
luó xuán xíng
  • spiral;volution
螺旋形[luó xuán xíng]
  1. 蜗牛壳呈螺旋形。

    A snail 's shell is spiral in form .

  2. 他们的利润开始螺旋形地急剧下降。

    Their profits began to spiral down disastrously .

  3. 将纤维卷绕成螺旋形。

    Coil the fibre into a helix .

  4. 黏糊糊的奶油在她的红茶里弯弯曲曲地凝结成螺旋形

    The sluggish cream wound curdling spirals through her tea .

  5. 在同样情况下,其他种类的千足虫可能会蜷缩成较为松散的螺旋形圆盘,或者形成溜圆的圆球

    Other types of millipedes may curl into a looser , sloppier spiral or form a neat ball .

  6. 催化热解C2H2制备螺旋形碳晶须

    Preparation of Coiled Carbon Whiskers by the Catalytic Pyrolysis of Acetylene

  7. 他招募了那家工厂的一些工人,开始为TCP生产螺旋形灯泡。

    He recruited some of the workers to start making spiral bulbs for TCP .

  8. 螺旋形、U形、伞形灯管满足不同环境照明及外观要求。

    Spiral , U-type , or Umbrella-type tube that could meet the different requires .

  9. 螺旋形碳晶须的CVD法制备及热学性能

    Preparation and thermotics property of coiled carbon whiskers by CVD method

  10. 现在,洛杉矶的大楼也可以像上海的上海中心大厦(ShanghaiTower)一样,在屋顶设计可以收集雨水的螺旋形结构。

    Now Los Angeles can do something like the spiral form in the rooftop of Shanghai Tower in Shanghai that captures rainwater .

  11. 螺旋形双J管在体外冲击波治疗复杂输尿管结石中的应用

    The application of spiral Double - J stent in the treatment of complicated ureteral calculi with ESWL

  12. 螺旋形中空纤维超滤膜处理高浓度废水时Dean旋流对膜污染阻力的削弱作用

    Effect of Dean vortices on reducing the membrane fouling resistance in the treatment of high concentration wastewater with UF process

  13. 利用倾斜沉积技术可制备具有各种形状的柱状晶结构,比如之字形、V形,螺旋形等等。

    Actually , Glancing Angle Deposition has been used to prepare films with different shapes of columns , such as zigzag shape , V-shape , helix and so on .

  14. 根据Dean涡流原理,采用螺旋形中空纤维超滤膜处理洗毛废水。

    According to the principle of Dean vortices , coiled hollow-fiber ultrafiltration membrane modules were used to treat with wool scouring effluents .

  15. 实验结果表明,Dean涡流对洗毛废水超滤过程有显著的改善作用,在同等条件下,螺旋形膜的膜通量比直形膜的膜通量高1倍以上。

    Experimental results showed that compared with a straight module , Dean vortices could enhance the ultrafiltration process of wool scouring effluents observably .

  16. 幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori,HP)是一种可以定植在胃黏膜中,并可对胃黏膜造成损害的革兰氏阴性螺旋形致病菌[2]。

    Helicobacter Pylori ( HP ) is a kind of Spiral-shaped Gram-negative pathogens , which can be planted and harms the inside of stomach mucous membrane .

  17. 用透射电镜(TEM)观察螺旋形碳晶须的微观形貌,并作选区电子衍射,分析其结构,可知螺旋形碳晶须的结构为六方晶体。

    Using the TEM to observe the micro shape of coiled carbon whiskers , and analyze their structure by electron diffraction , it can be informed that its structure is hexagonal crystal .

  18. 幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori,H.pylori,Hp)是一种革兰氏染色阴性螺旋形的微需氧菌,其感染是诱发人胃粘膜病变的主要因素之一。

    Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) is a spiral , gram-negative and microaerophilic bacterium , and is one of the major factors inducing pathological changes in human gastric mucosa .

