
  • 网络Noncompetitive Alliance
  1. 企业通过组建非竞争性战略联盟可以快速的提高竞争力,缓解企业面临的竞争窘境。

    Enterprises can quickly improve their competitiveness and ease the competition dilemma through non-competitive strategic alliance .

  2. 对非竞争性战略联盟合作伙伴选择进行研究,可以为企业组建高效的、稳固的非竞争性战略联盟提供借鉴。

    Research on partner selection provides a reference for enterprise to building efficient & stable non-competitive strategic alliance .

  3. 非竞争性战略联盟的实践与启示&以苹果公司与耐克公司的合作为例

    The Practice and Enlightenment of Non-competitive Strategic Alliance & A Case Study Based on the Cooperation between Apple and Nike Company

  4. 本文运用案例研究的方法,以国内外五组知名企业间的联盟为例,研究了非竞争性战略联盟的稳定性问题。

    This paper , bases on the cases of five groups of companies , which all famous in domestic or abroad , studies the problem of stability in non-competitive strategic alliances .