
  • 网络absolute valuation
  1. 传统的股票定价方法包括相对估值法和绝对估值法两种。

    Traditional stock valuation methods mainly include relative valuation and absolute valuation methods .

  2. 而绝对估值法则是是通过对企业历年经营状况来预测企业的内在价值。

    The absolute valuation method is through the enterprise management status to predict the intrinsic value of the enterprise .

  3. 目前,国内外对于并购估值的理论研究已经比较成熟,主要有绝对估值法与相对估值法。

    Currently , there have been many theoretical studies in merger and acquisition valuation , mainly consisting of absolute valuation method and relative valuation method .

  4. 通过对现有的一些价值评估方法进行比较,如:绝对估值法、相对估值法以及综合评价法,以及对现有价值评估方法进行适用性分析,选择综合评价法进行航运企业内在价值评估。

    There are some existing valuation methods , such as the absolute valuation , relative valuation techniques and comprehensive evaluation . Compared these methods and analyzed their applicability for shipping company . The most appropriate method is comprehensive evaluation .

  5. 传统的资本资产定价模型、绝对估值法、相对估值法,尽管在理论上较为完美,但却往往在实践运用中难以对股票估值的大幅波动给出有信服力的解释。

    The traditional capital asset pricing model , the absolute value method , the relative valuation method , in spite of the more perfect in theory , but in practice were often difficult to explain the large swings of the stocks .

  6. 球状星团的距离测定与水平支绝对星等的估值

    The Determination of Distance of Galactic Globular Clusters and Estimation of the Absolute Magnitude of Cluster Horizontal Branch

  7. 基本面稳定加上资金大规模外流,使得新兴市场固定收益证券和股票的绝对与相对估值都具有吸引力。

    The combination of stable fundamentals and extensive outflows has left absolute and relative valuations in both EM fixed income and equities at attractive levels .