
  • 网络Theory of Absolute Advantage;Absolute advantage;Absolute advantage theory;principle of absolute advantage
  1. 提出了在绝对优势理论中,理论上不存在倾销与反倾销的问题,发展中国家与发达国家的贸易关系不应只用绝对优势理论来解释;

    There do not exist theoretically the problems of dumping and antidumping in the theory of absolute advantage , so the theory can not explain the trade relation between developed countries and developing countries .

  2. 本文通过对中国&东盟农产品贸易发展的相关理论阐述,认为中国东盟农产品贸易是绝对优势理论、比较优势理论、产业内贸易理论和竞争优势理论在实际中的具体运用。

    This dissertation elaborate relevant theories of the China ASEAN agricultural product trade development , explain China ASEAN agricultural products trade is the theory of absolute advantage , comparative advantage theory , the intra-industry trade theory and competitive advantage theory in practice .

  3. 1776年,亚当?斯密首先提出绝对优势理论,倡导自由贸易。

    In1776 , Adam Smith first raised the point of absolute advantages , and advocated freetrade polices .

  4. 绝对优势理论和比较优势理论并不矛盾,绝对优势是比较优势的前提,可分别由价值量方法度量的劳动生产率和实物量劳动生产率作出判定;

    No conflict between absolute advantage and comparative advantage , and the former is the premise for the latter .

  5. 从国际贸易的理论演进来看,国际贸易可以分为绝对优势理论和相对优势理论,相对优势理论又分为外生相对优势理论和内生相对优势理论。

    International trade theory includes absolute advantage theory and relative advantage theory by its evolution , and the latter includes exogenous relative advantage theory and endogenous relative advantage theory .

  6. 然而,随着国际贸易的发展,绝对优势理论无法解释在各方面都绝对落后的国家也在参与国际贸易的现象。

    However , with the development of international trade , the absolute advantage theory can not explain reality that the countries which are absolutely behindhand in every respect are also involved in the international trade .

  7. 自从亚当·斯密创建绝对优势理论以来,自由贸易理论一直是西方国际贸易政策的理论基础。

    The theory of free trade has been taking an important role in contemporary economic field since the establishment of theory of absolute cost , which indicates that every country can gain the maximum interests only by taking the policy of free trade .

  8. 主要包括比较优势及绝对优势理论、竞争力理论、核心-边缘地理论,相关概念主要有区位与旅游区位、非优区位与旅游非优区、旅游目的地与非优区位旅游目的地。

    The theoretical basis includes theory of comparative advantage , theory of absolute advantage , competence theory and the core-periphery theory ; the related notion includes location and the location of tourism , non-advantage location and non-advantage location tourism , destination of non-advantage location tourism .

  9. 比较优势贸易理论在更普遍的基础上解释了贸易产生的基础和贸易利得,大大发展了绝对优势贸易理论。

    The comparative advantage trade theory explains the foundation of trade and the gains from trade more universally , and develop the absolute superiority trade theory greatly .

  10. 比较优势,绝对优势,竞争优势理论在实践上的指导意义各有不同,它们之间决非简单的替代关系。

    Comparative Advantage Theory , Absolute Advantage Theory and Competitive Advantage Theory differ from each other on the practical significance .