
xié shānɡ hé jiě
  • settlement by agreement
  1. (一)与经营者协商和解;

    Negotiate a settlement with the business operator ;

  2. 对协商和解方式加以完善,防止协商过程中的权利滥用。

    Way to negotiate to regulate the consultation process , prevent the rights abuse .

  3. 哈里伯顿方面表示,其参与了法庭推进的协商和解事宜,以解决私人赔偿的部分。

    Halliburton says it has participated in court facilitated settlement discussions to resolve a substantial portion of private claims .

  4. 协商和解具有灵活方便、省时省力等特点,不受法定程序的限制,可以使劳动争议迅速得到解决。

    Reconciliation is convenient . It can save time and efforts , and can not be restricted legal procedures , and also can make the labor dispute resolved quickly .

  5. 行政执法中的协商与和解

    Negotiation and Reconciliation in Administrative Law Enforcement

  6. 调解协商与和解。

    Mediating , negotiating and compromise .

  7. 这个调解人使用协商与和解的办法得以在双方之间建起理解的桥梁。

    The mediator was able to build a metaphorical bridge between the two sides using negotiation and compromise .

  8. 行政执行并非就是强制执行,而是一个可以通过调解协商与和解的方式来执行行政规定或行政决定的动态过程。

    Administration enforcement is not always executed by force , but can be a dynamic process to carry out administrative specifications and decisions through mediation , negotiation and compromise .

  9. 反垄断法承诺制度是在一定条件下反垄断执法机构与被调查人通过协商达成和解,被调查人承诺消除涉嫌垄断行为的后果而执法机构停止调查的一种制度。

    Anti committed under certain conditions the system is anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies and the person under investigation reached a settlement through negotiation , the person being investigated committed to eliminating the consequences of alleged monopolistic practices of law enforcement agencies to stop the investigation of a system .

  10. 在适用的程序上,以加害人认罪并真诚悔过为前提,双方当事人就赔偿的方式、数额等方面在平等自愿的基础上进行协商并达成和解协议,公诉部门对此无权干涉。

    On the condition that the offender pleaded guilty and sincere attitude , both parties can have a discussion about the compensation amounts on the basis of equality and voluntary consultation . The Department of Public Prosecutions have no right to interfere this proceed .

  11. 刑事司法协商制度包括被告人与检察官的协商(辩诉交易)以及被告人与被害人之间的协商(刑事和解)。

    The criminal juridical consultative system includes a consultation between accused and public procurator and a consultation between accused and injured .