
  • 网络Santa Ana;Sant'Anna;Sainte-Anne;St.Anne
  1. 1970年9月,圣安娜风(SantaAnaWinds)引发的野火在加州四处蔓延,席卷400平方英里。

    In September 1970 , wildfires sparked by Santa Ana winds spread across 400 square miles of California .

  2. 加州圣安娜鲍尔斯博物馆的地质学家兼主席PeterKeller如是说,该馆目前正在展览这其中的一些宝藏。

    a geologist and president of the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana , California , which is currently hosting an exhibit of some of these treasures .

  3. 加利福尼亚州圣安娜的一家法庭判定,MGAEntertainment并未窃取商业秘密,美泰提起的贝兹知识产权主张也不成立。

    A court in Santa Ana , California ruled that mga entertainment did not steal trade secrets , nor did Mattel have a valid copyright claim on the Bratz franchise .

  4. 意大利比圣安娜高等学校的感知机器人实验室(Percro)推出的BodyExtender,是工业应用辅助设备中最复杂的设备之一。

    Among the most complex assist devices for industrial use is the Body Extender , the work of the Perceptual Robotics Laboratory ( better known as Percro ) at the ScuolaSuperioreSant ' Anna near Pisa , Italy .

  5. 说起茶壶和煎锅,就想到大钟圣安娜。

    Catherine 's.Poker 's and tongs , Say the bells at St.

  6. 他搬进了位置,他的部队战斗圣安娜。

    He moved his forces into a position to fight Santa Ana .

  7. 虽然这是发生,圣安娜是他的军队向北移动。

    While this was happening , Santa Ana was moving his army north .

  8. 现在,我知道他们在圣安娜朝北13英里的地方。

    Now , they 're 13 miles up the road in Santa Ana .

  9. 他迈着他的小部队东,只是提前圣安娜的士兵。

    He marched his small force east , just ahead of Santa Anna 's soldiers .

  10. 墨西哥军队,由总统圣安娜亲自领导,攻击约一百八十德州的阿拉莫。

    Mexican army , led by President Santa Anna himself , was attacking about one-hundred-eighty Texans at the Alamo .

  11. 名为圣安娜的大风驱使着来自沙漠高原的干热空气向西然后向南进入南加州。

    The Santa Ana winds , which whip dry air from the desert plateau westwards and downwards into southern California .

  12. 在星期二汽车制造业者要求罢免的诉讼根据圣安娜的判决已经移送联邦诉讼。

    On Tuesday the automaker moved to dismiss the federal lawsuits that have been consolidated under a judge in Santa Ana .

  13. 季风圣安娜助长(加剧)了大火的蔓延。通风不良室内火蔓延行为的大涡模拟

    Intense wildfires have been fueled by fierce Santa Ana winds . Large eddy simulation of fire spread behavior in an under-ventilated room

  14. 十年之内,多纳和梅拉尼把新公司从车库搬到了圣安娜的一个设计工作室。

    Within ten years , Dana and Melanie Harvey moved their new company from their garage into a design studio Santa Ana , California .

  15. 对于没有在洛杉矶生活过的人们来说,他们是很难想象圣安娜飓风在当地人心目中的形象的。

    It is hard for people who have not lived in Los Angeles to realize how radically the Santa Ana figures in the local imagination .

  16. 而且在圣贝纳迪诺山谷的倾盆大雨后一个男人已经被从圣安娜河的流水中捞起。

    And a man had to be pulled from the fast moving water of the Santa Ana River after a massive downpour in the San Bernardino Valley .

  17. 纽波特海滩,成立于1906年,是一个城市在美国加州橙县,10英里(16公里)市区以南圣安娜。

    Newport Beach , incorporated in1906 , is a city in Orange County , California , 10 miles ( 16 km ) south of downtown Santa Ana .

  18. 虽然我没有听说或者读到圣安娜飓风要来了,可是我知道它会来,而且我今天见到的所有人几乎都知道。

    I have neither heard nor read that a Santa Ana is due , but I know it , and almost everyone I have seen today knows it too .

  19. 数以百计的人们涌入座落在华沙市中心的圣安娜教堂参加为遇难者举行的一次特别弥撒,这是波兰人守夜和悼念的一部分。

    More vigils and tributes - hundreds of people crowded into the Church of Saint Anna in central Warsaw for a special mass for those killed in the crash .

  20. 罗浮宫称这是“一个意外的发现”,这些素描是馆员对达芬奇十五世纪油画作品“圣母、圣子和圣安娜”进行例行检查时,在罗浮宫实验室发现的。

    Describing the find as " an exceptional discovery , " the museum said in a statement that the drawings were found when the Da Vinci 1500s oil " virgin and child with St Anne " was undergoing routine examination in the Louvre laboratory .