
  • 网络Desperado;Another Day;Hit List;Takistan;Attack
  1. 然而,还有一个因素让里约奥运会开幕式变得如此令人难忘:它呈现出了引人入胜的数字视觉效果,给人以类似置身于电影《黑客帝国》(Matrix)或《绝地反击》(Insurgent)中的浸入式体验。

    There was another factor , however , that made the ceremony so memorable : it delivered spectacular digital visual effects , producing an immersive experience akin to sitting inside the Matrix or Insurgent movies .

  2. 现在他能最后一次上演绝地反击吗?

    Can he play Lazarus one last time ?

  3. 那么,开局不顺的菲尔普斯能再今天的男子200米蝶泳中绝地反击吗?

    So , could he turns things around today in the man's200 meters butterfly .

  4. 阿森纳主帅温格非常高兴阿森纳的下半场的回应,在半场休息之后主帅的大发雷霆激起球员斗志,最终后来居上击败利物浦完成绝地反击。

    Arsene Wenger was delighted with Arsenal 's second-half response as they came back from behind to beat Liverpool after the Gunners manager 's half-time fury provoked the perfect result .

  5. 施瓦茨是一位懒散的公司金融家及前分析师,他完全缺乏经营证券交易业务方面的经验。他将更多的努力用在本职以外的事情,但却缺乏时间或兴趣来实行有效的绝地反击。

    Mr Schwartz , a laid-back corporate financier and former analyst who lacked any experience of running a securities trading business , had put more effort into outreach but lacked the time , and perhaps the appetite , to fight back effectively .

  6. 起义军重写了战争的规则,而且他们即将再次重写。1777年,美国独立战争打响后的第二年,纽约以及许多其他殖民地都被英军占领起义军被赶到了荒山野岭,不过绝地反击的时刻到来了。

    The Rebels are rewriting the rules of war , and they 're about to do it again.1777.The American War of Independence is in its second year . New York and many parts of the colonies are in British hands . The Rebels have been driven into the wilderness . But the fight back has begun .

  7. 欧盟的战略家们已经准备好绝地大反击了。

    EU strategists are already drawing up plans for a counter-offensive .