
  1. 中国航天事业将保持长期稳定发展。

    It will keep up stable growth in the long run .

  2. 西安是中国航天事业发展最重要的地区。

    Xi'an is the most important area of China 's aerospace industrial development .

  3. 20世纪初,经过相关部门重重检测,飞亚达从众多腕表品牌中脱颖而出,成为中国航天事业合作夥伴。

    Fiyta became the official timekeeper for China 's aeronautical exploits in the20th Century despite intense competition from numerous wristwatch brands .

  4. 中国航天事业的发展宗旨是:探索外层空间,扩展对宇宙和地球的认识;

    The aims of china 's space activities are : to explore outer space , and learn more about the cosmos and the earth ;

  5. 中国在航天事业方面的发展取得了巨大进步。

    China has made great progress in developing its space industry .

  6. 《考克斯报告》对中国的航天事业也进行了大量的歪曲。

    The Cox Report also offers a large number of distortions about China 's space undertakings .

  7. 为把中国的航天事业搞上去而奋力拼搏&北京空间机电研究所成立45年的历程回顾

    Strive to Develop the Chinese Space Cause Review on 45 Years ' History of Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics Electricity

  8. 从这次旅行中我们看到了我们国家美好的未来,它证明了中国在航天事业方面的发展取得了巨大的进步。

    We see a bright future for our country from this trip , it has proved that china has made great progress in developing its space industry .

  9. 航天活动在维护国家利益、实施国家发展战略中的重要地位和作用,决定了中国发展航天事业的宗旨和原则。

    The aims and principles of china 's space activities are determined by their important status and function in protecting china 's national interests and implementing the state 's development strategy .

  10. 中国导弹、航天事业五十年

    50 Years of Missile and Space Cause in China

  11. 毋庸置疑,中国的航空航天事业在过去的几十年里已经取得了辉煌的成就。

    It is beyond doubt that China has made brilliant achievements in aviation and space industry in the past decades .

  12. 太空中相继升起近80颗中国的人造地球卫星&庆贺中国航天事业创建50周年

    About 80 Chinese Artificial Earth Satellites Were Launched One after another into the Space & Celebrate the 50 ~ ( th ) Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Space Cause