
  1. 建成黄圃腊味国家地理标志保护产品。

    Promote symbolized local Huangpu preserved ham product .

  2. 我国有丰富的名优茶,名优茶叶是最适合使用地理标志保护的产品之一。

    Tea leaf is one of the most suitable product to be protected of using geographical indication .

  3. 秦安花椒是秦安县继秦安蜜桃之后,第二个获得地理标志保护认定的产品。

    Following is the Qinan Qin'an Qin'an pepper peach , the second time for the protection of geographical indications identified products .

  4. 而在世界贸易组织即将开始的新一轮多边谈判中,地理标志保护是农产品谈判中的重要议题。

    In the upcoming session of WTO multilateral negotiation , Geographical Indications protection is a major topic in the talk on agricultural commodities .