
  • 网络static comparative advantage
  1. 但在涉及一国内部地区间经济非均衡问题时,新古典主义的静态比较优势理论对落后地区经济起飞的指导作用更为重大。

    But for the interregional dis-equilibrium question , the neo-classical static comparative advantage theory should play a more important role in the decision-making .

  2. 近年来,比较优势理论有了很大发展,可以分为静态比较优势理论和动态比较优势理论。

    The theory of comparative advantage has been greatly developed recently , which includes the static comparative advantage theory and the dynamic comparative advantage theory .

  3. 我国的产业发展具有静态比较优势和动态比较优势。

    Chinese industries have their static and dynamic state relative superiority .

  4. 发挥我国产业静态比较优势与培育动态比较优势构想

    Propositions to Develop The Static and Dynamic State Relative Superiority of Chinese Industries

  5. 根据静态比较优势理论制定的外贸政策,只能导致单向的非互惠自由贸易,最终的结果多为贸易的不平衡。

    Trade policy guided by the static comparative advantage trade theory will lead to unilateral and non-reciprocal free trade , which will bring about trade unbalances .

  6. 第二部分具体分析了发展中国家按照静态比较优势理论进行专业化生产和贸易存在的问题。

    The second part makes a concrete analysis of the problems the developing countries would face if they organize producing and trading according to the static comparative advantage theory .

  7. 同时,单纯依靠静态比较优势难以实现我国经济结构调整和产业结构优化升级的战略目标。

    At the same time , it is hard to realize the strategy objective of our economy structure adjustment and industrial structure promotion relying on the static state comparative advantage simply .

  8. 一些国际经济学家在不否认静态比较优势理论的基础上延伸出动态比较优势理论、内生比较优势理论和新贸易理论等新型比较优势理论。

    On the basis of not denying static comparative advantage theory , some economists extended and put forward dynamic comparative advantage theory , endogens is comparative advantage theory and new trading theory .

  9. 在建设创新型河南过程中必须摆脱机械成本论和静态比较优势论的束缚,按照科学技术运行的机制转变战略思维,强力实施正确的方略。

    In the process of construction of innovated Henan province , we must discard the limitation of mechanistic cost theory and static superiority theory and follow the mechanism conversion of strategy of science and technology .

  10. 一国要素禀赋是静态比较优势形成的基础,而内外部要素的交融组合则促进了比较优势的动态化,进而形成一国竞争优势。

    Factor endowments of a country are the basis of a static form of comparative advantage . And the portfolio of internal and external factors promotes the comparative advantage dynamically , and developed to a competitive advantage .

  11. 创新比较优势概念的提出,不仅为古典静态比较优势理论提供了新的思路,而且,为我国纺织产业供给函数的创新奠定了重要理论基础。

    The presentation of " innovation comparative advantage " not only provides a new consideration to the classic immovable comparative advantage theory , but also builds an important theoretic base for innovation of supply function of textile of our country .

  12. 构建了对外贸易增长的动力结构模型,包括制度创新、资源禀赋优势的释放和微观主体的努力三个主要动力因素以及静态比较优势发挥、动态比较优势培育和对外贸易竞争优势形成的动力机制。

    A dynamic structure modal of the growth of foreign trade is constructed , which consists of three principle motive powers , such as institution innovation , the release of competitive advantages of factor endowment and the endeavor from micro-main body .

  13. 第一部分回顾了静态比较优势理论和动态比较优势理论的发展历史,并指出了它们对发展中国家经济发展的不同影响。

    The thesis has five parts altogether : The first part reviews the history of the static comparative advantage theory and the dynamic comparative advantage theory at first and points out their different influences on the developing countries ' economic development .

  14. 因此,只有不断转变静态比较优势,结合中国现有的资源与环境打造动态比较优势,才能更好地把握新一轮产业转移的机遇,提升服务外包的国际竞争力。

    Therefore , only by constantly change static comparative advantage , makes the dynamic comparative advantage with combination of existing resources and environment in China , can we grasp the opportunities of new industrial transfer to enhance international competitiveness of service outsourcing .

  15. 近几年浙江省出口贸易快速增长,国际竞争力不断提高,作者从显示性比较优势指数、贸易竞争指数和出口优势变差指数三方面来具体分析出口贸易的静态和动态比较优势。

    In recent years , export trade of Zhejiang province is drastically growing and international competitive power is increasingly rising . This paper mainly analyzes static and dynamic comparative advantage of export trade from the aspects of revealed comparative advantage index , trade competition index and variable index .

  16. 但这些理论对比较优势的研究以静态分析为主,属于静态比较优势理论的范畴。

    But the way that these theories analyze the comparative advantage is static . So these theories belong to the static comparative advantage theory .