
tū biàn
  • mutation;sudden change;break;change suddenly;accident;revulsion;transilience;quantum leap;turnabout
突变 [tū biàn]
  • (1) [sudden change;revulsion]∶突然急剧的变化或改变

  • 天气的突变

  • 情绪的突变

  • (2) [mutation]∶生物体的基因型的突然变化,但并不由重组所产生,遗传物质可能在性质上和数量上发生变更或重排

  • 基因突变

突变[tū biàn]
  1. 他的情绪突变搞得她全然不知所措。

    She was totally bewildered by his sudden change of mood .

  2. 我们没有预料到这样的天气突变。

    We hadn 't bargained for this sudden change in the weather .

  3. 她在董事会的人事突变中失去了职位。

    She lost her position in a boardroom coup .

  4. 我带了各种衣服去度假,以防天气突变。

    I take an assortment of clothes on holiday , as a provision against the vagaries of the weather .

  5. 初看起来,很难理解西方为何会立场突变。

    It is , on the face of it , difficult to see how the West could radically change its position .

  6. 天气突变。

    There was a sudden change in the weather .

  7. 突变理论为建立系统的复杂动力学模型提供了一个清晰的框架。

    Catastrophe theory provides a coherent framework for modelling the complex dynamics of systems .

  8. 采用互补测验可迅速地将某一未知突变型归属于某一特定基因。

    By using the complementation test an unknown mutant can be rapidly assigned to a particular gene .

  9. 干细胞除了可累积并保存这些致癌突变外,还具有强大的增殖能力,使它成为癌化的理想目标。

    In addition to accumulating and preserving these oncogenic scars , a stem cell 's enormous proliferative capacity makes it an ideal target for malignancy .

  10. 基因突变是指DNA密码的改变

    Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code .

  11. 对高活性突变株M14的细胞转化和发酵转化条件进行优化

    The conditions of fermentable and enzymatic conversion of M14 were optimized .

  12. 他们发现基因突变在厌食症患者中更为常见。

    They found mutations that were far more common in anorexia patients .

  13. 动物的脱氧核糖核酸可能遭到了各种各样的突变破坏。

    All sorts of mutational damage to animals ' DNA would have occurred .

  14. 而一旦分离出变异体,对应的突变基因就可以鉴定出来了。

    Once mutants have been isolated , the mutated gene can be molecularly identified .

  15. 研究人员分析了基因突变人群的基因变化与近视或花在学业上时间的关系。

    The researchers studied what happened to people who had mutations in their DNA2 that were either linked to short-sightedness or to spending a long time in education .

  16. 一些基因突变确实影响了脑功能,但也有一些基因突变出现在控制身体新陈代谢的指令中,尤其是控制血糖水平和身体脂肪的指令中。

    Some mutations did affect brain function , but others were found in the instructions that control the body 's metabolism5 , particularly around blood sugar levels and body fat .

  17. 口腔白斑和鳞癌中P(53)基因突变的PCR&SSCP分析

    PCR-SSCP study the mutation of P53 gene in oral leukoplakia and squamous cell carcinoma

  18. 低能重离子引起DNA链断裂和诱发基因突变谱的研究

    Study on DNA Strand Breaks and Mutation Spectrum Induced by Low-energy Heavy Ions

  19. 用直接测定基因组DNA序列的方法检测β-地中海贫血基因突变

    Direct-Genomic DNA Sequencing Technique and It 's Application to Detecting β - Thalassemia Mutations

  20. 线粒体DNA突变与氨基糖甙类抗生素致聋

    Mitochondrial DNA Mutation and Aminoglycoside Antibiotic Induced Deafness

  21. 小鼠肿瘤线粒体DNA突变研究

    MtDNA mutations in mouse tumors

  22. 阿尔茨海默病患者神经细丝mRNA含量及突变的检测

    Detection of level and mutation of neurofilament mRNA in Alzheimer ′ s disease

  23. 但与C末端缺失的突变型P53(342mutant-stop)却没有共定位关系。

    But not with mutant P53 ( 342-stop ) of which C-terminal is a mutant deletion .

  24. 将打靶载体电穿孔入卡介苗,筛选并鉴定卡介苗ERP基因缺失突变株。

    BCG mutation with deleted ERP gene was constructed .

  25. 食管癌P53基因第5外显子突变分析

    Analysis on p53 gene exon 5 mutations in esophageal cancer

  26. PCR产物直接序列分析法检出一例中国人β-地中海贫血罕见突变类型

    Detection of rare mutation of β - thalassemia by direct sequence analysis of the PCR products

  27. 基于Kalman滤波的机械系统微弱突变振动信号的检测方法

    Detection Method of Weakly Abrupt Vibrations of Mechanical System Based on Kalman Filter

  28. 目的:研究无花果提取液(figextract,FE)致突变及抗突变效应。

    Purpose : To study the mutagenic and antimutagenic effects of fig extract ( FE ) .

  29. 卵巢癌细胞凋亡和细胞倍性与p53基因突变的关系

    Relationship Between p53 Gene Mutation and Apoptosis and Cell Ploidy of Ovarian Carcinoma

  30. 同时应用DNA序列分析确定gsp癌基因突变率。

    Mutation rate of gsp oncogene was identified by DNA sequential analysis .