
jié hūn lǐ fú
  • Wedding dress;wedding gown;wedding garment
  1. 结婚礼服正由设计者的女儿穿在身上给我们看。

    The wedding gown is being modelled for us by the designer 's daughter .

  2. 如今结婚礼服的基调是素雅。

    Today the keynote of the wedding gown is simplicity .

  3. 今天我要去试穿结婚礼服。

    I 'm going to be fitted for my wedding dress today .

  4. 新娘的结婚礼服拖在身后。

    The bride 's dress trailed behind her .

  5. 我结婚礼服的裙摆很宽松。

    My wedding dress has a very full skirt .

  6. 没有经验的人可能会问,蛋壳白色和结婚礼服白色之间有什么差别(b华尔街期刊)

    What 's the difference , the uninitiated may ask , between eggshell white and wedding gown white ( bWall Street Journal )

  7. Marilyn现在就开始设计我侄女的结婚礼服。

    Marilyn , you 're going to design my niece 's dress .

  8. Kitty可以弹钢琴,骑哈雷摩托车,或者穿着各式各样的衣服,从夏威夷草裙到传统的朝鲜结婚礼服。

    She can be seen playing the piano , riding a Harley Davidson , and wearing anything from a Hawaiian Hula skirt to a traditional Korean wedding dress .

  9. 站在Tim身旁,我终于穿上了我梦中的结婚礼服。在随后的十八年里,我们相亲相爱,相濡以沫。如果不是因为这件特殊的礼服,我们永远不会相遇。

    And I did get to wear the dress of my dreams - standing beside Tim , the man I have shared the last eighteen years of my life with , whom I would never have met without that special wedding gown .

  10. 不同年龄层选择不同的结婚礼服。

    How to make your wedding gown goes with your age .

  11. 她去试穿结婚礼服了。

    She 's gone for a fitting for her wedding dress .

  12. 奶妈正在帮茱丽叶把她的结婚礼服准备妥当。

    The nurse was helping Juliet get her wedding clothes ready .

  13. 你不为穿不下结婚礼服担心吗?

    Arert you worried about fitting in your wedding dress ?

  14. 今天我要去试穿结婚礼服。

    I 'm going to be fitted for my weding dress today .

  15. 新娘通常都穿一件漂亮的长长的白色结婚礼服。

    The bride usually wears a beautiful , long white wedding dress .

  16. 她的结婚礼服是由一位十分闻名的时装设计师制作的。

    Her wedding apparel is made by a very famous fashion designer .

  17. 他们照着女王的结婚礼服赶制了一千件廉价仿制品。

    They rushed out1000 cheap copies of the queen 's wedding dress .

  18. 在西方国家白色是结婚礼服的传统颜色。

    In the West White is the traditional color for wedding dresses .

  19. 结婚礼服在目前有很大的市场。

    There 's a big market today in wedding dresses .

  20. 我已经有了你的第一套结婚礼服的顾客。

    I have a customer for your first wedding dress .

  21. 已经给你准备一套新的结婚礼服。

    A new suit of clothes has been prepared for your wedding .

  22. 我下星期要去试穿一下我的结婚礼服。

    I 've got a fitting next week for my wedding dress .

  23. 她说林奇已经在寻觅结婚礼服了。

    She said Private Lynch was already looking for a wedding dress .

  24. 去为她的结婚礼服采点花朵。

    Where she would pick flowers for her wedding dress .

  25. 或许你可以穿结婚礼服。

    Maybe if you just wore a wedding dress .

  26. 星期四我将最后试穿一下我的结婚礼服。

    I 'm having the final fitting of my wedding dress on thursday .

  27. 有些新娘穿着她们母亲或祖母穿过的结婚礼服。

    Some brides wear the wedding dress worn by their mother or grandmother .

  28. 这件结婚礼服重63.5公斤,比新娘本人还沉。

    The bride 's 63.5 kg wedding dress weighed more than she did .

  29. 这对冰上爱侣身着结婚礼服,享受这场迟到已久的婚礼。

    The pair skated in wedding outfits as they enjoyed their long-delayed wedding party .

  30. 你是在这里卖结婚礼服

    You 're here to sell wedding dresses .