示中国企业如何面对人力资源管理外包

    Outsourcing Strategy of Human Resource Management for Chinese Corporations

  2. 归核化战略:企业获得持续成长力的路径选择

    Refocusing strategy : Choice of route to achieve sustaining revenue growth power

  3. 多元化战略与归核化战略究竟哪一种更能为企业创造价值?

    Which strategic is better for the value of the firm ?

  4. 基于归核化战略的企业收缩性资产重组初探

    Probing into Contracting Asset Restructuring Based on Enterprise Refocusing Strategy

  5. 西方企业从多元化到归核化战略调整的思考

    A Study on the Western Enterprises ' Strategy Adjustment from Multiplexing to Refocusing

  6. 企业归核化战略及其实现途径

    Enterprises ' Refocusing Strategy and Its Realization Ways

  7. 本文研究的主题是跨国公司归核化战略。

    The main topic of the article involves the refocusing strategy of transnational corporations .

  8. 彩虹集团归核化战略研究

    Research on Refocusing Strategies of IRICO Group

  9. 归核化战略的实施问题研究

    Study on Execution of Refocussing Strategy

  10. 分析和提出了目前归核化战略理论与应用研究的主要缺陷。

    The main defect of the theory and practice of the refocusing strategies is analyzed and given .

  11. 经济全球化条件下,企业多元化门槛抬高,归核化战略成为理性选择。

    Under the economic globalization condition , the enterprise multiplication difficulty increases , refocusing strategy become to the rational choice .

  12. 十几年来,归核化战略已经成为美国过度多元化企业进行改革的潮流,出现了许多成功实施归核化战略的案例,同时也促进了美国企业的核心竞争力迅速提高。

    The refocusing strategies have made successful promotions to the increasing of competition capability among many American enterprises which have involved in the diversification expansion .

  13. 多元化战略与归核化战略是与现代企业成长和发展相伴相生的极为重要的企业战略,两者已为当今世界众多大型企业广为运用和实践。

    Nowadays , Diversification and Refocusing become important corporate strategies and are widely implemented by large enterprises in the world with the growth and development of modern corporations .

  14. 企业实施归核化战略主要是企业在实施多元化战略失败或绩效不佳时,以各种手段清除非核心业务,用以加强或重构核心业务的战略选择。

    When the enterprise is fail to do many things , Refocusing strategy is a choice , which clears the non-core affairs , and strengthen or re-structure core affairs .

  15. 第三部分根据企业多元化战略、归核化战略和核心竞争力理论的相关发展,提出基于核心竞争力的企业多元化经营战略,分析了在实行多元化战略时企业应如何处理核心竞争力和多元化之间的关系;

    With the combination of the new development of core competence , diversification and management strategy in theory and practice , the core competence-based diversification strategy of enterprise management is presented here .

  16. 企业归核化战略的目标就是通过培养和运用企业能力,采用组织变革和业务重组的方式,实现企业和顾客价值的不断提高。

    The aim of refocusing is continuous increasing enterprise 's and customer 's value , by training and exerting enterprise 's abilities , and using ways of organization reform and affair recombine .

  17. 首先,本文对归核化战略理论研究进行了简要总结,分析和提出了其在应用实践中存在的关键问题,并提出了具体解决方法。

    Firstly , a picture for the research of the refocusing strategies theory is given , the key problems in the actual practice are analyzed and the methods to solve them are presented .

  18. 当今世界,随着信息、通讯技术的快速发展以及跨国公司归核化战略的实施,服务外包已经成为一种新的经济现象而备受瞩目。

    At present , with the rapid development of information , communication technology and the " Refocusing " strategy of multinational corporations , outsourcing has become a new economic phenomena and attracted much attention .

  19. 企业归核化战略选择需要考虑核心能力和全球价值链环节,从而确定业务定位,同时企业的归核化路径更加多样化,为企业选择适合自己的发展战略提供了参考。

    Refocusing Strategy enterprises need to consider the core competencies and the global value chain in order to determine business location , while corporate Refocusing more diverse path for enterprises to choose their own development strategies provide a reference .

  20. 归核化战略的基本思想是突出核心业务,剥离非核心业务、分化亏损资产,回归主业,保持适度的相关多元化,提高企业的核心能力。

    The basic thought of refocusing strategy are giving prominence to core business , divesting non - core businesses , differentiating bad assets , returning to core business , and maintaining moderate and relevant diversifications in order to reinforce the core competence of the enterprise .

  21. 基于价值均衡的企业归核化经营战略研究

    Refocusing Strategy Based-on Theory of Value Equilibrium

  22. 提出了纵向一体化、横向多元化、归核化、战略联盟等多种企业集团整合模式。

    It launches several integration models for company groups such as horizontal various-orientation , vertical integration , strategy alliance , etc.

  23. 饭店基于内外的原因选择实施归核化经营战略,以求生存和发展。

    For the of internal and external reasons , hotels select and implement refocusing operation strategy to surrive and develop .

  24. 进入新世纪以来,部分上市公司开始实施归核化经营战略,将资源集中到核心业务上来。

    In this new century , some listed companies start to implement refocusing strategy , focusing their resources on the core businesses .

  25. 饭店为了在激烈的市场竞争中取得竞争优势,实施归核化经营战略,以实现饭店价值增值。

    For the hotels to be highly competitive in fierce market competition and to realize the creation of surplus-value , the strategy of focusing operation is put into effect .

  26. 本文试图从内部资本市场的角度研究企业多元化组织与归核化组织的选择,进而对多元化战略与归核化战略的选择提供参考,这个研究角度是本文的一个重要的创新点。

    This paper study the choose behavior of firm between the diversification - organization and the refocusing-organization based on the theory of internal capital markets .

  27. 本文首先对归核化的动因进行能力理论的解释,提出了归核化战略实施的时机选择、实施方向以及实施方式。

    Firstly , it is interpreted the causes of the refocusing with the competence theory ;