
  • 网络Capital Flow;movement of capital;TIC
  1. 论国际资本流动与金融危机的关系&兼析加入WTO后不断加剧的国际资本流动给我国带来的风险

    Research on the Relation Between International Capital Flow and Financial Crises

  2. 本文从汇率制度、资本流动与货币政策的新视角分析加入WTO后我国货币市场发展的问题。

    This article analyzes the development of money market after China entering WTO from the new visual angle of exchange rate system , capital flow and monetary policy .

  3. WTO框架下的金融服务贸易与资本流动和金融稳定

    Take in Finacial Service and Capital Circulation and Financial

  4. 通过运用Kalman滤波技术对中国的资本流动性进行动态分析,并没有发现1997年亚洲金融危机后中国采取更加严格的资本管制对资本流动性产生影响的证据。

    Lastly we evaluate the capital mobility in China with Kalman filter .

  5. 从20世纪80年代以来,FDI已经成为国际资本流动的主要形式。

    Since the 1980s , the FDI has become a main way of international capital movements .

  6. 如何通过进一步吸引外资,尤其是国际资本流动的主要形式&外商直接投资(FDI)来促进中国经济的发展,是特别需要关注的问题。

    How to absorb foreign capital especially Foreign Direct Investment ( abbreviated FDI ) is need especially attention for us .

  7. 外国直接投资(ForeignDirectinvestment,FDI)已成为国际资本流动的主要方式,对东道国经济发展产生愈来愈重要的影响。

    The foreign direct investment has already become the international capital circulation main way , has had a more and more important impact on economic development of host country .

  8. 要建立能够适应WTO挑战的货币供给机制,必须考虑资本流动和汇率波动对本国货币供给的影响。

    The inflow of foreign capital and the fluctuation of foreign exchange rate and other factors like these will give high impact on domestic money supply .

  9. 对于加入WTO体系后的中国,随着改革开放的不断深入,推动国际资本流动的自由化已成为必然趋势。

    After attending WTO , with the development of Open and Reform , there is a high necessary for China to further the liberalization of international capital flows .

  10. 我国加入WTO以后会计作为国际通用的商业语言,在促进国际贸易、国际资本流动和国际经济交流等方面的作用将更加突出,加快会计国际化的步伐显得日益紧迫;

    After entering the WTO , Accounting , as a common business language , is playing increasingly important role in international trade . capital exchange and international economic communication .

  11. 文章特别阐述了FDI的技术外溢效应是通过竞争、示范与模仿、前后向联系、人力资本流动四种途径发挥作用的。

    And FDI technology diffusion This paper specially analyses the four channels that can produce spillover effect . They are competition , imitation , contact and the flowage of labor .

  12. 同时,外资制度溢出本质上是FDI的制度外部性,而制度的溢出路径遵循示范效应、竞争效应、联系效应和人力资本流动效应四种机制。

    The essentially of FDI spillover effect is institutional externality , and the institutional spillover path follows the demonstration effect , competition effect , four mechanisms of contact effect and human capital flow effects .

  13. 加入WTO将是中国经济的第二次对外开放,将对我国当前的贸易政策、利率政策和资本流动政策产生深远影响,而这些政策将影响我国宏观财政政策的效应。

    Entering into WTO Will be China 's opening for the second time , which will make a long influence on the trade policy , interest policy and capital moving policy in our country which will influence the macro fiscal policy 's effect .

  14. 通过建立开放经济条件下的CGE模型来分析国际资本流动的经济增长效应,具有重要意义。

    It is of great significance to analyze the economic growth effects of international capital circulation by forming the CGE Pattern under the condition of opened-up CGE Method economy .

  15. 中国加入WTO后,更为灵活的汇率制度、规模扩大的资本流动既有利于我国参与世界金融资源的配置,也是对中国货币政策调控能力和金融安全的一个严峻考验。

    After China entering WTO , the more flexible exchange rate system and greater volume of capital flow will not only help China participating in the allocation of global financial resources , but also present a critical challenge to China 's monitoring capability of monetary policy and financial safety .

  16. 对于我国银行稳定性影响因素,本文选取了宏观经济指标、金融指标、国际资本流动指标通过Granger因果检验、协整检验进行实证分析,得出国际资本流动对我国银行体系稳定性产生了影响。

    This part has been selected macroeconomic indicators , financial indicators , international capital flows indicators through empirical analysis on the Granger causality test , cointegration test , we found international capital flows on the stability of banking system had a negative affected .

  17. 我国国内资本流动的结构性变迁研究

    The Research of Structural Change of Domestic Capital Flow of China

  18. 资本流动的新区位观与西部开发

    New area position concept of capital flow and the west development

  19. 国际资本流动新趋势与中国的应对策略

    The New Trend of International Capital Flow and China 's Strategy

  20. 1982-2005年中国省域资本流动差异解析

    The Analysis of Capital Flow among China 's Provinces in 1982-2005

  21. 中国省际间人力资本流动原因的隐变量分析

    Latent Variable Analysis of Provincial-Level Migration of Human Capital in China

  22. 地下资本流动、误差与遗漏和外汇储备

    Underground Capital Flow , Errors and Omissions versus Foreign Reserves

  23. 军事人力资本流动及其产权分析

    Flow of military manpower capital and the analysis of its property right

  24. 资本流动导致赤字的天性也是个麻烦。

    The nature of the capital inflows financing a deficit also matters .

  25. 结构性衍生工具与新兴市场国际资本流动中的集体非理性

    Structured Derivatives and Collective Irrationality in International Capital Flows to Emerging Markets

  26. 人民币汇率改革对资本流动的影响

    The Effect of RMB Exchange Rate Reform on Capital Flow

  27. 资本流动易变性及其经济效应分析

    An Analysis of Variability and Economic Effects of Capital Flow

  28. 国际短期资本流动管理论

    The Study of the Management of International Short-term Capital Flow

  29. 相关的资本流动将触发进一步的变化。

    The associated capital flows will trigger further change .

  30. 对于我国而言,从短期来看,国际资本流动促进了经济增长;

    In the short run , international capital flows accelerates the economic growth ;