
  • 网络reverse innovation
  1. 但是蔡明介已经将注意力投向一个新的管理理念:反向创新(reverseinnovation),在这个过程中,可以把根据新兴市场需求而开发的廉价型号,作为低端产品重新推向西方消费者。

    But Mr Tsai already has his eyes on a new management theory : reverse innovation , a process whereby goods developed as inexpensive models to meet the needs of emerging markets are repurposed as low-cost products for Western consumers .

  2. 卡夫把这种做法叫做反向创新。

    Kraft calls it reverse innovation .

  3. 弗兰纳里谈到了为在印度设计制造产品而从美国“迁徙的过程”,而最终目的是将这些产品引进发达国家市场,通用电气将此称为“反向创新”。

    Mr Flannery talks about " migrating processes " from the us so that products are designed and manufactured in India , with a view to introducing them to developed markets in what GE calls " reverse innovation " .

  4. 提出了一种冲突网络驱动下的反向迭代产品创新设计过程模型。

    A reverse iterative innovation design process model driven by a network of contradictions is proposed , which can serve a design problem with multiple conflicts .

  5. 本文从过程性技术创新的概念出发,剖析了过程性技术创新的过程,研究了从市场到企业再到高校的限定性转移和传递问题,以及反向的技术创新风险的逐渐积累过程。

    From the conception of technology innovation , the process of technology innovation , the problem of transformation of the limitary from the market to enterprise and to universities and the process of accumulation of the risk of technology innovation in reverse were analyzed in this paper .

  6. 论反向工程、技术创新与知识产权保护的协同发展

    The Collaborative Development of Reverse Engineering , Technology Innovation and Intellectual Property Protection

  7. 选择性反向工程与自主创新整合

    Selective Reverse Engineering and Independent Innovation Integration