
  • 网络flare;horn;trumpet;broadening formation
  1. 堆积体沿SWW方向呈喇叭形展布。

    The accumulation body flared along the SWW direction , like a trumpet .

  2. 依据交通量预测结果,进行了交通组织设计,进而根据立交功能、周围环境、建筑用地和工程造价进行了方案筛选,推荐采用喇叭形方案。

    Basic on the traffic Forecasts results , the text designed the transportation organization . Furthermore , according to the required of function , environment , Building area and project cost , the text compared and elected the optimum Trumpet scheme .

  3. 它的长羽尾在后面呈喇叭形展开。

    The long feathered tail flared out behind it .

  4. Vitremer~(TM)树脂增效玻璃离子修复喇叭形根管口残根的临床评价

    Evaluation of Vitremer ~ ( TM ) Resin Modified Glass Ionomer to Reinforce the Teeth with Flared Canal

  5. 发现在熔池及其邻近区域的温度场呈现锥形加喇叭形的分布特点,不同于以往TIG焊和手工焊条电弧焊的高斯分布。

    It is found that the temperature distribution of weld pool and its adjacent area has a combined shape of cone and trumpet , which is different from the Gaussian distribution of TIG welding and manual metal arc welding .

  6. 利用改进的ECOM模式和耦合三维的悬沙输运方程,通过设计一个平直和喇叭形理想河口,研究河口形状对最大浑浊带的影响。

    Using the improved ECOM model and suspended sediment transportation equation , the impact of the estuarine shape on the formation of estuarine turbidity maximum zone is studied with an idealized strait and funnel-shape estuary designed in this paper .

  7. 三路交叉口的布置通常采用喇叭形。

    At a three-way junction the usual layout adopted is the trumpet .

  8. 镗削活塞喇叭形销孔的气液压刀具补偿系统

    The Air Hydraulic Pressure Cutter Compensation System of Boring Trumpet Pinhole of the Piston

  9. 喇叭形输入、输出端光导纤维的导光特性

    Characteristics of light transmission of the optical fiber with tapered input and output ends

  10. 联合水泵房喇叭形和蜗壳形模板的安装与拆除

    Erection and Stripping of Trumpet shape and Snail shell shape formwork for Combined Pumping Station

  11. 管子一端呈喇叭形。

    The pipe splays at one end .

  12. 锡青铜离心轴套铸件喇叭形气孔形貌及其形成机理

    Morphology and Formation Mechanism of Loudspeaker Shaped Gas Hole in Tin Bronze Sleeves by Centrifugal Casting

  13. 指示在喇叭形坡口焊接。杆可随着高度的增加而拉长。

    Indicates a weld in a flared-bevel groove . Stems will elongate when height is increased .

  14. 双喇叭形支柱夹芯结构;

    Dual-trumpet - shape pillar ;

  15. 不同材料修复根管口喇叭形残根的实验研究

    An Experiment Study on Repairing Residual Dental Root with A Horn - shaped Orifice by Different Materials

  16. 衬裙和里裙均采用丝绸面料并带有荷叶边,由此形成展开的喇叭形。

    Lining and underskirts , both silk and trimmed with flounces , gave fullness to the dress .

  17. 这种喇叭形管仅仅是一个圆形的管子,空气通过它进入发动机汽缸。

    The horn is merely a round tube through which the air moves on its way into the engine cylinder .

  18. 用传统玻璃离子粘固剂修复根管口呈喇叭形残根与不作修复的对照组之间没有显著性差异。

    However , there is no obvious difference between non-repaired and residual dental root groups repaired by traditional glass ionic adhesives .

  19. 耐寒的月桂树在三月开花,同期开花的还有金鸡菊以及两种花序呈黄色喇叭形的木姜子。

    A hardy Daphne flowers in March , simultaneously with a Coreopsis and two kinds of Litsae with small yellow bells .

  20. 特殊设计的凸形排泄板防止在压缩空气再次进入喇叭形异径管的位置上冷凝水的集聚。

    The specially designed convex drain plate prevents accumulation of condensate at the compressed air re-entry point into the bell reducer .

  21. 三种桩核系统修复喇叭形根管的比较性研究喇叭口地形对一次暴雨影响的数值试验

    An in Vitro Study of Fracture of Flared Canal Teeth Restored with Three Post-and-Core Systems ; Numerical Experiment of Trumpet-shaped Topography Influence on a Heavy Rain

  22. 管坯成形长度对制件形状的影响表现为成形长度增加,制件中部圆筒状长度也增加,而端口部均呈尺寸大致相同的锥形或喇叭形。

    The cylindrical length of middle tube becomes increased with formed length , but the edge profile of the tube almost keep the same cone or bell shape .

  23. 结论:①置入支架以喇叭形被覆支架临床效果最好,成功率高、副作用少。

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) Trumpet shaped stent with dacron knit fabric covered has the best clinical effect , high ratio of success and low side effect .

  24. A字型或公主裙接缝是垂直的,从肩部到喇叭形的裙子部分,线条非常流畅,形成A字型。

    An A-Line or Princess shape dress has fitted vertical seams running from the shoulders down to a flared skirt , which creates an " A " shape .

  25. 结合广东省虎门二桥项目海鸥岛互通立交的初步设计,具体分析了新型螺旋式喇叭形互通立交设计的一些方法和技术要求。

    Taking the primary design of Haioudao interchange in Guangdong province Humen2ed Bridge project for example , this paper introduces several design techniques about this new spiral trumpet interchange .

  26. 本实验采用平切形入口、斜切形入口及喇叭形入口三种入口条件进行研究,以便确定不同入口条件对液泛现象的影响。

    Three different entrances , namely bell-mouthed entrance , plane entrance and inclined entrance are used in order to determine the influence of entrance shapes upon the flooding phenomenon .

  27. 结果表明,根管口喇叭形残根先用化学固化复合树脂恢复其原有根管的形状和厚度,然后再制作桩核,对防止牙根的折裂具有明显的效果。

    The results show that it is very effective to prevent the fracture of residual dental root repaired by chemical hard synthetic resin followed by making the post and core .

  28. 结合实际改扩建工程,简要阐述了喇叭形互通式立交改扩建一般原则和方法,从而为互通式立交改扩建工程设计提供理论依据。

    General principles and methods of flared interchange expansion are briefly explained , combined with actual interchange reconstruction project , so as to provide a theoretical basis to interchange expansion project .

  29. 一种新型螺旋式喇叭形互通立交具有克服大高差、增大匝道长度、减少纵坡、节约用地等特点。

    A new spiral trumpet interchange has such advantages as dealing with the large elevation difference , increasing the ramp length , reducing the longitudinal , saving land and so on .

  30. 碱液经扁喇叭形注碱管注进进料管既可以使碱液同柴油均匀混合,又能避免激烈搅动使柴油乳化;

    The aqueous alkali is injected into the input pipe through the horn pipe , which makes the aqueous alkali mix with diesel oil homogeneously and the emulsion of diesel oil is avoid .