
  • 网络reaction lag
  1. 它克服了传统单神经元PID算法在拥塞控制过程中反应滞后和受延时影响大的缺点。

    It overcomes two drawbacks of the traditional single neuron PID algorithm in the congestion control process : slow response and the impact of large delay .

  2. 非平衡凝固时包晶反应滞后现象的研究

    Delayed Phenomenon of Peritectic Reaction Under Non-equilibrium Cooling

  3. 评级变动通常只是反应滞后的指标,它是经济困难的产物,而不是它的原因。

    Changes in ratings are usually lagging indicators , following rather than causing economic hardship .

  4. 目前市场上流行的变频空调存在着反应滞后、自适应能力差等问题。

    The popular variable frequency Air-Condition in market has the problem of lag in response and poor self-adapt .

  5. 但政府监管也存在着执行成本高、政策刚性强、反应滞后和政府自身的党派利益性等自身固有的缺陷,政府监管也有失灵的地方。

    But the governmental regulation has its own inherent bugs such as high cost , policy rigidity , lag reaction and clan benefit . That is called government failure .

  6. 更多的领涨股来自重工业领域,例如煤炭、钢铁、化肥、石油和工业用气等,而它们通常在牛市中反应滞后。

    More of the leaders are heavy-industry groups that usually rally late in bull markets , notably those tied to coal , steel , fertilizer , oil and industrial gases .

  7. 防火墙是一种较成熟的网络安全防范技术,但它只能过滤粗粒度攻击,其配置是静态的,对网络攻击的反应滞后,并且难以防范内部的攻击。

    The firewall can only filter the coarse grain attack , and its disposition is the static state , so that it is difficult for it to response to network attack promptly .

  8. 在和抱抱熊玩耍过后,小病人们在《纽约时报》视频里说,这只熊反应滞后而且动作幅度有限,若他们想要和抱抱熊玩捉迷藏,这就会成为一个大问题。

    After playing with Huggable , the young patient in the Times video says the bear suffered from lagged responses and limited motion - a major problem when they tried to play peek-a-boo 。

  9. 基于信息反应滞后的现状,本研究提出加快猪肉市场的信息建设,促进猪肉市场信息在不同决策主体之间的快速传播是解决我国猪肉价格变动的有效措施。

    Based the status quo of the delay , the current research proposes that quickening the information construction of pork market and facilitate the spread of pork market information is an effective measure for stabilizing pork price .

  10. 对于危机的原因,各界看法较为一致:过度消费模式、房价的下跌、利率的升高、大规模次级贷款的发放、资产证券化的大规模进行、评级的虚假及反应滞后等等。

    Over-consumption patterns , housing prices fell ; interest rates rise , large-scale sub-loans , and asset securitization of large-scale , rating lag and so on are considered the reasons for the crisis . Asset-backed securities are blamed badly in the Sub-prime mortgage loan crisis .

  11. 为强化行业质量监督工作,提高质检工作时效性,改善和提高质检资源配置效率,有效的解决目前质检数据反应滞后,数据分析技术水平低等问题。

    In order to strengthen quality supervision of the industry , improve timeliness of the quality inspection work , improve efficiency of resource allocation and enhancing quality control and effective response to address the current quality control data lag , data analysis , low level of technology issues .

  12. 其次,标的指数成份股进行调整时,ETF的反应可能滞后于其它投资者;

    Secondly , when the index stocks are adjusted , the reaction of ETF will lag .

  13. 特别是具有功能反应,滞后效应等特性的种群动力学模型已被广泛和深入的研究。

    In particular , population dynamics with functional response , hysteresis effects and features has been extensive and in-depth researched .

  14. 排架高度越大,水体的晃动幅度越大,水体晃动反应越滞后于地震输入;

    With the increase of the height of frame the sloshing amplitude of the aqueduct-water system become larger , and the sloshing effect is lagged behind the earthquake action .

  15. 我来举些例子-,有时人们对显见之物的反应反而比较滞后,起码从历史上来看是这样的。

    Let me just give some example of & sometimes people are very slow to see the obvious , or it seems so in history .

  16. 其次,一般物价指数对资产价格的冲击的反应具有一定滞后性,因此可能会出现低通胀与资产价格上涨并存的现象。

    Also , there is a time lag between the impulse of asset price and the reflection of consumer price index , resulting in coexistence of moderate inflation and rising asset price .

  17. 针对裂解反应釜具有容积滞后大的动态特性,本文相对应地引入了积分分离PID控制算法和抗积分饱和PID控制算法。

    According to the fact that the temperature control of cracking reaction has big volume lag and dynamic feature , integral separation PID control algorithm and the anti-windup PID control algorithm are correspondingly introduced in this paper .

  18. 这类股票对期货市场的反应存在一定的滞后性。

    Such stocks have lagged reaction to commodity futures market .

  19. 而他们的反应时间也更滞后些。

    And their reaction times were slower .

  20. 本文构建了广告投放与消费者电话反应之间的几何滞后分布的动态计量经济模型,并利用实测数据对不同报刊媒体的短期广告效果进行了评价。

    For evaluating short-term newspaper advertising effectiveness , the article built up a geometric lag distribution dynamic econometric model to relate advertising cost and customers ' telephone response .

  21. 同时,由于中央空调系统十分庞大,反应速度较慢、滞后现象较为严重,给机组运行的稳定性增加了很多困难。

    Because the central air condition system is very huge , the respond speed slower , the fall behind phenomenon is more serious , a lot of difficulty increased of the stability of machine set circulation .

  22. 反应烧结过程中,SiC、莫来石的生成反应滞后于锆英石的分解反应;

    The decomposition of zircon carries out firstly compared with the formation of SiC and mullite .

  23. 期货市场与现货市场对于对方的冲击所作出的都是正向反应,现货市场对期货市场的冲击在当期就能迅速反应,但是期货市场的反应比较滞后。

    Futures market and spot market will both make the positive responses , when they are influenced by the others . The spot market will be able to respond in the current period , but the futures market response lags behind .