
  • 网络helicity;Spirality;handedness;chirality
  1. 在此基础上给出了E/f1(1420)的螺旋性振幅之比x的值,有待实验的检验。

    The results show that the main component of E / f_1 ( 1420 ) is the glueball . On this basis we calculate the ratio of the helicity amplitudes and expect an experimental test for this result .

  2. 本文还讨论了3~(-+)胶子球态并计算了过程J/φ→γ+G(3~(-+))的螺旋性(helicity)振幅之比。

    A 3 ~ ( - + ) glueball state is discussed and the ratios of the helicity amplitudes of J / φ→ γ + G ( 3 ~ ( - + )) are calculated .

  3. API螺纹啮合后存在的螺旋性间隙是导致螺纹接头泄漏的根本原因。

    It is the helical clearance area in API connections after making up that contributes to leaking .

  4. 目的:着重研究讨论螺旋性CT在扫描外伤性头颅时发现基底节区腔隙性梗死的作用。

    Objective To study and discuss the function of spiral CT in finding basal ganglionic lacunar infarction when CT is scanning traumatic skull .

  5. 大气中的广义Clebsch变换和位涡、螺旋性守恒定理

    Generalized Clebsch transformation and the conservative theorem of potential vorticity and spirality in the atmosphere

  6. 关于M.Goldhaber中微子螺旋性测量结果的分析和讨论

    Discussion and analysis of goldhaber 's neutrino helicity experiment measuring results

  7. 并对涡度拟能、螺旋性守恒定律的物理意义作了讨论,这些定律能够描述大气运动的重要动力学性质。

    These conservative laws are useful for describing important dynamic properties of atmosphere motion .

  8. 初始环境场的螺旋性结构有利于风暴的发展。

    The initial helical structure of environmental flow is favorable to the development of storm .

  9. 但是其性能不仅取决于螺旋性也和它的直径有关。

    The electrical properties of SWNTs depend on not only their helicity but also diameter .

  10. 一个测量中微子螺旋性的新方法

    One new method of measuring neutrino helicity

  11. 反射后激光(光子)螺旋性改变的量子论解释和信息论意义

    Quantum Explanation and Information Theoretical Implication of Helicity Inversion of Laser ( Photons ) During Reflection

  12. 论电子的能态及其螺旋性

    Electron Level and Its Spiral Property

  13. 碳纳米管晶格动力学的研究可以提供碳纳米管结构和螺旋性等方面的相关信息。

    The study on the carbon nanotubes lattice dynamics can supply information about tube structure and chirality .

  14. 这种性质通常称为螺旋性,可以用来区分中微子和它的反粒子。

    This property , often called " helicity ," serves to differentiate the neutrino from its antiparticle .

  15. 传统理论主要考虑的是构成核子的部分子的螺旋性对核子自旋的贡献。

    The traditional theory is mainly focused on the contribution of parton helicity to the spin of nucleon .

  16. 结果表明平面内扭曲形变的产生主要由于是弱锚定边界条件,井与液晶的螺旋性有关。降低锚定强度,可使系统从均匀形变相或周期性形变相进入平面内扭曲形变相。

    The results show that the in-plane-twist distortion is mainly from the chirality and occurs at weak anchoring condition .

  17. 胆甾相螺旋性结构的形成,分子间位置关联起十分重要的作用。

    The spatial correlations between molecules play an important role in forming the helical structure of the cholesteric phase .

  18. 介绍与分析了回环讲析法的特点,即层次性、螺旋性、联结性、开放性;

    This paper introduces Plato'circle leturing and analyzes its four characteristics : arrangement , spirality , connection , and openness .

  19. 跨国并购和经济全球化的发展并非一帆风顺,但“螺旋性上升”的趋势不会终结。

    The cross-border m & a and economic globalization have been developed in spirals , and the spiral trends will continue .

  20. 外国人所持美国资产的大幅缩水意味着,未来的融资可能会减少,美元汇率可能陷入螺旋性下滑。

    Large foreign losses on holdings of US assets suggest that financing could be less forthcoming in future , threatening a downward spiral for the dollar .

  21. 肩胛盂窝在轴位(水平)平面呈后倾改变及螺旋性扭曲改变,在肩关节假体设计中应考虑此解剖特点。

    The glenoid fossa exhibits retroversion and a spiral twist in the horizontal plane , this anatomy property should be considered in the design of shoulder prosthesis .

  22. 因此,伦敦峰会的第一要务是承诺采取规模足够大的刺激方案,消除全球需求和产出螺旋性下行的风险。

    The summit 's first priority then is to promise stimulus packages big enough to eliminate the risk of a downward spiral in world demand and output .

  23. 台风的发生、发展其本质是一种螺旋性结构的建立与发展过程,因此通过分析螺旋度的演变可以研究台风的演变情况。

    Since the occurrence and development of typhoon is a establishing and developing process of helicity structure in deed , through the analysis of the evolution of helicity can study the evolution of the typhoon .

  24. 当缺陷孔的尺寸变大时,碳纳米管的储氢量明显下降,与此同时,碳纳米管的螺旋性对碳纳米管储氢量的影响趋于明显,而缺陷所在位置对储氢量的影响则相应减弱。

    However , as the defect size becomes bigger , the maximum hydrogen confined into CNT decreases and the effect of the defect position on the hydrogen storage becomes weak , and in the mean time the chirality effect becomes more obvious .

  25. 钩端螺旋体性脑动脉炎患者的临床护理

    Clinical nursing on leptospirosis cerebral arteritis

  26. 假设相对速度场定常且具有螺旋对称性,并利用已获得的涡管诱导相对速度场和相对坐标系下动量方程求其诱导压力场。

    The analytical solutions of the pressure field was obtained on the assumption that relative velocity field induced was time independent and helically symmetrical .

  27. Dac基因是一种对细胞命运起决定作用的螺旋转角螺旋性核蛋白,它在果蝇属的眼睛以及肢体发育中起主要作用。

    Dac gene is a cell fate play a decisive role spiral-corner-spiral nucleoprotein , it plays a major role in the Drosophila eye and limb development .

  28. 利用奇异微扰分析,提出对耗散系统的有效控制,将其应用于FHN模型,研究二维心肌可激媒质激发波的控制问题,分别对行波和螺旋波施加旋性和漂移控制。

    We propose a method for effective control of patter on dissipative system by use of little perturbation analysis , and apply this nonuniform feed back method to control the polarization wave of heart represented by FHN equation .

  29. 具有抑制幽门螺旋杆菌黏附性的牛乳蛋白的研究

    Study on Bovine Milk Protein Inhibiting Adhesion of Helicobacter Pylori

  30. 背射模螺旋天线方向性研究及其应用

    Study on the power distribution of backfire helical antenna and Its Applications