  19. 用化学气相沉积(CVD)法,以金属粉为催化剂在高温下催化热解乙炔(C2H2),制备出了螺旋形碳晶须材料。

    Coiled carbon whiskers were prepared by chemical vapor deposition using acetylene as a carbon source and metal powder as catalyst at high temperature .

  20. 用CFD模拟分析软件(STAR-CD)对不同含气率流体在半螺旋形吸入室中的流场进行了三维模拟分析,得出了速度场分布规律。

    Nowadays in virtue of the developed CFD simulation analysis software-STAR-CD , simulates the flow field of the pure water in the half-spirality suction chamber .

  21. 智能业务的螺旋形膨胀不但使智能网的结构向着多SCP的方向发展,更使得智能网SCP过载控制机制显得极其重要。

    The expand of the Intelligent Network ( IN ) not only made the development of itself to Multi_SCP , but made the IN_SCP overload control algorithm being increasingly signified .

  22. 在流体不可压缩的假设前提下,将流体在SK型静态混合器中的螺旋形运动分解成轴向直线运动和环向旋转运动。

    Under the precondition of incompressible flow , fluid spiral motion in SK static mixer tube was resolved into axial beeline motion and circumferential rotation motion .

  23. 利用CFD模拟分析软件&STAR-CD,对油气混输泵半螺旋形吸入室在不同含气率下的流场进行了三维模拟分析。

    By using simulation-analysis software CFD ( Computational Fluid Dynamics ), STAR-CD , a three-dimensional simulation analysis was conducted of the semi-volute suction chamber of a gas-oil multiphase pump for flow fields at different void fractions .

  24. 方法对本院ICU收治43例脑血管意外气管插管机械通气患者随机分为A组23例和B组20例,分别留置螺旋形鼻肠管和鼻胃管进行早期肠内营养。

    Methods A total of 43 patients who suffered from cerebrovascular attack and were ventilated through tracheal cannula were enrolled in the study and divided into A group and B group supported with enteral nutrition through naso-intestinal tube or naso-gastric tube .

  25. 螺旋形的古螺城(CoLoa)据说可以追溯到公元前200年;高耸于市中心白柱台之上的精致佛塔始建于11世纪。

    The spiral-shaped Co Loa citadel complex is thought to date to around 200 B.C. A delicate pagoda perched atop a white column in the heart of the city is from the 11th century .

  26. 这一螺旋形的器官包括了MACULAE本身,以及后来被其发现者称为CORTI的器官。

    This spiral shaped organ contains the macula itself and it is called organ of Corti after its discoverer .

  27. 实验中探索了合成该螺旋形纳米线的适宜生长条件,即调控溶液的起始pH值在3.5-4.5之间,借助沉积在OTS有机衬底上的矿物质膜,可以有效的生长出此类螺旋形超结构。

    The suitable growth conditions for the helical nanofibers have been studied . Most helical nanofibers are favorable to grow from the mineral films on the OTS-coated substrate in the solution with starting pH values from 3.5 to 4.5 .

  28. 我们发现这项垂直自旋刚度会导致磁畴壁偏离理想的Neel结构而出现螺旋形结构。

    We show that the vertical spin stiffness makes the domain wall violate the ideal Neel wall structure , resulting in a spiral feature .

  29. 最后详细介绍了DGS结构的微波电路的应用,分别设计了DGS结构的多阶低通滤波器以及利用不对称螺旋形DGS结构的功率分配器;

    In the end , the author introduces DGS 's applications in microwave circuit in detail , has designed high stages lowpass filter of DGS structure and Power Divider using asymmetric spiral DGS structure .

  30. 壁厚小于2mm冷弯薄壁型钢受弯构件承载力试验研究及理论分析防止冷拔薄壁无缝钢管尾部产生纵向螺旋形壁厚不均的技术探讨

    Experimental Study and Theoretical Analysis on Load Carrying Apacity of Cold-Formed Flexural Members with Thicknesses Less Than 2mm ; Technical Approach to Prevention of Longitudinal Spiral Eccentricity in Tail End of Cold-drawn Light-wall Seamless Steel Pipe