
dì xià hé shì yàn
  • underground nuclear test;under nuclear test
  1. 美国内华达州地下核试验基地的地壳结构;

    The crustal structure of the underground nuclear test base of Nevada , USA ;

  2. 模拟以假想2013年1月伊朗宣布成功进行地下核试验作为起点。

    The starting point for the simulation was the announcement of a successful Iranian underground nuclear test in January 2013 .

  3. ~(37)Ar用于视察地下核试验的尝试

    Application of ~ ( 37 ) Ar in the Verification of a Clandestine Nuclear Test

  4. 北韩已经进行了两次地下核试验。

    The North Koreans have conducted two underground nuclear tests .

  5. 石灰岩介质中地下核试验熔岩的矿物研究及其形成过程

    Mineralogy and formation of melt rocks produced during an underground nuclear explosion in the limestone medium

  6. 苏联和美国规定了不超过15万吨级的地下核试验限制。

    The USSR and the United States act a ceiling of 150 kilotons on underground nuclear tests .

  7. 朝鲜表示,此次地下核试验代表着重要的技术进步。试验触发里氏4.7级地震。

    North Korea said the underground test , which triggered a tremor of magnitude 4.7 , represented an important technical advance .

  8. 结果表明:监测土壤中37Ar的含量可有效地核查地下核试验。

    The research indicates that it is feasible to verify an underground nuclear test by monitoring 37 Ar sample from the underground soil .

  9. 这一动作之前,北韩进行了地下核试验并且宣布拒绝承认1953年签署的朝鲜战争停战协定。

    They acted after North Korea tested a nuclear device and threatened to discard the1953 armistice that ended the fighting in the Korean War .

  10. 在朝鲜进行地下核试验,悍然向全世界宣称拥有了原子弹的时候,我正在莫斯科。

    I was in Moscow when North Korea conducted its underground nuclear test , brazenly announcing to the world that it now had the bomb .

  11. 上个月,在北韩进行地下核试验之后,安理会通过了一项决议案,在加重已有制裁措施的同时又增加了一些新的措施。

    Last month , the Security Council unanimously passed a resolution tightening existing sanctions and imposing additional ones , after Pyongyang conducted an underground nuclear test .

  12. 美国、韩国官员已经表示,他们担心朝鲜政府可能也在准备第三次地下核试验,这加重了外界对朝鲜本次卫星发射的担忧。

    Fears about the launch have intensified as US and South Korean officials have voiced concerns Pyongyang could also be preparing for a third subterranean atomic bomb test .

  13. 此番的导弹试射与地下核试验可视为第五个回合,是朝鲜核、导角逐战略以攻为守的转换。

    This time , the launching of the missile and underground nuclear test contains five rounds , which is to convert into defense for attack strategic in the competition .

  14. 该仪器是为地下核试验放射性核素测量而研制的专用设备,系统主要由井上主机系统、γ能谱探管系统、测井绞车控制系统、数据采集及处理系统等组成。

    The instrument is an exclusive use equipment of measuring underground nuclear test radionuclide . The instrument system is made up of main instrument system ? γ energy spectrum detector system ?

  15. 北韩的媒体也证实了这次核试验。一名北韩播音员说,北韩成功地进行了一次地下核试验,向整个世界证明了,北韩拥有所谓的“自卫核威慑力量”。

    A North Korean newsreader says the country " successfully conducted one more underground nuclear test ," demonstrating what Pyongyang calls its " self-defensive nuclear deterrent " to the entire world .

  16. 一名北韩播音员说,北韩成功地进行了一次地下核试验,向整个世界证明了,北韩拥有所谓的“自卫核威慑力量”。

    A North Korean newsreader says the country " successfully conducted one more underground nuclear test , " demonstrating what Pyongyang calls its " self-defensive nuclear deterrent " to the entire world .

  17. 过去几周,韩方一再拖延加入该项目,但专家说自朝方周一的地下核试验使得韩方别无选择。

    For weeks , South Korean officials delayed expected announcements it would join , but experts say they had no other choice after Monday 's underground nuclear weapons test by the North .

  18. 研究了测定受热中子辐照的钚样品中~(242)cm/~(241)Am放射性活度比的两种方法,并将其成功地应用于地下核试验样品的分析中。

    Two methods of determinating the 242Cm / 241Am activity ratio in plutonium samples irradiated by thermal neutrons are studied . They are applied successfully in the sample analysis of underground nuclear tests .

  19. 他还特别提到莫斯科和北京对北韩宣布进行地下核试验,以及试射三枚短程地对空导弹的报导做出的反应。

    He made specific mention of the response from Moscow and Beijing to North Korea 's announcement of an underground nuclear test , and the reported test firing of three short range ground-to-air missiles .

  20. 本文首先在总结历次地下核试验力学效应测试数据的基础上得出地下核爆炸波在切向坑道防护区段处的速度时程分布曲线。

    Firstly , the speed-time frequency curve of the nuclear explosion wave in the protective range of the tangential gallery is made , which based on the summary of mechanical effects and test data from previous occasions of underground nuclear tests .

  21. 活动强度不断扩大,甚至影响了地震观测台站所应记录到地震事件的数据质量,使得记录到的地震信号中包含了很多人工源事件,如地下核试验、矿山爆破等。

    These activities are continuously intensified , and ever severely deteriorate the qualities of seismic records observed by earthquake observatories , incurring recorded seismic signals may contain a lot of artificial events , such as underground nuclear test and mine blasting .

  22. 朝鲜称其已进行了一次地下核武器试验。

    North Korea says it 's conducted an underground nuclear weapons test .

  23. 此前,朝鲜分别于2006、2009、2013年进行了地下核武器试验。

    North Korea has previously conducted underground nuclear tests respectively in 2006 , 2009 and 2013 .